Here we are at another Wednesday's catch up with our creative friends all around the world by linking up over at Sarah's Craft Shed.....we're a friendly group so why not join in the fun?
I have been updating my Memory Bear folder that holds a photo of every one I've made...and the latest ones have brought the numbers up to 882.
I love looking back through my folder and looking at all the special ones I've made.
On my desk today is a, fast filling, basket full of little Easter bunnies [each one contains little chocolate eggs]. These will go to raise funds for the Harry Johnson Trust.
That's all from me for this week folk. If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x
your memory bear album is very full - what a number you've created! well done! Happy WOYWW Helen #1
Amazing number of bears! Well done with the bunnies. I need to get more eggs for my knitties.x x Jo 🌈
Congrats on 882! I love the album you hae with all your bears in - do you have a written record to go alongside or do you just remember? What a legacy you will leave behind with this.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Hi Annie, love the bear folder. They look like well printed photos too you must have a good printer. I'm afraid the exploding box is worse at the moment as the cold I had left me feeling a bit worn out but I'll get there soon. Enjoy the rest of the week and happy woyww, Angela x11x
That’s a really good idea to keep a visual diary of the bears, I never think to do that and you forget what stuff you’ve made in the past! The little bunny bags are so cute, they’ll sell well!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx
WOW loving the bunny bags, what a great and effective idea. Hugs bj#3
Such a wonderful number of bears to bring comfort. Great looking bunnies too. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13
That’s sn amazing number of memory bears, Annie, and your bunnies are cute!
Lynnecrafts 12 xx
Your bunnies are so cute! Wow, what a legacy you have in your Memory Bears! Have a wonderful week!
Chana, WOYWW #10
That memory bear total is amazing! I am sure they are all pretty special!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5
What a lovely album of reminders Annie. Best of luck with the continued fund raising too. Sorry I am late visiting this week. It has been manic in the lead up to half term. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah
Good morning, Annie
I'm always in awe of your bears. 882?! That's a lot of love you've shared. those people are blessed to have such a treasure.
Hugs & Creative Blessings ~ Kelly #14
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