Friday, 7 February 2025

This week's smiles....week 401

 If you read my Wednesday post you will see that I was feeling pretty rough...and I still am sadly.  It's a case of teaching your grandchildren to share and they, of course, even share their bugs.   Hopefully it will go soon because it's sapped my energy levels and we have the boys for a long weekend this weekend so I think I will be needing all the energy I can summon :-)

Monday night we had a session with a dog trainer with Peggy and, as you can see she was 'dog tired' after.  The trainer said she did very well and is a fast learner .  We have had training sessions every day since and she seemed to have grasped the idea of what is expected of her.

I'm labelling this photo 'the promise of things to come'.  There are signs of Spring in every corner of our garden and I love it....that's got to make you smile surely?

I saw this on Facebook and it made me chuckle...I just felt there are so many of these amongst us.
Can you find yourself or maybe some of your friends?

Of couse, I have also found you some funnies...I hope something here makes you smile.  Please leave me a little message before linking to your own smies at the bottom and stay well and happy.
Annie x


Lisca said...

I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly. .And then with a weekend with the 'boys' coming up too. I hope you feel better soon.
I enjoyed the poem. Yes, I did recognise myself (I don't drive at night and still wear my rings). The other funnies made me giggle too.
Thanks for the smiles,
Enjoy your weekend,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, know how you feel, I'm only just really starting to feel a bit more like doing anything but still nasal. Hope you get better soon but I've been like this for about three weeks now, everyone's been saying it's about the course it takes. Peggy is such a sweetie, you've obviously tired her out. Love the poem too. Yes we know who we are which reminds me it's time we met up again Lol! Take care and try and get some rest if at all possible. Hugs Angela xxx

mamapez5 said...

Hi Annie. Sorry you are feeling so poorly. I hope you get some energy back before the boys arrive.
It is good that Peggy is taking so well to her training., but she does look pretty exhausted after it all.
I saw the piece about 'old lady friends' too and it really made me smile. Of course there is lots there to identify with in myself and friends! Hope you feel better soon. Kate x

mamapez5 said...

P.S. Your spring flowers hold lots of promise so thank you for showing them to us. x

Iris Flavia said...

Nay to bugs, but yay for Peggy! And for Spring--signs - here is nothing yet...
Amateurs.... LOL. And cats... Thank you for the smiles and have a great Friday full of smiles to get yourself fit again for the long weekend.hugs

LA Paylor said...

uh oh, kids are infection vectors
love "deja poo"

Twiglet said...

Loved the funnies and the poem! Roll on Spring - your garden will be lovely.😀