Friday, 19 April 2013

This week's smiles....week 14

It's been another eventful week here for me.  I have had loads of sewing to do for my customers so have had to fit the fun things in between my sewing jobs.

There were only a few who joined in  the fun by sharing their happy pics last week but I do have to say some make more effort than others  :-)  This week the blog that I have made my star post just had to be Gill from Stamping Lemons...she wrote the most amazing acronistic poem about the best day of the week for her  :-)  I loved it and have to say the photo of the cat she put at the end really made me giggle.....Thank you Gill for all your efforts....You really are a star blogger.

Little Sam was rushed into hospital on Wednesday morning with severe tummy pains so our week has also had stressful worrying times too but thankfully he was sent home Wednesday night after being given pain relief and tests.  They didn't really find what was causing the problem but hopefully it has now gone away to not return again.  My happy picture today is one of what happens when two little twins have to spend a day apart because of ill health.  When Sam was let home from hospital and Lexi returned home from a day with Grandma and Pop's [their other grandparents] they were so thrilled to see each other and spent the rest of the evening giggling and hugging.....

How to melt Nanny Annie's heart.

 Bless them eh?  You can even see the sticky mark on Sam's tummy where his mummy just pulled the pads off where they monitored his condition whilst in hospital.  

I hope my pic has made you smile too and you will all try to snap a pic to join in the happy making fun.   The world really is a happier place to live if we all share our happy times.


1. Gill Edwards said...

Oh Annie, thank you so much for making me star post again, im really thrilled.
Im so sorry to hear about Sam being poorly but glad he is back home now. Twins are wonderful arent they, i have a few sets in my family and that pic made me smile, a lot.
have a great week

Gill x

2. Twiglet said...

What a pair - I can just imagine the giggles when they got back together!! x Jo

3. Carol said...

Just coming to your blog and seeing that beautiful daffodil made me smile!
Glad to hear Sam is ok, yes, they do look very happy to be back together. Such a lovely photo.
Apologies again for not making the "smiles" post last week - will try harder!
Have a great weekend.
Carol xx

4. Hettie said...

Aw Bless! They look so cute together. Glad to hear all is well!

5. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Aww not just Nanny Annie's heart! They are simply adorable x

6. JoZart Designs said...

Sorry I didn't reply but only got your phone message this morning after my phone had been flat and we were out y'day so didn't email so i'm so relieved Sam is home. Hope he stays well too. Just going to ad my Friday smile....
Jo x

7. Jan said...

So glad little Sam is better. What a wonderful picture-there's nothing like the bond that twins share is there?

8. Caro said...

That picture is just gorgeous...thank you for the extremely cute smile! I am so pleased that little Sam is better. Caro x

9. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,

He looks great! Hopefully whatever the cause will not return.


10. Carmen said...

Oh what a gorgeous picture :) I hope that's the end o the nasty tummy troubles too :)

11. Neet said...

Sorry I don't join in but I do look (often later than Friday). So sorry to hear about Sam's scare - thankfully he looks well enough on this photo and yes, it would melt even the hardest of hearts to see those cuddles.
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Neet xx

12. Kezzy said...

Oh Annie thank goodness he is okay. Oh bless them, they certainly have a true twin bond. Hugs Kezzy :-) xxx

13. Sue Pinner said...

Hi aren't they growing fast? Two bundles of fun I bet lol
Hugs x