Wednesday, 1 May 2013


I have had a really industrious week.  I've made lots that I cant show you and I've used lots of snippets but can't link them on Di's blog cos they have to stay hidden....for a while at least  :-)

So what is on my desk this week?.....

Do you remember this from a couple of weeks back?
 Well, I have now used that yummy fabric and bits and made 24 completed ATCs for the 4th Birthday swap that's coming up next month and I've also made cards for them to go inside....wont show you them yet but here they all are proudly standing up in my little box waiting to be posted.
If you haven't sent me your details yet but would like to swap with me then please email me your details so I can add you to my list....I'm happy to make more if needed  :-)

Teddy hospital has been open this week

I had these two, very sad, special friends arrive needing loving attention because they had been attacked by a dog and  come off worse.  Wolfie had lost two eyes and his nose and little teddy had lost an eye and needed restuffing.

Here they are, all lovingly repaired and waiting patiently for their owner to come and collect them.
As you can see I get all sorts of jobs to do here and get trusted with very special friends to put right....I guess being a nurse in my former life helps when it comes to giving anaesthetics and performing life saving surgery.  :-)

For all those who left such caring comments last week I must add a huge thank you and let you know that Sam has now bounced back to full health....and I'm sure all your get well wishes played a huge part so big hugs to each and every one of you.

Thanks for dropping by to see what I've been up to this week.  If you leave me a comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit but I not only had the twinnie munchkins yesterday but they have an extra day with me today so it will have to be either tonight or tomorrow when I get round to popping in to say hello.

Annie x


1. Lynn Holland said...

Awh I can just imagine a child's face when they get there treasured bear back. Beautiful
Lynn 42

2. Twiglet said...

Boxes of ATCs - your desk and mine!! x Jo

3. okienurse said...

WTG nurse Annie. Love the recovering bears. I am sure the child that gets their treasured friends back will be so very happy! I am going to send an email requesting a spot in your ATC swap...if I can find the link! Have a great week. Vickie #41

4. Lunch Lady Jan said...

You could have your own tv show....Emergency Ward 10 Sewing Bee! What do you thing? I'm sure it would get a lot of viewers!!
Glad to hear that Sam is fully recovered.
Hugs, LLJ 27 xxx

5. JoZart Designs said...

Thank goodness for your nursing skills and added to your sewing skills it makes you a top class toy surgeon!
I'm so very impressed with all those ATCs... I can see me making mine in Slovenia when I'm with Dolores soon!
Jo x

6. Sunshine Girl said...

Oh they are lovely - wow to all the ATCs too! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl 31.

7. Helen said...

I think your bears could have counted for your Friday smile!! how sweet... I haven't done anywhere near that many atc's for the swap!! wonder if I will have time to add to them...Have a productive day. Helen. 3

8. Julia Dunnit said...

Aw lucky bears I say! You have been busy Annie, although I wonder why I express surprise. Rising panic I ATCs done here!

9. shazsilverwolf said...

Thats wonderful news about Sam, that must be such a weight off your mind.The teddies do look superb after their surgery/makeover- so many ATC's! I've got to get started yet, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #81

10. The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

I have an old teddy in need of just that kind of surgery. You are very clever! happy woyww jenx 90

11. glitterandglue said...

Great news about Sam - and what a special gift you have - to be able to bring life back to much loved friends.
Have a great week.

12. Angie said...

24 atc's ...WOW.I have not made any ....4 weeks to go ...oh boy ....where does time go.
The repaired teds look so grateful and happy xx66

13. ria gall said...

Hi Annie
Oh my word I think I need to get making a lot more ATC's. I am new to ATC's and still trying to find my way round them as I normally work on 8"x 8"!
You seem to have so many talents that keep you busy
Happy WOYWW #204 and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #44

14. sandra de said...

Teddy bear repairs .... good to see your nursing skills and tailor skills merge to save the day.
Sandra @101

15. Unknown said...

Wow you have been busy! I love your Teddy Hospital - I could do with that, as my dog loves Teddies and not in a good way!!! Especially if they have a squeaky....
Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@57

16. famfa said...

Love your sick bay, well recovered. Glad Sam recovered too.
Famfa 111

17. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a wonderful thing to be trusted with that very special repair job. So glad to hear that Sam is back full strength xx
Fiona #124

18. Unknown said...

So glad you could fix the bears!
Karen #52

19. C said... sweet. Nursing teddies back to life is a very important job! Happy WOYWW #100

20. Maisie Moonshine said...

Well done Nurse Nancy - just like new! Have a great week MMx #56

21. Caro said...

Wow, those have been repaired so well. You are a fantastic surgeon. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#70)

22. Anonymous said...

How SWEET are those bears?! Great desk. Happy Wednesday!

23. pearshapedcrafting said...

Lucky bears! They look good after their ops. So glad that Sam is better, Chris#82

24. Spyder said...

oho my goodness you've dine all those ATC's already even though you're sooo busy all the time! gold star goes to you this week!! I'm soooooooooo late I'm almost in next week already! No internet which was VERY scarrrry!! Have a great crafty week!
Happy Very late WOyWW!

(((Lyn))) #142

25. Kezzy said...

Hi Annie so glad Sam is feeling better. Wow you did some mega good surgery on the teddy bears, I bet their owner will be so pleased :-). Wow your organised, I definitely want to swap so shall send my details :-). I have to admit I'm a little bit better organised this year as I have actually started ideas in my sketch book so that is a bonus :-) Happy Woyww, hope your feeling well, can't wait to see what you do with all those gorgeous ribbon. I have looked out for you while on facebook but your little green button hasn't been on, but that could be because of you being so busy. Lots of hugs coming your way :-) Kezzy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26. Spyder said...

sorry I for got to say those bears are just tooooo cute!!


27. fairy thoughts said...

ah well done for the surgery, there will no doubt be 2 very happy little people
janet #32

28. SueH said...

Well only a day late but at least I made it round………eventually!
Your life always sounds hectic to me Annie but it sounds like you’ve had an even busier week that normal……..Kiddies, ATC’s and Bears……..what next!
I pleased that you want to swap ATC on the 29th. I’ve done nowhere near the 24 that you’ve managed to make so I guess I’d better get my finger out.
Email me Here with your address and I’ll pop one in the post to you nearer the time. I’ll email you back with my own details.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @#86

29. Cazzy said...

How fabulous that you run a bear hospital! They certainly look better after you fixed them!


Cazzy x #157

30. BumbleVee said...

oh, noooo...poor little teddies!! You did right by them though....and they look so much better for their visit ...whew.... bad dog, bad dog!! I hope somebody pays more attention to where they drop poor Ted now...

31. Sue from Oregon said...

A wee bit late this week, but I made it! Oh my you are organized with your ATC's all done already! Thanks for popping it to say Hello!
Happy WOYWW...Sue K --14

32. Neet said...

Sorry I am so late in posting on your WOYWW blog this time but I have been busy. I was away with some friends and then I went out for a meal and I met this lovely lady and her good man. All these things take time out of commenting you know. But they aren't half worth it.
It was great to see you.
You are putting me to shame with all those atc's ready - and judging by the photo above they will be gorgeous.