Friday 26 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 384

 Another catch up of the smiles from the week and I have a few pics to share with you.

The twins seem to be going from one achievement to another at the mo and they make us to proud...

Sam took his Grade 3 Musical singing exam a few weeks ago and this week he got his results....he got Distinction!!!
So very proud of him.

He had also been for auditions for a part in Nativity the Musical and has been given two of the main parts in both of the teams so will be in all 6 of the shows and is even singing a solo...think I may need my tissues when we go to watch him.

Both Sam and Lexi were accepted for a course at BOA [Creative, Digital and Performing Arts Academy] in Birmingham, they are there this week and really enjoying the experience.  Lexi is dancing and Sam is Acting.  They will be putting on a show tonight for family and friends to watch so I'm sure we will hear all about it.

Of course, before I go I have a few funnies to share with you that I hope will make you smile.

This one made me chuckle.

I hope to have more smiles to share with you next week.  I hope you will link to your smiles below.
Annie x

Wednesday 24 July 2024


 Here we are at another catch up with out creative friends around the world to see what they have on their desks this week.  It's such a lovely friendly group so if you're tempted why not join in the fun?  Just pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed where you will find out more details.

I've had another lovely week with sewing and have a couple of things to share with you...

I've been looking through my stash of fabrics and 'found' a bag of tired/old jeans one of my customers gave me.  I wasn't feeling very enthusiastic about cutting them up to make bags with them so I used a piece off 4 of the trouser legs and made this lovely little bear.  I wasn't sure how easy denim would be to use but I rather love how he turned out....what do you think?

I wasn't feeling very creative this week so I needed some mindless sewing to do.  I decided that, as I gave my last two quilts to the charity, that I would make another strip quilt....It's such a lovely way to use up fabrics that are left over from other projects.
It's nearly finished now...I just need do stitch the border now :-)

That's all I have to share this week.  I hope you've had a great week.  I will do my best to pop over to see what you've been up to.


Annie x

Friday 19 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 383

 It's been another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's and I've lots to smile about....I hope you have too and I hope you will share your smiles by linking up below.

These are some of the photos taken at Lexi's latest dance competition.....aren't they amazing?

The girls appear to be flying in some of them.

We had a play day with Theo and Louie yesterday and as you can see we got lots of jigsaws out....he loves playing with all the toys we have here.

We have 6 weeks of school holidays now but have a weekend away with them at the seaside soon.....wahoo we can paddle and make sand castles :-) :-)

The twins bought me a packet of pansy seeds as part of my mother's day gift and they are now giving us so much pleasure by blooming in every pot....aren't they gorgeous?

Like lots of happy faces looking at me every morning....I love them.

Of course I have to finish with a few funnies.  I bet you can see why I don't have a parrot in my sewing room :-)

Hope you all have a great week.


Annie x

Wednesday 17 July 2024


 Another week and another lovely catch up with our creative friends around the world....we link up each week over at Sarah's Craft Shed.  Please follow the link and join's a lovely group and everyone is welcome.

I've had a busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  I have...

  • Shortened 3 layers on one bridesmaid dress and took it up on the shoulders
  • Shortened 1 layer on another bridesmaid dress
  • Corrected an awful job done on the shoulders of another bridesmaid dress [by another local sewing lady!]
  • Shortened and tapered the sleeves on a gent's jacket ready for his wedding in 2 weeks time
  • Tapered the legs and shortened the legs on 2 pair of trousers
  • Shortened a pair of jeans
  • Replaced the zip in a pair of shorts and
  • Patched and darned another pair of shorts
On top of that I have also...

Made a special frog for Sally [Harry's mum from the charity].  She really loved the last one I made so I made her one of her own and made this one his own cape like the one Harry drew.   She's picking it up tonight [and doesn't know about it as yet]....I hope she likes it.
Sally works so hard for the charity and I felt she deserved something special.

I've made 10 denim coasters for the HJT and tied them in pairs with ribbon.

I then cut out 9 more little frogs to go to the newly diagnosed children with cancer.

I hope this army of frogs, now I have finished them, will help in the fight against childhood cancer....I've made 36 in total.

Each child gets a frog to introduce them to the charity and it's benefits.

That's all from me for this week.  If you leave me a message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to say Hi.  Have a great week.
Annie x

Friday 12 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 382

 It's Friday and it's another catch up with the smiles from the week...and I have several to share this week.

Sam has been awarded Student of the Year for Year 7 Design and Technology....He's doing really well at school and it's lovely to see him getting awards....Proud of you Sam.

He also took part in his school's Art Festival and played the part of the Cheshire Cat in a little Alice in Wonderland sketch.....This made me smile.

Lexi has entered another on line dance competition and she got first place in her Jazz solo....she's doing so well and really loving life.

Milly always makes me smile..... when I pull out one of my fabric boxes in my sewing room she jumps in.  I'm not sure if she thinks she's helping me :-)

Of course I also have to share some funnies with you....hope you find something here to make you smile and will then leave me a little comment before linking up to your own smiles below....everyone is welcome.
Annie x

I think we can all relate to this one :-)

Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Hello all.  Wednesday is the day we join in the fun of checking out all the creative desks of our friends around the world...and all are welcome to join in.  Just pop over to Sarah's blog at Sarah's Craft Shed to check out details and join in the fun.

I've had another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  Sally from Harry Johnson's Trust called in on Saturday to collect all the things I'd made for their up and coming craft sales so my desks were emptied...and she really loved all the things I'd I have been working on making more in between my customer's sewing....I never like to sit idle.

I appliqued and machine embroidered covers for 10 shopping list sized books...I love the crazy frogs best.

I made 6 lengths of bunting...10 flags and approximately 2 metre length each.

I've made another school Memory Bear....I love purple and I think the lilac ribbon and buttons are lovely on this one.

I also learnt an important not drop your sharp pointy ended scissors off your work surface onto your toe!!!  It really hurt and bled lots.....I will be more careful in the future.

That's me for this week.  I hope you will leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will pop over to yours as soon as I can.


Annie x

Friday 5 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 381

 Hello all.  It's been another lovely week filled with smiles here. 

We went away for a, well earned, weekend break in our caravan on our favourite campsite in Llanidloes....

We went for a lovely ride around the lakes in Elan was dry but rather cold.  We enjoyed the scenery and several lovely walks.

Along the side of one of the lakes several of the trees had been cut down and someone had done some really gorgeous wood carvings in the tree trunks.

Sam had to sing two solos at Shrewsbury Food Festival on Saturday.....this is the one video of him singing....I hope you can watch it.  It's amazing how he is growing in confidence and ability very proud of him.  He has taken hiw Grade 3 singing exam this week too.

Theo and Louie had their faces painted and sent me the pic...don't they look fab.

We had two Nanny Annie days this week, Tuesday and special to watch them growing up.

Louie still likes to snuggle up to me with a book or two after his lunch and as you can see he nodded off :-)

He is stood on a little table in the last pic watching a squirrel on our neighbours bird feeder. :-)

Our garden continues to make us smile....there seems to be flowers in every corner now. :-)

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you [I hope none offend].  I hope you find something to make you smile and you will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles below.
Annie x

Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I've been off on another adventure at the weekend in our caravan....this time to our favourite campsite in Llanidloes.  I had been very busy with sewing before we went on Friday and that's what I will share with you today...

I have made 6 reading cushions to raise money for the charity and I have a book to go in the front pocket for each one.

I really enjoyed making these so hope they raise lots of funds.

I was given the wadding out of a Hello Fresh meal box....I decided it was too good to throw out.

I folded it so it was 4 thicknesses thick and stitched the layers in place by hand then covered it to make my hubby a new kneeler to use when hes knocking tent pegs in when we are camping....I'm not sure who was more pleased with the finished cushion, me or my hubby :-)

I am typing this early this week and setting it to post automatically because I have Nanny Annie days on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and already have 8 customers waiting in a queue for me to start sewing again on Thursday this week!!!  I think they miss me :-)

I will do my best to call by on as many blogs as I can when I am able but please be patient with me this week.


Annie x

Friday 28 June 2024

This week's smiles....week 380

 Phew it's hot hot hot.  My fans have been working overtime this week and so have I but I'm still smiling.

On Sunday Lexi had another day of dance competitions, this time at Stafford University.  She entered into 5 different dances and came away with 4 medals....we are so proud of her.  She is loving life. :-)

Our strawberries are ripening fast and furious at the mo....this is the 3/4 time we have filled the colander and there's still more to ripen yet.  These have all come from about 10 strawberry plants and have been the best they have ever been.

The only other things I have to share with you are a few funnies ...I hope you find something to make you smile.
Please leave me a little comment and, if you can, then share your own smiles by linking up below.
Annie x

Wednesday 26 June 2024


 Phew it's hot this week....well it certainly is when you're busy sewing all day [the fan has been working overtime too this week].  I've had lots of customer's sewing to do including shortening several pairs of trousers, shortening the sleeves on a jacket and shortening a top but in between my jobs I have also found time for more sewing for the charity I support and that's what I have to share with you today...

I enjoyed making 5 little beach hut key rings.

I made 14 glasses cases...I love dipping into my stash of fabric and chosing fabrics to make each one slightly different.

I made 3 bags of varying sizes/designs.  The 2 larger ones would make lovely bags to use on the beach.

I then made 8 zipped pencil cases /bags ....I have a bag full of colourful zips so it was lovely to match fabrics to each.

That's all from me for this week.  I have 2 School Memory Bears to make today so I will have another busy day :-)
If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to pay you a visit when I'm able.
Annie x

Friday 21 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 379

 I've kept myself busy this week with more sewing for the Harry Johnson Charity [ I hope to have more to share with you on Wednesday] when I've not been sewing for my customers and yesterday was a Nanny Annie day...

We had fun in the garden....everything from watching the little bees on the flowers to pinching strawberries ....there are so many ripening at the mo and Louie really loves fruit of all sorts especially strawberries.

So many special memories were made.

The garden is blooming in every corner and it never fails to make me smile.

Of course I had to find a few funnies to  make you smile....I hope at least some of them make you smile and you will leave me a little message before sharing your own smiles below.
Annie x

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 I'm keeping very busy here at Sewing by Annie's and that keeps me smiling.

Several asked to see the finished it is all folded flat to stop it creasing....all 130 flags :-)

I saw this lovely frog on's a Makerist pattern designed by Angela Jardine and I just had to buy the pattern.
It was a bit tricky in parts to make up even though it was marked as suitable for beginers [and I don't think I'm one of those :-) ] but I really love the finished result and he's going to be a draw prize for the Harry Johnson Trust.

The charity has it's usual stand at two local, up and coming, shows so I'm making a few items to go on their stand.
These are little note books that I've added covers on the front of....they are hand embellished and then a few beads and embroidery has been added....I'm hoping they sell well.

That's all from me this week.  I hope to share more with you next week.
Annie x

Friday 14 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 378

 It's been another lovely week here at Sewing by Annie's....lots of sewing has kept me smiling plus lots of proud Nanny moments too.

We had a lovely day yesterday with the boys and after school they built a tall tower together to pose for me to take a photo and after we tidied away the toys we had special Nanny times reading poems.....

Theo really loves his poems and can recite all of The Owl and the Pussy Cat so it was a very special time for me with both boys on my knee.

Lexi had another dance competition weekend and did very well.....she really loves her dancing.

She also entered in the Spring Leap online competition and won  

  • 1st for her Lyrical solo
  • 2nd for her Jazz solo
  • 2nd for her Commercial solo
  • 1st for her Bloopers dance photo
  • 1st for her Upside down dance photo
  • 3rd for her Character dance photo
  • 3rd for her Lyrical dance photo
Didn't she do well?  We are so very proud of her.

Sam is also giving us reasons to be proud....he's been cast as ' The Big Bad Wolf' in the school production of Shrek Jr.  He loves all things musical theatre and we are all looking forward to seeing him in his pink nightie when he dresses up as Grandma.  :-)

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you....I hope something makes you smile.  Please leave me a little message and link up to your own smiles below.

Annie x