Friday, 19 July 2024

This week's smiles....week 383

 It's been another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's and I've lots to smile about....I hope you have too and I hope you will share your smiles by linking up below.

These are some of the photos taken at Lexi's latest dance competition.....aren't they amazing?

The girls appear to be flying in some of them.

We had a play day with Theo and Louie yesterday and as you can see we got lots of jigsaws out....he loves playing with all the toys we have here.

We have 6 weeks of school holidays now but have a weekend away with them at the seaside soon.....wahoo we can paddle and make sand castles :-) :-)

The twins bought me a packet of pansy seeds as part of my mother's day gift and they are now giving us so much pleasure by blooming in every pot....aren't they gorgeous?

Like lots of happy faces looking at me every morning....I love them.

Of course I have to finish with a few funnies.  I bet you can see why I don't have a parrot in my sewing room :-)

Hope you all have a great week.


Annie x


1. Cloudia said...

So glad you got to enjoy some play time! Aloha!

2. Iris Flavia said...

Wow,to be that sportive and "fly" dancing! Great shots. And fun times to come with the kids,I reckon.
Your flowers really smile!
My sewing machine now look a bit mad at me (I have no talent whatsoever,it was a pressie from Ingo when I´d lost my job).
And thank you, I´ll have a beer on the black dot - have a great Friday!

3. Lisca said...

Brilliant photographs! She really does look like she’s flying.
Those pansies are beautiful. Grown from seed, clever you.
Have a lovely weekend

4. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Such a brilliant family you have and loving the flowers too. The funnies are great though the spots drive me mad Lol! Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

5. mamapez5 said...

Well done Lexi. I know it has taken years of training to get this far, but oh to even be able to sit on the floor now, let alone in splits!
lovely to have a seaside week to look forward to. I hope the sun shines for you.
The pansy seeds were a great gift idea and aren't they beautiful now.
I'm a bit late today as I had to go to the clinic first, but now I shall try to visit everyone else. Kate x

6. LA Paylor said...

I love puzzles too Louie
I love how much you enjoy your grand kids

7. Katerinas Blog said...

Rich post and definitely made me feel positive!
Another time maybe I'll post.
It's so hard for me to find humorous pictures!
I will follow as your blog looks very interesting!

8. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry, Annie. Right after I linked, I fell asleep in my computer chair. Woke when my forehead hit the keyboard!

Goodness, Lexi is good. She can sure leap high. I could do that, or come close to that in high school, but not anymore.

Had to laugh at the sewing machine funny. I think that parrot must have heard ME talking at times (like when my tension is off/wrong). Thanks so much for hosting and have a super weekend and new week, dear friend.

9. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

BTW, someday I'll tell you about how I broke my nose playing basketball in high school. It was my jumping too high on an inbound shot.

10. Twiglet said...

Well done Lexi - she loves her dancing. I was a jig-saw puzzler too. dad used to bring me them back from his rare days away. xx Jo