Wednesday, 3 April 2013

WOYWW....updated to show you Bertie

What has happened this week?  I've had a 5 day weekend because not only was it Easter weekend but the twins are on a 2 week Easter holiday so I didn't have them yesterday and I don't open up the shop on a Tuesday.  

So?  Why oh why am I chasing my tail and finding myself writing this post now?  I am usually so organised and have this ready on Tuesday.....and look after two 18 month old twins at the same time [that's what nap times are for aren't they?] !!!  Oh well  I guess it's just part of my 'I don't even know what day it is' life at the mo.  :-)  We took two more loads of stash to the charity shop and load number 12 to the tip at the weekend so it's not surprising my world is crumbling around me is it hehehe.

So on my desk now this very minute is.....

The quilt I was working on yesterday.  This one is definitely one for a baby.  The panel of fabric in the middle has teddies on so I have appliqued more teddies etc on each end to go with it.  I have kept back one of the little pictures to go on the front of the bag to match.  This is my LillyBo quilt number 7.

For those wondering where the little teddies were flying off to last week I can now tell you that they have arrived safely with Jo[zart].  They are already working hard to raise money for Chics, the Children's cancer support group.  Big sister Jo wrote a LillyBo bear poem to go with each little bear and each little bear will work their little bit of magic to bring comfort to all that buy one.....after all they were all made with love and a little sprinkle of magic was added to their stuffing.  :-)

I have also been working on my fabric book that I started back in February.  Please click here is you'd like to see where the inspiration came from.  I am really enjoying watching this develop and deciding what to do next as I go along.

We don't do things by halves here in Shropshire!!!
I know it's not actually on my work desk but Bertie buzzard has just flown down onto next door's front lawn to feed and I just had to  run out with my camera to snap it for you.....Isn't he stunning?  He was really huge with probably a 4 foot wingspan when he flew off.......amazing to be so close to nature.

Well folks, that's all from me for today....better late than never as they say.  :-)
I hope you have enjoyed the little peep into my world for this week.  If you'd like to leave a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit asap.
Annie x


1. Belinda Basson said...

A fabric book, now that looks interesting. Love the colours. #45

2. mamapez5 said...

You are lovely making all those quilts. My sister would love all your little bears (as do I). Some years ago she made lots of similar ones and I treasured mine.
I'm glad the twins have got over all their health problems. At least they should stay well to enjoy the summer now. Kate x #41

3. Helen said...

The quilt is stunning! no 7 already - you are an angel! Love the fabric book too. Have a good week, once you decide what day it is.... Helen 4

4. Anne said...

Annie I don't know how you manage as much as you do. The quilt is lovely and you put me to shame. Ned to go and have another look at the fabric book. Happy WOYWW Anne x #51

5. Twiglet said...

Gorgeous quilt Annie - no wonder you forgot to do your WOYWW post!! x Jo

6. Neet said...

Congrats on quilt no seven. Lovely!
Also love the look of what you have done for your fabric book. Hope you find time to work on it whilst visiting the tip with your downsizing.
Hugs Neet xx 6

7. ria gall said...

your quilt is beautiful such pretty fabric and talking of fabric look at that book you are making just stunning.
I hope you catch up with yourself soon

Enjoy your WOYWW sunny day today
Ria #65

8. shazsilverwolf said...

Wow, how wonderful to have a buzzard land that close. They are awesome birds, aren't they? Love the fabric book idea, showing my age here, I remember when fabric books were on sale, for babies& toddlers. Don't know if they still are. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz.xx

9. Angie said...

Not sure which gave me the biggest WOW that you are creating another gorgeous quilt at the amazing material page or wow at capturing that stunning buzzard. Thankyou for sharing.xx

10. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

hullo there Annie so lovely to see such beautiful work as usual Annie love the baby bear quilt!!

... and the book too popped over to see the other post as well wow cant believe you have buzzards thought they were only in US - see how little I know of northern hemisphere!

happy 200 WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x #9

11. Spyder said...

Baby's cot quilt is gorgeous! love it! And Bertie looks fit and well too! When Jinx, the lodger cat's been out in the garden (killing mice and baby rats) we have a load of magpies and crows and more that once some kind of buzzard that swoops in so fast, he's just a blurrrrrr...(taking the dead creatures away, thankfully!)
Have a great woyww
((Lyn))) #52

12. Di said...

Love the quilt Annie - and Bertie is quite something! We now have quite a lot of Red Kites in this area, isn't Nature wonderful!

Hugs, Di xx

13. Cardarian said...

Oh you are sooo good you have made so many lovely quilts and bears too and you are still going! Love the quilts! Bertie is one lovely bird!
Lots of hugs,

14. Hettie said...

Lovely piccies of projects there Annie.
As for Bertie, we have a pair that keep swooping low over the Hen Run! Not sure if they try to get the Girls, or their food, but I think they would have a good fight from the Girls! They are beautiful though.
Don't you feel good at letting stuff go?

15. Carmen said...

Wow! Bertie is amazing! What a gorgeous creature.

I cannot wait to see your fabric book finished too. It's one of my goals to make a fabric journal at some point (in my life!) I saw one at the Pickleberry Crafts shop before it closed - but that was not the workshop I was there doing. It was so yummy and tactile. Yours looks like it is too!

16. Unknown said...

Your fabric book is stunning. I love the colors. Happy crafting #92

17. SueH said...

Loving your material book Annie, it’s so colourful and is going to look amazing when it’s finished.
Can’t believe that you’ve on quilt no. 7 already. At this rate I’m going to have to make Jo some more cards because she’s going to be running low some time soon.
Thanks for stopping by this week.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 72

18. Winnie said...

Love your quilts and fabric book cover, so pretty. Such colors. I love tht the quilts are going to charity! You will be bringing lots of smiles! I have never seen a buzzard in the wild, just in zoos, and so I am amazed! Very cool! Enjoy the day! Winnie#70

19. Anonymous said...

The fabric book is going to be beautiful! Love the colors. The baby blanket is adorable.

20. famfa said...

Lovely quilt. Fabulous teddy send. Laughed a lot re.scrabble tiles and BAG, very funny
Famfa 88

21. Unknown said...

Very pretty quilt and the felt book is looking fantastic too.

Have you found a buyer for your house yet?

22. KatzElbows said...

What a fabulous book. The background is gorgeous and I love the way the stamped flower gives your embroidered ones even more depth.

Thank you so much for sharing,
Rachel #34

23. Angela Toucan said...

beautiful fabric book, cute quilt and fabulous photo.

enjoy the holidays
blessings from Angela

24. Gill Edwards said...

Annie, that piece of felt is it? is gorgeous and the embroidered flowers on it too
Lucky you seeing and snapping a buzzard, im a keen birdwatcher and am green with envy ;-D

have a good week
Gill x

25. jill said...

Happy woyww, good project your working on Jill #28

26. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

You were still earlier than me Annie! I don't usually manage to get anything on my 'desk' until after lunch so can't post until then. Your fabric book is looking beautiful xx
Fiona #120

27. fairy thoughts said...

Hi Annie, It's amazing you get anything done at all with your little ones... I remember it well, nap times are for mums too. but too tempting to use the time to catch up with life's essentials. well done on gorgeous quilt no. 7 It all makes sense now ... I didnt realise you ane Jo were sisters.
janet #27

28. glitterandglue said...

Lovely quilt. Well done. A busy looking workspace as usual.
Have a great week.
Margaret (glitterandglue 80)

29. Karen said...

Bertie is fabulous, you are so lucky. Your quilts are gorgeous, they will be loved by their recipients. Happy WOYWW. Karen 124 x

30. voodoo vixen said...

Loving the look of quilt number 7,boy you really are doing a fabby job!!
Bertie the buzzard was quite a find and so glad you managed to get a photo of him, he would have taken off as soon as I went for the camera!!
You are still emptying cupboards and attics? Are you going for the minimalist look for your next home? LOL

31. froebelsternchen said...

wonderful fabric book! ADORALE!
Excellent to see this workdesk an so nice to meet you !Have a good and creative rest of the week!

I want to set also an invitation for you to take part on: ART-JOURNAL-JOURNEY or maybe on MOO-MANIA-CHALLENGE

would be so nice to welcome you aboard there!
from Austria

32. Anonymous said...

Another lovely quilt! I like that book too, great colours and very pretty. We had a Buzzard attack our car years ago in The Lakes, so I know how big they are! He came right at us down a country lane, I thought he was coming through the windscreen but he "braked", legs outstretched and veered off at the last moment possible!!

Brenda 87

33. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely fabric things going on on your desk this week! The book looks interesting, you'll have to show us regular updates :)
Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

34. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,

I love your quilts. How sweet to add a bit of magic into the stuffing.

Is that really a buzzard? It looks like some kind of eagle.

Back up -- LOVE the fabric book!

Thanks for visiting me already. I'm starting my visiting today.
Kay (12)

35. Elizabeth said...

Another gorgeous quilt - the pastel shades will be perfect for a baby. And weren't you lucky to get so close to the buzzard, close enough to get a photo ... he must have been tired and having a bit of a rest. Have a wonderful weekend, Elizabeth x #95

36. lisa said...

Sorry I'm so late getting round this week, Annie. It does us good to be made to clear out sometimes doesn't it but I'm sure it's also very unsettling. Glad to see you are still finding time for some craftiness.
Love Bertie, he's HUGE!!!!
Hugs Lisax #83

37. Nan G said...

Quilt is lovely and the fabric! Isn't Mr. Buzzard fabulous! Still desk hopping am I. :) Happy WOYWW! Nan #19


Hi Annie
Im late getting around for WOYWW. Your quilt is gorgeous. You are doing great to get even an ounce of art done with twin toddlers in the house! I love the look if your fabric book!
Annette In Oz #74

39. Kezzy said...

Hi Annie you really are so busy, I look at our house and think it would be best never ever to move as it will take years to sort out lol. The fabric for the quilts are gorgeous and how lovely that the bears will be making lots of people smile and feel loved. I remember when I broke up with the kids dad, it was mutual, he was seeing someone else and I fell in love with my best mate Adrian. I was getting over a mental breakdown when all this happened and at Christmas I went to the bear factory. I felt so guilty what we were putting the kids through, they wasn't with me that day, but as I put the heart in the bear and started stuffing I kissed each heart and sobbed, the kids still love those bears after 7 years. It's like when I received your bear, it really is so special to know that it was made with love and of course that sprinkle of magic.
Loving the fabric book, it's so relaxing, I started one last year when I went to Artsycrafts and never finished it, but I got it out last week and thought that I should start working on it. Take care.
Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx