Friday 11 August 2023

This week's smiles ...week 525

 It's been another lovely week with lots of smiles and the sun has even put in an appearance which is lovely.  I have had very few customers so I have enjoyed lots of time doing things for pleasure which I will probably share on my Wednesday post.   I have a few pics I can share that have made me smile..

Louie is away on holidays in France with Theo and his mummy and daddy and another family with two young children and have been having a lovely time.  They are staying in a gite with it's own swimming pool so it's been perfect for them all.

They have sent us lots of photos but this one made me looks like Louie is pole dancing :-)

Cutting out all the Memory bears that I make my hands suffer at times and sometimes I even get blisters from using ordinary scissors so this week I have treated myself to this lovely pair of spring loaded scissors and I'm really enjoying using them....what a difference they make and they have really made me smile.

Finally I've found a few funnies to share with you all.  I hope you find something to make you smile and will leave me a little comment before linking up at the bottom of the page to share your smiles with us.  I hope you all have a great week.
Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I swear, Annie, I don't know what Gina feeds those boys, but Louie looks so much older than his age, He looks at least two maybe older. He is adorable.

My theory has always been to buy the best tools you can afford. You are going to love those scissors.

Loved the screwdriver funny and the grandmother one, too. Have a super Friday and a great weekend, I will try to visit everyone tonight before I go to bed. Tomorrow/today I plan to be in my garage early before everything heats up.

Lisca said...

Oh, that photo of Louie pole dancing is great. He looks gorgeous and so much older all of a sudden. I bet they're all having a lovely time in France.
It's good that you have a little lull in your work pace. I expect you are making rag dolls for the raffle and other things that can b sold for charity.
Congratulations on your ne scissors. Good tools is half the work. Like Elizabeth, I have also always been taught to buy the best tools possible. My father taught mer that and he was right.
I love the funnies. They made me smile, if not giggle. Gosh, I remember Jeeves, the search engine. I can still 'see' the butler standing there at the top. Perhaps he ran away with grandma....
Have a lovely weekend,

Iris Flavia said...

To the little pole dancer! :-)
Didn´t know about such scissors. I agree, invest once in quality and you invested good! Have fun using them.
I feel with the dog...
To Smiles!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi you're right to get those scissors it reminds me of when I was cutting out loads of fabric for the class projects which is why now I suffer a bit with pins and needles in my right hand. Loving the photo of Louie, bet they are having a great time. The weather has been nice here this week too. Loving the funnies and I can relate to the dog. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Catriona said...

The photo of Louie is just fabulous! Must have a look at those scissors- anything that helps my hands is a winner. Catriona

mamapez5 said...

I am sure the boys are having a lovely holiday. Louie looks so grown up now. Big enough to join in with all the fun and games.
I have a set of those scissors and they are so easy to use. I am sure you will find them a big improvement.
I have struggled to do this on my phone, but I will try again next week. Kate x

LA Paylor said...

I have two pairs of those scissors in the studio because they are sharp, pointy and easy to use.
I look at most people around here with that expression too. LeeAnna

Helen said...

great photo of Louie!