Friday, 5 April 2013

This week's smiles....week 12

Hello to all calling by to either join in the fun by linking up your own happy posts or those calling by just to be cheered up by our fun and giggles.

I know for sure you will go away smiling and that has to be good for you.

Last week was another fab week and many joined in the fun.  There were wonderful happy family times shared, animal shares and poetry shares.  This week I just have to highlight Di's post because although I know it was instigated by two mad sisters [Jo and I!!!] it has caused such a giggle in the blogging world that it would be nice to make sure others enjoy our mad fun too.  If Di didn't collect knickers it would never have happened  :-)  Do pop over here to check out her post.

I am sharing

A video of our little groover,  Steve.  He just loves to dance to any music and here you can see him while he is eating his lunch.  I just dare you not to smile at this.  :-)

Also a pic of our little independent Lexi enjoying her tea.....she even picked up every grain of rice and cleared her dish.....yum yum.
I hope you have enjoyed my smiles this week and will join in the fun by linking your own happy posts below.
Have a great week.
Annie x


1. Angie said...

Oh bless him ...such a good feel for the music ...yes that made me smile. Our little Olly bops at meal times too. Fancy Lexi totally clearing her bowl ....she deserves a big 'WELL DONE' xx

2. Gill Edwards said...

That video has really made me smile, bless his cotton socks he looks happy. Thanks for the first smile of Friday.

Gill x

3. Twiglet said...

Still smiling!! x Jo

4. fairy thoughts said...

grear pics love your little funkey man
thanks for the smile

5. famfa said...

Lovely post - made me smile 😃

6. Carol said...

Oh what a great little mover he is! Well done Lexi cleaning your plate.
I loved the post about the knickers.
So many smiles this week.
Thank you.
Carol xx

7. Caro said...

Love your little groover and Lexi demolishing her rice. Alex adores rice too and for his birthday tea asked for rice with chicken! Thanks for hosting! Caro xx

8. Lynn Holland said...

Can't stop smiling :-) xx

9. Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Fab, the video really made me chuckle ;-)
Anne x

10. BumbleVee said...

Wha' hoppen?..... I dunno..... here I try again.....

11. Kezzy said...

Hi Annie, Hope all is well, not spoke for ages, I guess your really busy, I hope it wasn't anything I said as I did have a challenging start to the new year. Oh wow I can Steve will be on Got to Dance one day lol, and when he noticed you were filming he started posing, bless he will be a charmer when he is older and Lexi so enjoying her tea. The knickers wow so funny it certainly made me smile lol. I really should try and find some photos of my kids when they did silly things, the thought really makes me smile :-) Hugs Kerry xxx

12. Neet said...

What a mover! Smile indeed.
Hugs, Neet

13. Hettie said...

Aw Bless! I was having happy moments in Chatsworth House last Friday and away on Saturday and Sunday, hence why I didn't clock in on Friday. Will post some pics for this week though. Love Chatsworth!