Hello all. Sorry for not joining in last week. Firstly I was poorly [cough/sore throat/high temp] and sadly I'm still getting over it....I'm sure it will go and it just needs time and rest.
Secondly I had an order for 18 memory bears and just knew that blogging would have to wait.
So how do I set about making 18 bears?.....
All 18 bears needed stabilising with interfacing because of the fabrics used. So I had to cut out the 72 panels twice. [yes 144 panels needed!!]
Each bear was to have 2 panels of one of the tops provided and 2 panels of the trousers/leggings..so a lot of cutting out and sorting was required.
Plus every bear is different!!!
I did all the sewing and stuffed the arms and legs then it was over to my chief stuffer to stuff the tummies....he really does a wonderful job.
Here they all are stuffed and I've started to sew up the gaps in the back seams where they are stuffed and then I gather up the necks of each bear.
Yes, that's me in the middle of the chaos while I'm stitching on their faces.
And here they are with their purple ribbons on...the favourite colour of the elderly Grandmother they are in memory of. These 18 are for her 9 children and her eldest grandchildren. There are over 40 great grandchildren that may want bears when they see these so watch this space.
I hope you have enjoyed a little peep into my world this week. I love making my bears and just know how much comfort my customers have from them.
Thanks for calling in. I will do my best to pay you a visit to see what you've been up to.
Annie x
what a marathon bear-making week! no wonder you didn't have time to join us last time. They look amazing all finished. Happy WOYWW Helen #1
You chief bear stuffer must have his advanced certificate by now! 🤣🐻Love the bears! Get well soon x x Jo 🌈
Sorry you’re still feeling pants, these colds are taking their time to go aren’t they ? I hope you start feeling better this week. The pic of you in the teddies made me smile, goodness you have been busy. Well done to your chief stuffer too, he’s a good lad! Wow, that lady was a proper matriarch, 40 great grandchildren is quite a feat!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx
Hi Annie so pleased you managed to get the bears finished that is one massive job especially when you're not feeling too well. Lucky that you have your helper! I was weeks getting over the cold it's a stinker! I actually thought I was at your's when I was actually at Jo's and by mistake asked her if she'd finished the bears but I've apologised, what am I like! I can't even blame the cold as I'm over it now. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x10x
Wow, Annie that’s a lot of pieces and bears and what a team you make with hubby helping .. praying you’re better soon, I’ve had a bit of a cold too but not bad like yours, happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x
Wow! 18 bears and 144 pieces to cut out! That’s a marathon. Did you know a name for a group of teddy bears is a “hug”? Great name. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11
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