Wednesday, 10 March 2021


 It's been another busy week for me here at Sewing by Annie's....think my customers have all come out of hibernation :-)

I had a change from making Memory bears when I was asked to make 8 Memory cushion covers for a family who had lost a much loved Mum and Grandmother.  Each family member chose items of clothing they wanted their cushion cover made from so each one is different but they each had to have a heart on the front and the same sentiment.  I rather enjoyed creating them all.

I'm pleased to say I have made some Memory bears too....these ones were made from a mum's pyjamas for her three sons.

This little bear was made in memory of a young man who died too soon....he was only in his 20s and died of cancer :-(

I spent Monday morning under a quilt....but just in case you think I've had a lie in here's a pic.  I had to cut 24" off an Ikea quilt because it was too big for the bed.  I had to remove the binding, cut off the 24" and then rebind the was huge!!

And that's it from me for this week.  If you leave me a message so I know you've called by I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you've been up to.


Annie x


Helen said...

love the cushions! that's a great idea. the quilt looks a challenge - I think I'd have bought a new quilt or made to with too big a quilt lol!! Have a great week Helen #3

Lynn Holland said...

Good morning Annie
I really wish I’d kept a piece of Auntie Gladys clothing and had a memory cushion made, it’s such a lovely idea. Although I love the bears as well.
What a job tackling that quilt, which is rather lovely as is your chair missus.
Have a good week.
Lynn xxx 17

Twiglet said...

Lovely work Annie - hope your duvet day wasn't too stressful!! xx Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

It’s picking up again isn’t it! Great pic of you under the quilt. And a reminder for me why, when friends discovered I could see, the first words out my mouth were always ‘I don’t do alterations or repairs’. Makes me shudder! Pretty quilt though, all the better for the Annie touch that will make it useable!

De serendipity said...

Lovely collection of Wipso crafts. The size of the quilt is put into perspective when I spotted your head peaking out. Enjoy your week.
Sandra de @20

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I laughed at Julia’s comment cos I always say no to curtains too! That’s a great job you’re doing and perfect if you fancy an afternoon 40 winks. The memory cushions are a great idea and a good alternative to folks who don’t want a bear.
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Anne said...

Hello Annie. Memory cushions are lovely. Though love my bear, am nearly ready to send the only two items I have of mum's (long story) for a second one, to join dad's.
I don't like doing alterations. Too many in past. Not a fan of curtains either. Do very little sewing now :-( Take care Anne x 22

Lisa-Jane said...

Lovely to "see" you in a pic, even if you are being swamped by a quilt! The cushions are lovely and I bet it was great to change things up with the bears as lovely as they are. I love how each one is different and yet they all have that thread, excuse the pun! As always, stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Love the idea of the memory cushions something a little bit bigger to give a hug. Always good to deviate to something else before getting back to those popular memory bears. It's hard to taken in when young life is taken to soon.
Beautiful work, safe hugs to you and yours Tracey #15 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Memory cushions! I bet they're easier to make than the bears - and what a great idea! They look lovely! Funny pic with you under the quilt - it does look huge! At least you didn't have to work on it in the heat of the summer! Enjoy your week, Annie! xx zsuzsa #24

Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, oh my, that quilt was quite some job! I can just imagine how awkward it was to manoeuvre through the machine. Hope you gave yourself a big pat on the back when you were done. How sad for that young man to lose his life too soon. The bear is beautiful as are the ones made from mum's pyjamas - by the looks of it she had fab taste in PJs. Of course, the cushions are beautiful too - I love the sentiment on the hearts. Hope you are keeping better. It's a wee while since we had a chat so will need to catch up soon. In the meantime, hugs to you both. Ellie x #30

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, busy lady again! The cushions are a good idea. You look as though you are being attacked by the quilt monster! Yes it's rained here too but we didn't get too wet this morning. Maisie and Stan are now usual. Have a lovely creative woyww and a good week too. Angela x19x

Catriona said...

Lovely makes and it so lovely that you can bring comfort to people in times of bereavement. That was a very big job shortening the quilt. Did you make anything with the bit you took off? Happy sewing.

Sarah Brennan said...

That is indeed a quilt and a half Annie - well done! Love the memory cushion covers as well as the latest bears. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Anonymous said...

Wow, you sure have been busy. I love the quilt that you fixing. It's so pretty! Have a great week. Dorlene #34

Felicia said...

Annie, what HUGE undertaking with that quilt!!! Lord help that would be a task!! But when you are good at what you do, it's probably a snap! I love your newest memory bears and sooooooo love the one for the young man with cancer! What a sad, sad event. But what I love is that you are a part of their memory of him!! Such a treasure! Have a blessed rest of your week! Felicia #31

Caro said...

The cushions are beautiful - each unique and so special. You look swamped under the quilt! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#18)

Crafting With Jack said...

Those cushions are a. Fabulous idea. I am amazed you can work with a quilt at your sewing machine. The weight alone would faze me. Happy WOYWW Angela #21

Susan Renshaw said...

The cushions are lovely! As are the bears. Great quilt alteration!
Stay safe and keep well.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #6

Lynnecrafts said...

It made me giggle to think of you crafting under a quilt. Glad you put in the photo - it was enormous!
It’s a great idea to make memory cushion covers. Yours are lovely. I have bits and pieces of my Mum’s I can’t bear to part with, too.
Take care, stay safe
Lynnecrafts 7

Shoshi said...

I love the idea of memory cushions, Annie, and as always, your memory bears are very special.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #12

Neet said...

The way I felt today i would have been snuggled up underneath that huge quilt. I don't know why but I have dozed most of the afternoon instead of being on here commenting.
What a lovely idea for those who don't want a bear - a memory Cushion - lovely.
Hugs, Neet xx