Friday, 26 April 2013

This week's smiles....week 15

Here we are at another Friday with a happy post to share.  I am thrilled to share with you the news that little Sam seems much better now and hopefully that is the last we shall see of the inside of a hospital for a while at least  :-)

There were some photos of wonderful flowers shared this really makes us all feel better to see the sun and the spring flowers showing their bright colourful faces doesn't it?
My featured blog this week just has to be Sam's over at Hettiecraft.  She posts a funny every Friday to make us laugh and this week really made me chuckle....I always have a lot of problems opening a jar ;-)

The pic I am sharing this week is this one...

Little Steve is Mummy's little helper especially now both his big sisters have mornings at school and this week he enjoyed fetching the shopping delivery from the front door to his mummy in the kitchen in his little shopping trolley....couldn't we all do with a little helper like Steve?

Now come on folk go look around you and snap away with your camera at all the wonderful things in your life that are making you smile this week....... and why not share them with your blogging friends?  There is enough doom and gloom on the telly and it really does us all good to focus on happy things.  Link your happy pictures below any time during the next really doesn't just have to be today....and next Friday I will choose one of you as my week's best smiles.


1. Angie said...

What a great little helper...and a great use of that shopping trolly cute ...and yes I beamed at him.xx

2. Di said...

Aw bless him - a lovely start to the day, big smile here. Hugs, Di xx

3. Twiglet said...

I could do with the little helper here!! x Jo

4. Carol said...

Oh yes, I could do with such a great little helper.
Thank you for the Friday smiles, they do start the weekend off in the right way.
Carol xx

5. Hettie said...

Great piccie this week Annie and love little Steve. He can come and assist me anytime!

6. shazsilverwolf said...

How sweet! I've linked to my WOYWW post this week, with the pic of my son & his new adopted cat!

7. Caro said...

So glad that Sam is doing better. Little Steve is adorable...that really is the cutest picture. Thanks for sharing & hosting us! Caro xx

8. Nan G said...

He sure looks happy! Love the new blog pretty.

9. Flutterby Patch said...

Thanks for popping into Flutterby Patch Annie. Who couldn't be cheerful with a super sewing room like yours. What a gorgeously useful space. Keep smilin' x

10. Anne said...

Hi Annie so pleased hat Sam is so much better now. Such a worrying time for you all. I was just checking one or two things on my blog and realised I didn't have you on my blog list and even more bizarre had not become a follower. I really thought I was!!! Have just made good :-) Hugs Anne x

11. Kezzy said...

Oh Annie thank goodness Sam is feeling better and how cute is little Steve helping his mum. Happy Crafting :-) hugs Kezzy xxx