Thursday, 11 April 2013

The bags are finished....

I managed to finish the 4 bags yesterday to try out the 4 different materials.  Some were easier to sew than others but I did manage to make a bag out of each.  The one had to have cotton tape handles cos the fabric twisted and stretched and couldn't be used for handles and I have to say I really wouldn't want a bag made from at least two of the was far too stiff.  I do get asked to do all sorts of jobs and I do wonder what the customer will think when he picks them up.


1. WinnibriggsHouse said...

What a commission, not sure I would want to take that on! Love the little quilt and have popped over to jos blog to check out what it involves. Hope I might be able to do something too, such a good cause and you know your work will be well loved.

2. Twiglet said...

They look fab but I bet they were really tricky with that fabric. x Jo

3. Gill Edwards said...

so clever, i wouldnt know where to begin
Gill x

4. Di said...

Oh crumbs Annie - what a job and a half! I'd have been tempted to draw big smiley faces on them - just from the pure relief of having finished making them!

Hugs, Di xx

5. Angie said...

Wow that was quick ...hope he appreciates your work and feed back. xx

6. voodoo vixen said...

I'm with Di but not so sure they would have been smiley faces!! I actually don't like the feel of oilcloth... so cannot imagine what sewing it would be like!!

7. Mrs A. said...

Goodness Annie you sure do get them!! You have mnade a terrific job of thebags . Hope you don't get asked to trial them too. Your latest quilt is so pretty. Hugs Mrs A.