Wednesday 28 February 2024


Hi all. It's been one of those weeks for me. 
I've been testing out our NHS system this week....and it's failed hopelessly.  I had conjunctivitis and had to go to two Chemists to get treatment for it....the Pharmacist in the first one didn't even look at my eye but told the lady serving on the counter to tell me I should just bathe it with cooled boiled water for 48 hours.  We then went to our local Boots chemist where the Pharmacist looked at my eye and gave me eye drops to clear it up straight away.
Saturday morning I then developed Oral thrush [it's a side effect of one of my inhalers I use for my asthma].  I went straight to the Chemist who told me there was only one thing they could give me  which was a gel that they hadn't had in stock for weeks!!  The only way I could get treatment was to get a prescription so several phone calls later, an appointment at the emergency Dr at A and E for 2.30 that afternoon that took over 3 hours I finally got some Nystatin to treat it with.....our NHS has gone crazy......needless to say my mouth is still rather sore but I'm hoping it will clear up soon.

Luckily it's been rather quiet here with customers this week so I have been doing a bit more sewing for the charity.....

I've made these 7 lined shopping bags....I hope they sell well and raise the funds.

That's all from me for this week....I will do my best to pop by to see what you've been up to as soon as I can.
Annie x


Helen said...

Oh Annie, poor you! hope the eye and the mouth clear up soon. Happy sewing and happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Those bags would make nice bottle bags I think.😀

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sadly I'm with you on the NHS front, hope it improves soon, your mouth and the system. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

Catriona said...

Sorry to hear you have been poorly, Annie. Norrie had a problem with very sore and inflamed skin on his hands and like you he went to the Pharmacist and was told at the two he went to that as he is diabetic he needed to contact the surgery. Eventually the ANP saw him and gave him a prescription for steroid cream. The NHS is truly broken and I have no idea how it can be fixed. Catriona

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry to hear you’ve noit been well, Annie. I don’t want to teach you to suck eggs, but do you use a spacer for your inhalers? I always do mine just before brushing my teeth so I give my mouth a good rinse out.
Chemists are really struggling here as well. Underfunded I guess m.
Your shopping bags look lovely and will be sure to sell.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 4 xx

Neet said...

We use the pharmacy attached to our GP surgery and have had very little bother at all. With my latest NHS treatment and my cardiology I cannot fault Bolton at the moment. As you know District Nurses have been fabulous for me, referring me to doctors when the need arose. (Incidentally it cost me £36 for a tube of cream I had to use because it was a private prescription the other week.)
I do feel sorry for you with the oral thrush - had no idea it came from inhaler use. I do rinse my mouth out after using mine and gargle with salt water too. But imagine, being a nurse, you know all that. I still got oral thrush the other week though despite my gargling. Hope it clears soon for you.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh you have been having a rough time - it makes me cross why you should have a struggle to get the right treatment/meds. Hope you start picking up this week. I had no idea that inhalers could cause such issues. Great bags, you’re doing so brilliantly for the HJ charity xx
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Diana Taylor said...

So sorry to hear you've not been well, I do hope the medication clears it all up quickly for you. I love the bags you've made - gorgeous spring colours, I bet they'll be snapped up.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #12

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope everything clears up soon Annie. Visiting having been up to the hospital with Hubby getting additional pain relief. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #14

Spyder said...

Oh my goodness poor you...but I agree, NHS has gone to pieces. I was hoping to get an appointment, I told the receptionist that I'd decided to stop all my meds, and was feeling sooo much better (which is true) I did finally get a phone call, and then another one a little later in th eweek and I can have a blood test a months time...meanwhile, I've been told to get back on my meds...but keep notes. If it was that serious, surely they would've wanted to see me sooner. I mean, the waiting room was empty! So what are the doctors doing? Keep safe, get better soon!
Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn) #16

Kelly said...

Oh dear. 1 - hate when I can't get the right answer and 2- I sympathize with the thrush. My sister fights it on occasion for the same reason. Thankfully, here in the states her doctor is used to this. she simply calls the office and they phone over a prescription. Sending healing vibes for you and positive vibes for sales. Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #17

Lindart said...

Annie, you poor thing! Two things at once, not fun. I have to watch out for thrush as well, I've been using inhalers for many years now. Knock on wood🪵I won't get it. Those shopping bags are lovely, and nice and big! I'm sure they will sell quickly! Have a great week, Lindart #19

Lisa-Jane said...

It's always so difficult isn't it?! We had to take our elderly neighbour to the walk in on Saturday after she de-gloved her shins on her door threshold. It was absolutely heaving with over-runs from the GP / pharmacy or not-dying so being turned away from A&E. I hope you're feeling better soon. Lovely spring colours on the bags there though. Have a good week, Lisa-Jane #13

BJ said...

Oh tell me about the NHS. I had been doing well with our GPs recently but calling for an appointment yesterday morning I was on hold for 30 minutes and told that was short as it was usually 45mins!! I couldn't get an appointment then but was asked to call back at 2pm. Fortunately at 2pm there wasn't a holding queue of 7 but I did have to explain my issue (which is quite delicate to say the least) I was querying the use of my prescribed medications over the 7 days is says on the leaflet. Obviously the "receptionist" had no idea what my issue was and mentioned one of my other non related creams I have prescribed. Oh my life! I finally got an appointment and the GP has put my mind at rest about my issue and I'll probably get better sooner now, and yes I can continue to use the ointment - phew!
Anyway sorry to hear you've had a difficult time with getting the right treatment and hope it all clears up soon. Hugs BJ#10