Friday, 24 January 2025

This week's smiles....week 399

 Another week with lots of smiles here at Sewing by Annie's.  I've been kept busy with sewing and that always makes me smile....I've even altered the straps of a spider outfit [see Wednesday for a pic].  There is never a dull moment here.

We had a visit from a cock pheasant in our back garden this week...thankfully the dogs didn't notice him.

Our little Peggy is fast growing...I'm sure she is already bigger than Milly was and she is quite the little character now.

Here she is sat me while I'm sewing little mice together one evening...I'm sure she watched every stitch :-)

Finally I've put together a couple of collages of funnies for you...I hope they make you smile.
Please leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles below.
Annie x


Lisca said...

That was one lucky pheasant. I wonder where it came from. Do they live in the wild near you? You mention dogs (plural). How many have you got? I thought just Peggy. And isn't she gorgeous!
Thanks for the funnies. (Mine aren't so nice this week)
Have a lovely weekend,

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, my goodness - if I was sick and THAT spider-dog came by, I think I´d be on my feet at once!
Halloween in January... the owner sure is ready for the event. Oh,and that chicken!
Peggy sure is a patient dog.
OK, now I know how much 32F is :-)
Have a Friday full of smiles, hugs

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased to see you've been kept busy. Peggy is growing up and such a sweetie too. I love the funny about the dogs following each other on Sniffer, it sent me thinking whether they recognise each other in our park. Take care and have a good weelkend. Hugs Angela xXx

Twiglet said...

Peggy is such a cutie. X x

mamapez5 said...

What a lovely picture of Peggy. I love it when wild-life visits my garden. I am glad he was safe from Peggy.
For someone who is 'retired' you sure do a lot of sewing, but I am glad it wasn't me who had to sew the spider.
Have a lovely weekend. Kate x

LA Paylor said...

peggy is Sooooo pretty and your little shadow. Love book by IKEA