Friday, 12 January 2024

This week's smiles.... week 357

 Here we are at another round up of the smiles of my week...and there's been many.

Lexi has now completed her 36 shows of Jack in the Beanstalk at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury.  It was a wonderful show and she made us very proud of her.

I'm hoping the video below works for you.  This was the final dance of the show....she's come a long way since she started her ballet classes aged 3.

We looked after Theo and Louie on Saturday afternoon and we had a visit from Amy, Phoebe, Lulu and Stephen.  It was so lovely to see them all playing're never too old to play with playdough :-)

We had little Louie for a play day yesterday....just look at that concentration :-)

Milly had her hair cut this week and is so proud of herself.  :-)

Of course I have to finish off with some funnies....I hope something makes you smile.  Please leave me a little message so I know you've called in and if you can then please link up to your smiles at the bottom.
Annie x


1. Lisca said...

Yes, the video worked! How wonderful to see her dance! So talented!
I love your header with the beautifully coloured plant.
What a gorgeous photo of Louie in concentration.
Do dogs have to have a haircut in winter too? I hope she’s not cold. But then, she’s an indoor dog.
Oh yes, Playdoh, fun for all ages! Great photo.
Have a lovely weekend,

2. Iris Flavia said...

Wonderful video, one wants to dance along!
And the kids are so cute, especially little Louie who grows up so fast!
The frog. Oh. Yes...
Have a great Friday, hugs!

3. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I got the video too. They all still look very active even though it's gone on for a while but bet they're all ready for a rest now before they start plans for the next show. Great to see the children doing so well and little Milly too Good collection of funnies. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

4. mamapez5 said...

Lovely to see Lexi having such a great time. She will feel a bit lost now it is over, but no doubt they will be working on a new project soon. The video was full of colour and life. Well done Lexi.
Also good to see the cousins playing well together. Louie is growing up so fast.
Milly looks very smart. I hope she isn't feeling the cold too much.
Your funnies made me smile. Kate x

5. LA Paylor said...

is Millie's chair at the groomer's or your house? I have those chairs from IKEA but need a pink cover!
what an accomplishment for your grand, bet she'll miss it

6. LA Paylor said...

the computer didn't copy my post right, so I had to add in the one for today, sorry!!!