Friday, 26 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 384

 Another catch up of the smiles from the week and I have a few pics to share with you.

The twins seem to be going from one achievement to another at the mo and they make us to proud...

Sam took his Grade 3 Musical singing exam a few weeks ago and this week he got his results....he got Distinction!!!
So very proud of him.

He had also been for auditions for a part in Nativity the Musical and has been given two of the main parts in both of the teams so will be in all 6 of the shows and is even singing a solo...think I may need my tissues when we go to watch him.

Both Sam and Lexi were accepted for a course at BOA [Creative, Digital and Performing Arts Academy] in Birmingham, they are there this week and really enjoying the experience.  Lexi is dancing and Sam is Acting.  They will be putting on a show tonight for family and friends to watch so I'm sure we will hear all about it.

Of course, before I go I have a few funnies to share with you that I hope will make you smile.

This one made me chuckle.

I hope to have more smiles to share with you next week.  I hope you will link to your smiles below.
Annie x


1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW. The blogger comment box has changed! Congratulations to both Sam and Lexi. I am sure they will do well at BOA. They are both very talented. Loved the squat! Have a super rest of the weekend, dear Annie.

2. Lisca said...

Congratulations! Those kids are so talented. And how exciting that Lexi and Sam will do a course at BOA. Will that be during the holidays, or a school year? Is it far from Shrewsbury?
Have a lovely weekend,

3. Katerinas Blog said...

Great news for Sam and Lexi!
Definitely a great experience!
I'm having a really hard time finding pictures of myself that will make someone laugh!!

4. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That's brilliant, it's so good to see them keeping occupied with something they love doing. My cousins daughter has done her theatre exam recently but I was wondering what they have to do for it? Must try and find out. Loving the funnies and hope you have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

5. mamapez5 said...

That's two very talented grandees you have. Maybe they inspire one another to keep aiming higher. They are both doing so well. I hope Sam can still sing well when his voice breaks soon.
Your funnies made me smile, especially the one where the man's trousers are 'low'! Kate X

6. LA Paylor said...

I'm low on smiles this week, thank you for your funnies

7. Iris Flavia said...

Wow, they are both super-talented, you must be so happy and proud! When Mom said no, - bet that was you ;-) LOL

8. Cloudia said...

Sam and Lexi! Stars ✨