Wednesday, 19 February 2025


 I've been making the best of the lull before the storm here this week...

I finished off the little rabbit bags I showed you last week and now have a basket full.

I have also made 10 little felt carrots to hold little chocolate rabbits....these are for the charity I sew for and were fun to make.

I had to buy a new magnetic pin holder because I dropped my old broke and the pins went to every corner of my room!!  I treated myself to new pins too because a lot of the ones I'd been using were bent or blunt.

That's all from me for today because I will be head down busy sewing now....I have several pairs of trousers coming in today and 12 memory bears coming in before the end of the week!!  It's all or nothing here :-)


Annie x


Helen said...

the rabbits and carrots look so good! hope you found all the pins or they could be a bit painful underfoot... good luck with your sewing jobs. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Oh blimey - so many bears! Good luck. I will be head down with my bookmarks! Love the little carrots.🌈x x Jo

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love the carrots and rabbit bags, they’ll sell well for the Trust! You’d better get Doddy on standby for bear stuffing later this week - good luck with the trousers, I hope it’s not replacing the zips again!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Neet said...

I can well imagine your pins soon get bent or blunt with all the use they get.
Love the rabbits but the carrots are my favourite - such a fab idea and different.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope no errant pins turn up in the wrong places Annie (ouch). Love the carrots and the bunny bags. Good luck with the deluge of work! Settling down for a leisurely desk visit after a lovely lie in. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

love the magnetic pin holder and purple is my favourite colour too. Adore the carrots for the bunny chocolates, super fun. The bunny bags are great too. Hugs bj#6

Crafting With Jack said...

Now that’s clever, rabbits inside carrots! I wish you well with your fundraising. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Katerinas Blog said...

Amazing creations!
I really like the sewing construction and the felt is a fantastic material!!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hope you managed to find all those pins we don't want Peggy finding them. The bags are a good idea but the carrots now they are so special, love them. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x14x

Chana Malkah said...

The little rabbit bags are just too cute! I like the carrots, what a fabulous idea! Have an outstanding week! Sorry for the tardy visit!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #3

Susan Renshaw said...

I love both the rabbit bags and the carrots! Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

LA Paylor said...

omg pins all over, yikes! Love the bunny bags and carrots