Friday, 8 February 2013

This week's smiles.....week 4

I am so thrilled to see that there are more and more joining in this fun each week and I thank each and every one of you.  It's so good to know that you will all snap something that has made you smile to share with others.

There are too many to do a full roll call this week and I hope you will all pop here to check out all that joined in this week but I will say the one that made me smile the most this week was Jo from JoZart.  She will turn her hand to almost anything for her gorgeous Granddaughters and this week's pics just showed that she is the girl to get hold of when you need ears making!!!!  Do pop over and here to check out what I mean.

My first snap this week to make you smile is of my little water babies...

A family swimming session always causes smiles for these three.

"Yes, Mum, it says high temperature and spots may well be Chickenpox!"

 Little Lexi doesn't have much to smile about this week cos she has Chickenpox but here you can see she is checking out her symptoms with NHS direct......and no doubt Sam will be next and even the three in the top pic will be joining the club cos they were all together at the weekend when she would have been contagious......better out of the way when they are little I know but it's not so nice to see them poorly.....Get well soon my little munchkin.

Now come on lets make this world one of smiles.  Snap away with those cameras and share the things that have made you smile.  Smiles really are contagious and that's one thing we all want to catch.


1. Di said...

Aw, get well soon Lexi! Hugs, Di xx

2. Twiglet said...

See you soon - it's OK I have had the spotty lergy!! x Jo

3. Ann B said...

Hope Lexi is soon feeling better, and not too itchy. Joining in this week Annie so of to sort out my post.
Ann B

4. WinnibriggsHouse said...

Hope Lexi gets over the bug soon. Nice to see not only my grandsons who pinch the iPad!

5. Gill Edwards said...

Aww bless them, i hope they are soon spot free.
Im loving this blog hop Annie and look forward to Friday so i can have a good old chuckle.

Gill x

6. Angela Toucan said...

thank you Annie. I just got happy mail through the letter box and have added to my post.

Hope the kiddos have the chickenpox mild.

7. JoZart Designs said...

Your water babies are so cute but I had a real chuckle when I saw Lexi checking out NHS Direct. It amazes me how competent they are at that age on ipads! At CHristmas the little fraulein was showing Dave what to do! Off to check the rest.. .thanks for picking my "ears" as last week's as smile of the week.
Love Jo x
2 for the price of one this week as there's a smile on JoZart and another on LilleBo!

8. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

All cuties... and my mother had four of sick with chicken pox, measles and mumps al in the same year.. first or second year at Uralla, up on the tablelands. Lexi looks like she is being a good little girl though :D love Shaz in oz.x

9. Hettie said...

Aw Bless! Give them all a cuddle from me please!
Haven't times changed? I remember when I was ill as a child I was content to be given my brother's teddy to cuddle as a treat!

10. Caro said...

Aw poor Lexi! The swimming photo is adorable. Thanks for the smile and for hosting. Caro xx

11. BumbleVee said...

Spreads like wildfire and'll all be gone....never to return again one hopes!

12. Tracy said...

I hope they dont all get chicken pox. Get better soon Lexi!

13. Elizabeth said...

Aww, poor wee Lexi - hoping you will soon be on the mend little one! Elizabeth xx

14. pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely Pictures! Hope Lexi is better soon! Chrisx

15. JoZart Designs said...

I saw this and thought you'd like to see it...
love Jo x

16. JoZart Designs said...

My Friday smile went AWOL.. just found it in the drafts and so hope it's not too late for a smile. I was sure it was posted and I linked too! UGH!
love Jo x

17. Neet said...

So sorry to hear about Lexi but she looks beautiful and makes me smile spotty or not.
Hugs, Neet xx