Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Another eventful week over here at Sewing by Annie's.  We have had 3 different estate agents in to value the house and today the one we have selected to proceed is coming to take the photos so that it should be board up and on the market by the weekend....wahooooo.  It's so exciting.

 Monday wasn't as much fun as normal cos that big sister of mine was laid up with a head cold and, so as to not pass on the bugs, she stayed at home.  Mondays just aren't the same without her as you can imagine and I really hope she gets better very soon.

Yesterday was my Munchkin fun day so of course there was no sewing or crafting going on here then either....but we certainly had a lot of fun.  They are growing up so very quickly.

So?  What is on my desk today?....the answer is.....

....the start of my LillyBo Quilt number 6.  I needed something to brighten up my Monday so I chose a bag full of bright cheery colours for this next quilt and have already finished the front of it as you can see.  The fabric in the middle of the quilt has little yellow birds and clouds on it so I just might have to make a little bird or maybe even a duck to go with this one.  :-)
I see Jo[zart] has put her latest quilt on the LillyBo quilt blog  this week and it's really gorgeous....go have a peep.
The other thing I am sharing with you today is this gorgeous bunch of daffodils...they really were far too bright and cheery to keep all to myself.....and of course you have to have fresh flowers in the house when you're selling it don't you?....I can see this being my excuse for a while at least  :-)

Fresh baked bread might help too so feel free to help yourself to one of these for your lunch today.  :-)

I hope you have enjoyed your visit this week and will leave me a little hello comment.  I will do my best to pay you a return visit in between sewing jobs ....and of course showing all the people round who want to buy our house....keeping everything crossed here.  :-)
Annie x


1. Di said...

Ooooer, that quilt looks as if it's going to be another beauty Annie! Good luck with the house viewings! Hugs, Di xx

2. Gill Edwards said...

Quilting and baking bread, you have been busy. Ill take you up on your offer of a roll they look scrummy.
Good luck with house sale, all crossed for you here

Gill x

3. Unknown said...

Freshly baked bread always smells delicious - good luck with your house sale.

4. Twiglet said...

Your new quilt is so bright and cheery - a bit like me now my cold is better!! x Jo

5. Lynn Holland said...

Good luck with the house sale and enjoy the lovely bread rolls too.
Lynn x

6. lisa said...

Wey hey, another quilt. It's beautiful. I love coming to see what you are creating, Annie but it makes me feel totally inadequate as a stitcher.
I have a bunch of daffs just like those on the fireplace, such a cheery sight and thanks for the delicious roll. I shall enjoy that with some butter.
Hugs Lisax #70

7. Neet said...

Oh Annie, you always tempt me with your lovely baking. Can almost smell that bread.
Lovely daffodils, a flower that has wonderful, if sad memories for me.
Quilt no 6 - well done you, what a wonderful lady you are.
Hugs, Neet xx 27

8. Spyder said...

Hope sis is better soon! Your quilt is lovely! I measures up Niamh's cot over last weekend and 'hope' to make her one, have to borrow my mum machine, but the thought is there I just hope I can make it before she's 21!!
I'm really sorry about my messy craft room this week! Have a great crafty week! HaPpY WoYwW!?
Lyn #71

9. okienurse said...

Love the quilts! I am glad to hear that things are progressing on the sale of your house. Will you be moving far away? Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing with us! Vickie #41

10. Helen said...

oh, the smell of fresh bread!! Shame you had to miss out on your Monday fun with Jo. As always, your blog is full of gorgeous things - the latest quilt is lovely lovely!! Thanks for stopping by. Helen, 8

11. ria gall said...

your quilt is looking good and I can almost smell the fresh baked rolls.
Sorry to hear your sister was not well enough to craft with you, I love crafting time with my sister but we live too far apart to get together that often
Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
Ria #48

12. Lunch Lady Jan said...

House moves are always exciting! Are you going far or staying within your area? I moved a lot in our early married life but have been here for 15 years.....I love it! Hope you're successful in finding somewhere new to roost :)
Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

13. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, Jo claims to be a bit better so next week might be back to normal for you both. The quilt in progress is looking lovely. And the daffs are gorgeous. I have also read that the smell of vanilla emanating from the oven is a deal maker, as is the smell of freshly brewed coffee - tricks to try, perhaps. The bread would do it for me :)) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #79

14. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Annie,
Again back to WOYWW! Phew, one goes into withdrawals you know!

Some crafty desk fun happening here, Lillybo quilt 6 wow! well done! cheery indeed and yusss love them there yellow daffodils!

Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #42

15. Chrysalis said...

The quilt is going to be fab, and I love the daffs and rolls. If they don't sell your house, nothing will! I hope it goes really quickly - and for the price you want! Hugs, Chris x

16. Kate said...

Your fresh baked bread always looks amazing!

** Kate **

17. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your latest quilt is coming along beautifully. One of my favourite things to have in the house is my big brown jug full of daffodils. Never fails to make me smile :o)
Good luck with the house viewings xx
Fiona #137 (I think!)

18. pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely bright post! Spring is definitely round the corner now - I love it when the daffodils finally bloom! Good luck with the house viewers when they start coming - we had a right mixed bunch last year! Chris83

19. SueH said...

Don’t know how I managed to get my comment on the wrong post.
It must have been an age thing, Lol.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 81

20. Caro said...

ooo...can I have one of those rolls with my soup for supper tonight! They look yummy. The quilt looks lovely and how nice to have wonderful daffodils (my favourite flowers). Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Mr Linky has disappeared from Julia's blog, but I was somewhere around #65! Caro x

21. Krisha said...

Loving the quilt and the bright colors, so cheerful. Daffodils are blooming in my flower bed too, but that is all that is blooming. Fresh baked bread???? OMGosh! Looks so yummy, might just have to help myself.......thanks YUMMMM
Krisha #32

22. KatzElbows said...

Thank you for the roll, it went well with my dinner. Your quilt is a beautiful burst of spring, truly a sight for sore eyes.

23. Christine said...

love your quilt, congrats on number 6 and just love the daffs, certainly should help to sell your house - hope you get a buyer soon.
Bishopsmate #105

24. Hettie said...

Good luck with your house sale Annie. Don't forget to make some of those rolls and a pot of coffee just before prospective purchasers come around!
Great looking quilt!

25. famfa said...

Good luck with viewings. Quilt looks by sunny, as do your lovely spring daffs. We have no chance of seeing spring flowers with our huge amounts of snow! Yes am very excited about loft. Thanks for visiting. Rolls look yum
Famfa 113

26. Cardarian said...

Well I guess I commented on the WOYWW from last week - see how confused I am! I see the estate agents are coming around so the move will soon happen! Th quilt you are making is lovely and so are the lovely daffodils - one needs a bit of spring in the house even if you are not selling the house! Ah and that bread! Lovely!
Lots of hugs,

27. JoZart Designs said...

Hope your house sale is smooth and successful and I hope you find the perfect new home for yourselves too. It's simply amazing that you still manage to fit in quilt No6 and it looks wonderful too. You really are a STAR Stitcher!
Catching up from Brighton whilst littlest is transfixed watching CBeebies for a bit ...
Be in touch again soon,
love Jo x

28. Anne said...

Annie how do you do so much??? Another fab quilt on it's way. I am still on first one !!! I try and do too much methinks.
I went to comment on your blog yesterday but could only see last Wednesday's entry - gremlins maybe :-) Anne x

29. Ann B said...

Another lovely quilt Annie. My StepD is having a clear out and getting shut of a lot of fabric so I put my name on a bagful - will pick it up when we go down in a couple of weeks - so I may be making quilt number two. Nowhere near your level.
Love the smell of fresh bread, and the kneading, so good for the bustline :-))

Hope all goes well with the housesale and it moves quickly. Sorry to hear about Jo, what with colds and double chickenpox your lot aren't half going through it. Hope all recover faast.
Ann B

30. Carol said...

Going to be another fabulous quilt. I can almost smell that bread.
I love daffodils too and today managed to buy a double bunch reduced to 19p!
Hope the viewings go well.
Carol xx

31. HeARTworks said...

Those daffodils will certainly brighten up the place! Thanks for the bread (huge grin!) I'm kind of hungry!
Patsy from