Friday, 5 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 381

 Hello all.  It's been another lovely week filled with smiles here. 

We went away for a, well earned, weekend break in our caravan on our favourite campsite in Llanidloes....

We went for a lovely ride around the lakes in Elan was dry but rather cold.  We enjoyed the scenery and several lovely walks.

Along the side of one of the lakes several of the trees had been cut down and someone had done some really gorgeous wood carvings in the tree trunks.

Sam had to sing two solos at Shrewsbury Food Festival on Saturday.....this is the one video of him singing....I hope you can watch it.  It's amazing how he is growing in confidence and ability very proud of him.  He has taken hiw Grade 3 singing exam this week too.

Theo and Louie had their faces painted and sent me the pic...don't they look fab.

We had two Nanny Annie days this week, Tuesday and special to watch them growing up.

Louie still likes to snuggle up to me with a book or two after his lunch and as you can see he nodded off :-)

He is stood on a little table in the last pic watching a squirrel on our neighbours bird feeder. :-)

Our garden continues to make us smile....there seems to be flowers in every corner now. :-)

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you [I hope none offend].  I hope you find something to make you smile and you will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles below.
Annie x


1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Those wood carvings are stunning. Someone did an excellent job.

How nice for Sam. Singing those solos will give him even more confidence. How he has grown over the years.

Theo and Louie look great with their face paintings. LOVE your flowers. It's either too hot or too wet here.

Loved the birds and bees. That's definitely a sign of the times. Have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, Annie.

2. Iris Flavia said...

To vacations! And the wood-carvings are great- as is the solo, WOW! Beautiful!
Cute faces, too, awww...
So cold here, nothing really grows - yours made me smile, thank you!
Red Hot Willy Peppers!!!
Have a Friday full of smiles!

3. Lisca said...

Llanidloe looks very pretty, well, the dams and the reservoirs. I've never been to that ares as far as I remember although we have traveled extensively in mid Wales. The dams look 19th century and aren't they solidly built!
The wood carvings are beautiful!
Wow, Sam really is very confident! That is not an easy song. And it's really good that he has singing lessons.
I love seeing all your flowers. I really miss having a garden with flowers. But with that I would have to have the rain and cold too .....
The funnies are hilarious. I like the one with the birds and the bees, and also Willy pepper. I didn't get the one with the belly fat, other than that is me at the moment and I couldn't (yet) laugh at that.
Enjoy your weekend,

4. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a great week you've had and loving the photos. Have to be quick as we're taking the dogs to the groomers now Des is back from his tour of England Lol! I'll pop back later to check out on the funnies and get round everybody. Hugs Angela xXx

5. mamapez5 said...

Those wood carvings are great. What a lovely find on your walk.
Well done to Sam. It takes a lot of courage/confidence to sing in front of a crowd. I used to love going to the Shrewsbury flower festival.
Face painting like that is very cute, but it would melt in a few minutes out here.
Lovely flowers again, and some great funnies. Kate P.

6. Cloudia said...

The wood carvings are great and thanks so much for the laughs and smiles Aloha!