Wednesday, 24 April 2013


As you can see this week I have changed my header pic to show you the beautiful blossom in our garden.....yes spring is really here.....and just look at that blue sky too  :-) :-) :-)

Another 'different' week for me here at Sewing by Annie's.  I managed to complete all the huge sewing pile I had here last week including that gorgeous lacy wedding dress that had 4 hems to shorten!  The rest of my week has been spent full of challenges!
  • Little Sam has been in and out of hospital all week with his severe tummy pain and this included a blue light ambulance ride from Shrewsbury hospital to Birmingham's childrens hospital to be seen by the specialists on Saturday.....needless to say they still haven't found the cause but think it may be a nasty gut infection and they sent him home on Sunday with a bag full of different medicines.
  • Shell has been here with the both twins for last couple of days just in case Sam needed hospital again so that I could look after Lexi....bless them it's been such a worrying time.
  • Oh yes and on Thursday last week I was diagnosed as being diabetic!!!  So no more chocolate or cake for me now  :-(  Thankfully I had had a blood test that picked it up cos I had had no signs or symptoms at all.
Of course you've not come here to hear my troubles but you'd like to see what's on my desk today wouldn't you?  Well, here it is....

Nothing very exciting really to see but there is...
  • Lace trimmings from the wedding dress.....if bride doesn't want this I promise it will be put to good use  :-)
  • Mitzy monkey is sat watching all that goes on in my sewing room....but she keeps all my secrets  :-)
  • the pin cushion Jo[zart] gave me is on the side of the machine on the left of the gets used every day Jo  :-)
  • my Tax form is in the middle of the pic waiting for me to do my end of year books up to date  :-(
  • two of my many pair of pink snippers , pins, cotton reels etc
So there you go,  I have sun beaming through the window and my magnolia is starting to open up just outside in the garden and  already smells wonderful....have a good snoop but I'm sure you will find nothing very exciting today....sorry, it's been one of those weeks!

To those who said they would like to swap ATCs with me for the 4 year WOYWW celebrations can you please check you have sent me your details via email cos there are still some that have forgotten and to anyone else wanting to swap......I'd love you to send me your details :-)

Thanks for dropping by.  I will do my best to pay you a return visit if you leave me a little hello message.  Take care and have a great week.
Annie x


1. jill said...

Happy woyww & he blossom is beautiful. jill #26

2. Lunch Lady Jan said...

The blossom is absolutely gorgeous and made me smile!
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but my husband had the same thing happen about 18 months ago, he's got it well sorted with diet and meds and looks really fit and happy. So don't be downcast, you'll be good...and you can still have the odd treat too :)
Hugs, LLJ 22 xx

3. Twiglet said...

Well thats a fab comment from Jan isn't it. If you are not too busy I will call in round coffee time. x Jo

4. Redanne said...

Oh Annie, you have had a time of it this week. I hope little Sam gets back to full health really soon. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, thank goodness they picked it up, hope meds will get you on an even keel. Love, love, love your blossom photo, isn't Spring just the most wonderful time of year! Hugs, Anne x #37

5. Andrea said...

love the blossom perfect. I hope little Sam is now on the mend and sory to hear about the diabetes life without chocolate!!!..great desk and so skilled also love to see the sunshine stream in. hope you have a wonderful week and its busy for nice reasons, hugs Andrea #55

6. Helen said...

Poor Sam - hope the cause is discovered and he gets well soon, and poor you too - but hope you adapt quickly to your chocolate free life! Helen, 2

7. Anne said...

The blossom is gorgeous Annie but am sorry to read you've had such a rotten week. Poor Sam - hope that he makes a quick recovery now. Hope you have a much better week. Hugs Anne x #62

8. Claire said...

the blossom pic is mega-gorgeous! so sorry sam's been so poorly :( and you don't have to give up choc and cake (i've been diabetic for almost 15 years!), just a little is just fine! i've always loved dark choc, and it's very low in sugar :)
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 1 - can't believe it!!

9. Lynn Holland said...

What a week..... Balanced out with your beautiful blossom and the knowledge that things are on the mend. I hope things are calmer for you this week Annie.
Lynn x. 76

10. Neet said...

Wow what a busy post. So sorry to hear Sam has been in and out of hospital, I did comment last week when Lexi was cuddling him but thought it was all over. What a worry it must be.
Sorry to hear about the diabetes, will you be able to keep off the sweet stuff? I wouldn't. Just think of the weight loss though.
Re Shrewsbury - there are 6 ladies (well, 5 and me) staying at Pitchford Estate Monday to Friday of next week. Each of us does half a day workshop Tuesday to Thursday as we have to be out by 10 on Friday. off to The Fox on Thursday night, you might know it.
Thanks for visiting me, hope Sam is alright.
Hugs, neet xx 4

11. Angie said...

What a week you have had ....I do hope they get to the bottom of Sams problem hard with a little one. As for being diabetic ...I am so sorry but dont do what I did and ignore it. I am so naughty because I feel that my last pleasure has been removed. Everyone told me different things too ...I so meant to be good and tried at the start ...but I do take my tablets.The main thing I have noticed is Neuropathy ...just a touch to the ends of fingers and toes ...I so must be good even though it makes me depressed when I try.
Good luck ...keep those nimble fingers fighting fit. xx 58

12. ria gall said...

Gosh you have had a week and a half of it I do hope that you are all starting to feel better, it sure is life changing.
How you managed all your sewing is a miracle well done you
Happy WOYWW #203 and thank you for sharing your workstation
Ria #60

13. Hettie said...

Hello. I spotted your blossom the other day when I called by. It is gorgeous and today as I walked around town I saw some out too!
Sorry to hear about your problems and sending a huge hug to you.
Having machine envy right now!

14. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Goodness Annie, it's all been going on in your family. When my husband was diagnosed, the nurse said everyone would do well to follow a diabetic diet. We didn't have to change too much and are all the healthier for it. You'll soon adjust I'm sure. I hope that little man is on the mend now.

Fiona xx

15. mamapez5 said...

A beautiful blossom heading Annie. I am so sorry to hear that little Sam is still not right. I hope the medicines sort him out.
Well done on getting through all those sewing projects. have a good week. Kate x #40

16. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,

Bless you and your family. I hope little Sam's tummy troubles get cleared up soon.

I would love to swap ATCs with you. I was planning to put one in your package with the cards as a surprise!

I just know my thumb drive will show up the minute I have your package in the mail!!!

Thanks for visiting me!
Kay (14)

17. shazsilverwolf said...

Blimey, what a week!The diabetes won't be too bad, honestly. My Mum was diagnosed, and she doesn't have to avoid all treats- just in moderation, is all. So sorry to hear about Sam, lets hope they get to the bottom of it quickly. These things are such a worry when you don't know the 'why' of it! Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #114

18. Caro said...

So sorry to hear about little Sam still having tummy troubles...I hope he gets sorted soon poor little might. I am sorry to hear about your diabetes too...I hope that you manage to keep it under control. I love the way your desk has so many lovely personal things around it. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro xx #131

19. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, so sorry to read how poorly Sam has been - hope this last batch of medication does the trick for the wee soul.

Sorry to hear too about your diagnosis of diabetes though, coming from a family of diabetics, I can tell you it's manageable. I have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) - sometimes described as pre-diabetes - so sugar is off the menu too. I now read the contents of packets and tins looking for the hidden sugar manufacturers seem to put in just about everything ... so many traps for the unwary :) And diabetes doesn't mean a complete sugar-free existence - treats are allowed. My late mother loved to have a meringue for dessert when we dined out and she lived with diabetes for about 40 years!

Your desk looks a hub of activity - love the monkey :) Have a great WOYWW and an enjoyable week. Elizabeth x #53

20. fairy thoughts said...

OMG you have had a lot on at the mo i thought it was bad last week with all the sewing stuff BUT now no chocolate to keep you going how will you manage?.... I guess you have to. My mum was diagnosed just before Christmas but is coping well and has a little 'treat' now and again.
janet #23

21. pearshapedcrafting said...

My Goodness! What a week! Welcome to the Type 2 club! You will soon get used to knowing how to fit in a few little treats! Hope everything sorts itself out! The magnolia will cheer you I hope! Chris138

22. Karen said...

The only way is up now. Diabetes can be controlled Andy's can still enjoy a treat too. Happy WOYWW. Karen 129 x

23. peggy aplSEEDS said...

hi Annie, thank for dropping by and leaving me a comment. no, i haven't read all those books. a lot of them belong to my hubby and he hasn't finished reading them all either. he says they're "reference", LOL! i also love childrens' books so even if my children are all grown up, i still have all of their books (after all, perhaps i will be a grandma in a few years!) i'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. i hear there are alternative treatments that help with diabetes. and at least you know about it and can control it. hope the little one is well by now.

24. sandra de said...

Praying for your little one and for you. So hard not to have those lovely sweet treats. I would love to swap an ATC with you if that is ok. I know I got one last year but can't resist for the 4th year as well. I will email my details.
Sandra @13

25. Julia Dunnit said...

Urgh, poor baby boy, it's hard when there's no definitive answer. Anxious times ineed. Truly hope 'they' are right and all the jollops make him better. tax too x 3. Very very boring!

26. Cardarian said...

So sorry to hear about all the hospital visits - I hope it all gets better soon and those doctors find the cause of all these trobles! Sorry also you can't have anymore chocolate - well you can but it has to be the one for diabetics!:-)
I would love to swap with you so please put me on your list! I think you have my details but if you don't let me know - I think I have you and your sister on my list!
Lots of hugs,

27. Bridget Larsen said...

Poor Sammy, hope he is better now or getting there, sewing is not my forte anymore, I gave it up when I was a teenager.
I sent you my snail mail via email, let me know if you dont get it
Bridget #38

28. KatzElbows said...

Your header photo is absolutely fantastic. It has felt like spring is finally here and that picture sums it up beautifully. Thank you for sharing it. I'm sorry about your diagnosis but at least they've discovered it before you wind pass out or something!

Happy (belated) WOYWW,
Cheers, Rachel #24

29. Carol said...

What a week! Hope little Sam is recovering ok. Sorry about your diagnosis but best to know and get it under control.
Our Magnolia is coming out too, when we moved here (20+ years ago) I used to rush out and cover it with a net curtain when frost was due so the blossom didn't brown. Now every time weatherman says "frost" DH asks if I'm going to cover it up now! (it is about 15 foot tall lol)
Carol xx

30. Sue Pinner said...

Love the new picture..taken it's time arriving but I agree here at last..managed to get back into my craft room again now it has warmed up a bit...keep the mess in one place lol
Hugs x

31. Tertia said...

Hope your littly is feeling a lot better by now.
Itried to comment earlier, but Blogger was having none of it, you sound very busy as usual and I would love to sw3ap ATC's with you.
My e mail is tertiaj at telkomsa dot net
Happy very belated WOYWW
Tertia #17

32. Darnell said...

How wonderful that you figured out how to make one of your own stunning pictures be at the top of your blog banner, Annie! It is so pretty and more evidence that spring is sprunging at last, at last!!

I am sorry to hear of the health woes, however, and pray that the little one is all better by now and that your diabetes is a minor level and easily controlled. It's so awful and stressful on everyone when a tyke is unwell.

Enjoy the rest of the week! I'm late snooping around WOYWW this week! Darnell #52

33. Kezzy said...

Oh Annie how awful, poor Sam. I can't believe they can't find the problem, I bet you and mum are so worried and poor Lexi I bet she doesn't understand. Diabetic oh no poor you, that is a really big change. Lots of healing hugs sent your way. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

34. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Believe it or not but May 1st and we are getting snow..8 inches in Western Iowa. Good Lord, help me

I 've been soooooooooo busy with parents needs I can't remember much but I've your address so think you have mine if not contact me. Thanks for sharing all the cute photos of your grandkids. They are adorable.