Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Hello to family and friends  :-)

This week I have lots of curtains to shorten, table cloths to make, trousers to shorten, wedding outfits to alter and even a really gorgeous lacy wedding dress to shorten the 4 layers of hems on so there has been no quilt making for me as yet and wont be til I get it all finished.

I have however been playing with gorgeous fabrics, ribbons, lace etc making some ATCs for the 4th year WOYWW celebrations and this is what is on my desk today...

but of course I will have to clear it all off now to get my work done  :-(

I've chosen spring colours this year but I'm not showing you what I'm doing with it all just yet  :-)

.....and just look at that sun shining in through the window!!!

If anyone would like to swap ATCs with me to celebrate the 4 year birthday of our wonderful WOYWW group please email me your name and address [ to ] and I will put one ready to post to you on 29th May....if you want to know the details for the celebration ATC swap then please check them out here on Julia's blog.  If you want to join in you only need to make one to pass on but if anyone wants to swap an extra one with me just let me know.

I'm not boring you with pics of all the sewing I have to do today but will say I will be head down doing it all day today and probably tomorrow and Friday too!!!!  If you leave me a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit in my break times......yes I do allow myself coffee breaks lol.
Annie x


1. Bridget Larsen said...

I have to get my thinking cap on and design some ATCs before I commit to making more than the required one, but you will be on my list for sure
Bridget #28

2. Twiglet said...

Just a quiet week for you then!! Have fun. x Jo

3. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Aargh, ATCs.....I've got to start making them too.....but when?? That's the is fairly full on at the moment. I'll have to start thinking about them though..thanks for the reminder!!
Love your greens, very springlike in the sun..yippee :)
Hugs, LLJ 37 xxxx

4. Di said...

Happy Wedding Anniversary Annie - love the look of that sunshine this week :)

I'm unsure if I'll have time to join in the ATC fun - I have over 200 bookmarks to make for our school reunion at the end of May (mad or what!). Sigh. But you'd be top of the list if I do get time.

Hugs and Happy WOYWW, Di xx

5. Helen said...

sounds like you are going to be soooo busy today!! love all that bright spring fabric. Helen 12

6. Helen said...

came back to wish you happy anniversary!!

7. Joanne said...

I've just had to shorten 4 curtains and they were lined too. I did ok despite the fact I'm no professional sewer. Good luck with all your jobs.

8. JoZart Designs said...

Mad busy again by the sound of it! Hope Sam is ok, please let me know ow he gets on.
i'd love to swap atcs!
love Jo x

9. Anne said...

Hello Annie - you are going to be a busy bee :-) I was away last week enjoying some sun in Spain! Would love to swap with you. I just ned to think of an idea for mine :-( x Happy WOYWW Anne x #62

10. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ooo yes please pick me, pick me!! :D would love one f your atc's Annie..

Mind you haven't made any going to do it after eye op next week..

God willing will be able to still do something few weeks after - simply dont have time now..
and love your lace delights too for surprise project..

...and yes..have something posted on blog esp for you to see today,

God bless, Shaz in oz.x #81 i tink

11. ria gall said...

wow you are a busy bee with all that sewing waiting for you. Glad you are getting a little time for making the ATC's I need to get some more made
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #40

12. Neet said...

Well, no change there then in your life - busy bee as always. I hope all this sewing stuff is not impinging on your packing.
Thanks for visiting me earlier, I fell asleep (we both did) and have not been up long - Hugs Neet xx 5

13. Cardarian said...

Ohh lovely fabric on your desk and a ray of sunshine too! How nice! I would love to swap with you, even if you don't send me an ATC you will certainly get one from me!
Lots of hugs,

14. SueH said...

Thanks for stopping by this week.
That’s a pretty combination of colours Annie and I’d love to swap an ATC with you, just so I can see in person what you do with it all. Don’t know if you still have my addy but I’ll email it to you anyway.
Anyway, it sounds like you have a very busy week ahead of you so, I’ll say
Happy Sewing!
Sue @39

15. glitterandglue said...

I see the word "bored" has been missed out of your dictionary as well!! Have a great, if busy, week.
Margaret (glitterandglue#89)

16. Hettie said...

Hello Annie
Yes please, I would like to swap with you again! Hopefully by 29th May I will have new ones done as well as something I have on the go for last year's!

17. Gill Edwards said...

busy bee isnt in it! Good luck with all that sewing.

Gill x 107

18. Anonymous said...

Beautiful goodies there on your desk. SueC#97

19. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I don't envy you the alterations. I'd much rather start from scratch I think! Hope you get to play with your own sewing projects soon xx
Fiona #115

20. Caro said...

Sun! It is blowing a gale here now LOL! Those fabrics look yummy.
Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro #120

21. pearshapedcrafting said...

Good luck with your sewing! Some things just have to be done don't they?! Happy
Anniversary Chris#126

22. Unknown said...

Wow! What a busy lady you are! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@73

23. Tertia said...

Sounds like you are going to be very busy this week! I haven't even started on my ATC's but I would love to swap with you. My regular computer is on the blink so I can't send any mails, please mail me at tertiaj at telkomsa dot net and I will get back to you as soon as I am up and running.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #26

24. fairy thoughts said...

my!, you are a busy bee but on the up side you are playing with all that lovely fabric. hope you get it all done in time... nothing like a deadline to make you get a wiggle on.
I will e mail you my address for the swap... smugly I have almost finished mine

25. Jensters said...

Lovely colours.

26. Carol said...

Oh my you are going to be one busy lady this week. Hope it all went well.
It was lovely to see the sun, we need more!
Carol xx

27. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,

I'd love to swap ATCs with you so will email you soon. Also, glad to see your newer post and see the twins enjoying eachother's company!

I'm going to the photo booth and making copies of some of my photos today so if I'm lucky I'll be getting them in the mail tomorrow. At least that's my goal!


28. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Pretty colors in that photo, WOW you keep so busy, I'd love to swap ATC's as an extra, if you have time will send email
Running late, but being gone the 2 days wore me out! Drove home in a snow storm, still very cold, strong winds, and snow on the ground here. Unreal.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend

29. Kezzy said...

Hi I'm so sorry I'm late I thought I had catched up but obviously not which is really bad of me. Can't wait to see what you have made and I can't wait to swap. Hugs Kezzy xxx :-)

30. Ohhh Snap said...

Beautiful fabric! Long to-do list lol. Love the sunshine. Thanks for visiting. #15