Friday 27 September 2013

This week's smiles...week 37

What special shares we had this last week and each and every one made me smile but there has to be one that made me smile more than others and this week it just had to be Jo's post sharing the news of the early arrival of her little grandson.  He has a gorgeous big sister and curly girlies who are cousins but he is the first  little boy so I can well imagine just how much he will be spoiled by the girls and of course his doting Grandparents....many many congrats to all concerned and thanks to Jo for letting us share in her excitement.

As most of you will know there has been lots here to celebrate since last week with the 2nd birthday of my little twinnie munchkins so this week I have put a few pics of the celebrations to share with you....if they don't make you smile I'd be really surprised ....after all you have watched them grow with us thanks to the world of blogging.

I was hoping to have good news on the house front but as yet it's just not happened......we managed to get the bungalow we want at a price we can afford but in the time it took to get that our buyers have disappeared.  It's such a game isn't it?  I'm sure if it's meant to happen it will but until then we will keep hoping and praying.

Now please take a look at your world and find something that has made you smile this week to share with our friends.  Please link up below between now and next Friday and I will choose the best to feature when I post my next Happy post.

Have a great week.
Annie x

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Another week of birthday celebrations for us.  Our twinnie munchkins were two last Friday and we have enjoyed lots of 'family together' times to celebrate.  Flat Susan was here to join in the celebrations and had  great time but is now enjoying a rest in her suitcase while flying over to the USA [see prev post].

Life here is busy, as always.  That's how I like it  :-)  I had the 'partied out' twinnies here to play with me Monday and Tuesday and we enjoyed chill out time......who am I joking?  2 year old twins?  Chilled out???  NEVER!!!  We certainly had a fun time.

I guess you're really here to see my desk thanks to Julia insisting I show it you  :-)

Well, here it is...

Yes I can do messy :-)

Lots of pink on show for an urgently needed little something...

Ribbon jar overflowing to find more pink.

All to make an urgently needed little tooth fairy pillow for Phoebe.....yes, she has lost her first baby tooth and the second is well on it's way!  Oh how quickly they grow up.

The writing is still wet  in the picture but looks much nicer now it's dry.  It has a little pocket across the corner to put her tooth in.

I'm also making a quilt for the next baby expected in the family...due next month [for a neice].  I'm just hand stitching around the little animals/birds etc in the middle to quilt it and finish it off.

 Also got a little cardigan on the go for the expected baby too....we don't know what it is yet so I'm knitting a white one  :-)

So, as you can see, I've not been idle since you visited last week.....oh and have fitted in another viewing on the house and got to negotiation stages on sales....lets hope there is good news to share soon.

Until next week....lets hope you all have fun.
Big hugs,
Annie x

Monday 23 September 2013

Flat Susan is all partied out...

Flat Susan will be setting off very soon on another journey, this time to LaCretia in USA.  It will be a long flight but to be honest I think she is shattered from all the Birthday celebrations we have had over the last week and will be glad of the rest.  I took a few pics of some of the things she got up to to share with you....

She enjoyed all the new birthday presents that the twins had.

"I can see a long way from up here.  This castle made me feel like a princess."

"Wahooooooo!  I loved riding this gorgeous little pony"

 " This was pretty scary!  I just took hold of the end and up it flew!  It was just as well it had a good heavy weight on the bottom or I could have been in USA before I'd planned."

" When Annie lifted me safely down off that balloon I took a nice warm bath in the new dolls house and....

....went for a lie down to recover!"

After all the excitement I think she has really enjoyed her stay here in Shropshire.  I will be tucking her up in her suitcase soon with all she travels with and have made this tag to go with her as a gift for LaCretia.  

Safe journey Flat Susan.  I've loved having you.

Annie x

Friday 20 September 2013

This week's smiles....week 36

Hello fellow 'Share a smile' friends.  I think we should all call ourselves members of the SAS don't you?

There weren't so many last week but many thanks to those that made the effort and joined in the fun....lets see if maybe a few more will join us this week.  It really does make you feel better when you have something to smile about.  This week I am featuring Lyn over at Spyder's Corner with her fab pic of the doggie showing off the latest fashions and the gorgeous snaps of little Liamh...oh how she is growing.  Thanks Lyn for sharing your smiles.

So?  What have I got to share with you this week?  

Today is my little twinnie munchkin's 2nd Birthday and that in itself gives me so much to smile about.  They were born on our future daughter- in-law, Gina's birthday so we have lots to celebrate today.

The twins really are growing up into two gorgeous little people and I am truly blessed to be able to share so much of their lives.  They have many days planned this week celebrating with family and friends and have a party for them all on Saturday afternoon...we are all so excited.
My snap is one of some of that celebrations.  Wednesday afternoon Amy took her three little munchkins to Shell's so they could all have tea together, give the twins early birthday presents and as a really special treat before they left they all had fun in the bath together.....

I hope you like the editing  :-)

Isn't that a real happy pic?  There was so much splashing and giggling by all.....I get so much pleasure out of seeing them all grow up together.

I hope you will share your happy posts today and join me in wishing Gina, Sam and Lexi a very 
Happy Birthday.

Thursday 19 September 2013

I've got a visitor....

For those following Flat Susan's adventures you will know that she has a week with my 'much older' sister  just over the border into Wales in Chrchstoke.  She says she had a lovely time but the daleks were rather scary.  She enjoyed her time travel in the tardis however and arrived here safely in her suitcase...

With the most gorgeous tag that Jo made for me to keep.

She quickly jumped out and made herself at home on a few old cotton reels.

"Hmmm now where have I come to?  It's all work no play here some days!"

"I've had to hold the tape measure"

"and pass Annie pins so fast that even the photo is blurred!"

"I've helped by threading the needles for her on this huge sewing machine that she's got [cos her eyesight isn't what it used to be but don't tell her I said so!]"

"I had a fun day on Tuesday with my two little new friends and we even posed for a photo for you".

It's serious stuff this caring for a teeny tiny new friend! [do zoom in to get a closer look at Flat Susan in the middle].

"The rest of my week so far has been house bungalow hunting with Annie.  This is the one they would like to move to and we went to have a good look at it last night.  Now all they need is lots of good positive wishes that the offers that have been made can be accepted so that things can get moving for them"

"That's all from me for now.  It's my two new little friends' birthday tomorrow and I understand there's some partying to be done so if you're lucky Annie will remember to take her camera with her and catch what I get up to......Don't worry Neet Annie says there's no alcohol there!!!"

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Thanks to the wonderful Julia you're here to see what's on my desk today aren't you?

Well, there are a lot of these...

Trousers needing shortening....and that's only some of them! 

I'm playing catch up again today cos Monday and Tuesday I had a special time with.....

....these two little munchkins.  

Here you can see them playing in a bowl full of bubbles / water....that's the easiest way to get two little munchkins clean when they have been painting.  :-)  I think they had as much fun in the bubbles as they did painting.

I'm also sharing my flowers with you.  "Why do I have fresh flowers on my table?"  I hear you ask.

Well, it's cos there has been a steady flow of people wanting to view our house.  :-)  So our weekends have been filled with depersonalising, dusting, cleaning and tidying and showing strangers round our home.  And what a game it is too !!  

All I will say is please keep everything crossed for us.

That's all from me for today.  I will pay you a visit when I get a minute between my sewing jobs if you'd like to leave me a little hello message.  Thanks for calling by.
Annie x

Friday 13 September 2013

This week's smiles....week 35

Phew!  My feet really don't feel as though they have touched the ground since last Friday and even though it's been a really manic week I have still found lots to smile about.

Firstly I must thank all for joining in the fun last week and tell you which blog I am featuring this week.....It just had to be some oldies but goodies that Sam posted this week.  As they say.....out of the mouths of babes eh?  :-)  Thanks Sam, I certainly had a good chuckle at them.

My photos to make you smile include snaps of my 5 gorgeous grandchildren and their Mummies who all came to tea this week....the first time I've had them all together to test out my Fun pages so lots of photos were taken to share with you all.......

As you can see the fun pages were a huge hit with all the munchkins and I have to admit I sat grinning from ear to ear watching them all playing with them.  Hope you have enjoyed my smiles for this week and will link up to your own smiley posts below.
Annie x

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Here we are at another fun Wednesday exposing a little of our crafty space to the world thanks to the wonderful Julia.  Do pop over to say hello, link up and join in the fun.

I am having to do a quick show and tell today cos this is one of my Wednesdays when I've got...

.....some serious jigsaw making to do and lots of fun to be had with my little twinnie munchkins today.

I will be doing my best to pay you all return visits tomorrow when I have a little more time.....between the rail full of sewing jobs I have already got to do [boy it's been one very busy week for me].

I have now finished the 5th of my quiet book fun pages to amuse the little ones with.  This has a cute little wooden bee on it and he has already become a firm favourite with the twins.  If you want a closer look you should be able to click on the pic to enlarge it.

There are more ideas in the pipe line for other pages but we have spent every spare minute tidying, dusting and cleaning for folk to come to view our house this week.....not saying too much at this stage but pleaseeeeee keep everything crossed for us.

The last thing I want to share with you today is what came through my letter box this week.  These are the 5 stunning cards I ordered from my blogging friend Fi over at MarmaladeRose.  They are prints taken from some of her amazing felted pictures that she has been busy making lately and I just love them.  If you would like to grab some of your own then please follow the me when I say you wont want to give them away.  :-)

Hope you have all enjoyed your visit today and leave me a little hello message.  I promise to do my best to pop over to yours to say hello as soon as I can.
Annie x

Friday 6 September 2013

This week's smiles....week 34

Hello all.  It never fails to amaze me how many different subjects that get snapped and linked up here each week and this week is no different.  I must say that it's not always what you take the photo of that makes you smile but sometimes it's how you take it and that's why this week I am featuring Laura's photo of her giant really made me chuckle.  I could just imagine her lay on her back on the floor to take this one.  :-)  Thanks Laura.

My snaps this week are

My happy little girl going off for her first day in school armed with... 'Ma' her pink cat [that had to go back home with mummy for the day] and a tiny little pocket 'Ma' that I made her that can stay with her in school.  Have you ever seen such a happy little face before?

She rang me when she got home to tell me that she really loved school, had done some painting and had already been given reading books to bring home to do for homework.

Yes it is September but as you can see these two are still enjoying playing in the sunshine.  Oh how they really love each other.....most of the time  :-)

And this photo really made me chuckle....Shell and Sam have found a puffer fish like the one we have in one of their reading books at Nanny Annie's and don't you think they are both doing just the perfect impersonation of him?  :-)

Sorry Shell I just couldn't resist sharing it hehehe

I hope my pics have made you smile and you will now all snap your own pics to share with us.  Thanks to all who make the effort to make the world a happier place.
Annie x

Wednesday 4 September 2013


Thanks to all who called by on me last week.  I'm sorry that I was unable to make any return visits but as most of you will know we paid Jozart a surprise visit up in Liverpool last Wednesday [pics here for those that missed them].  I had to play catch up all day Thursday and Friday with all my customers sewing and didn't get a spare minute to pay you all visits....I really do hope I can do better this week but of course Monday and Tuesday were both spent with my little twinnie munchkins so I shall be playing catch up with my sewing today again....I seem to spend every day chasing my tail lately  :-)

I do have a few pics to share with you of what I have been sewing this week....

Here is the bag, zipped purse and zebra sock puppet I made to go with my LillyBo quilt number 9....cute eh?

We took our latest two quilts up to Jozart last Wednesday....she was so thrilled to see them too  :-)

Please follow this link to find out more about the LillyBo quilts and hopefully some of you might like to have a go at making one for this great cause.

You will have seen my first page for Nanny Annie's fun folder with Mr Potato head on it last week and this week I have made 3 more pages to share with you...

They are all made in felt and fabric and the pages all have button holes in the sides so they can be put in a big red jumbo file.  This means they can easily be taken out to be laid flat for playing with and can be shared by my 5 you can see I've only made 4 pages so far so I need to get at least one more made so there is no falling out when they all come to Nanny's to play  :-)

As they are all made from snippets I just might link them up at Pixies Crafty Snippets Playground this week  :-)

I hope you like my latest pages....if you want a closer look you should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

The last pic I am sharing with you is this one of .......

My new toys.....a huge cutting mat, a 6"x 24" clear rule and a rotary cutter.  I know a lot of you card makers will have similar but mine is for cutting fabric.....I'm so excited and can't wait to use it all.  It will be brilliant for making the LillyBo quilts and quiet book pages.

Can you tell I'm easily pleased?

Thanks for calling by.  I will do my best to pay you all a return visit this week....customers allowing  :-)

Annie x