Hi Folks. Here we are at 4th Birthday celebrations plus one week :-)
It's a quick post from me today cos I'm busy busy busy :-) I have my two maps to show you where I have sent 35 celebration ATCs to...
My UK friends
Plus so many friends all round the world too. :-)
I have already had some really gorgeous ATCs from those who asked to swap with me and I have collaged them to share all the wonderful effort that has been put into making them. I have been really busy with extra shifts with my gorgeous little munchkins so have been unable to email you each personally to say thank you so please accept an apology and my thanks now. I love each and every one of them and plan to make another display with them when they have all arrived. Please click on the collages to see them in more detail.
1. Jo
2. Kerry
3. Annette
4. Jackie
5. Neet
6. Lynn
7. Jan
8. Kate
9. Robyn
10. Sue
11. Janet
12. Sam [Hettie]
13. Sandra De
14. Lisa
15. Jill
16. Julie Ann
17. Julia
18. Roudi
19. Jo [zart]
20. Caro
The other thing I have to share with you today is the latest LillyBo quilt I've made. It was one of those times when all the word around me was filled with sad news and I am a great believer in keeping busy at times like that and doing something very positive. I quickly sorted out some matching fabrics and the quilt just appeared...as if by magic.....guess I was rather lost in my thoughts. Isn't it beautiful? I just love how it's turned out and am certain a poorly little girl will just love it....esp the little doll that I've made to go in the pocket of the bag.....What do you think?
Of course it is made of lots of snippets of my fabric stash so I am entering it for Di's Crafty snippets playground challenge for this week....I haven't been to play there for a while so I do hope the playmates are kind to me.

Thanks for dropping by today. I have a lot of catching up with sewing to do today but if you leave me a little hello I will pop by when I get a minute to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x
Fantastic ATC's I've still got yours from last year hanging on my Wall, it's quite safe! Love all your work, have a great week!
Happy woyww 32
What a beautiful blog - so much crafty lovliness. I love the collages. x Jo
That's a lovely quilt, Annie...isn't it weird how some projects go together so quickly and others...well, it's long and protracted and never works quite right! The dolly is the extra finishing touch!
Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx
Hi Annie!
LOVE your quilts, bag and the lovely dolly - gosh you really are such a busy lady.
And I adore my ATC from you - just trying to make mine to reciprocate after the shenanighans of recent weeks and then the weekend itself. Yes, everything was so well appreciated - it made all the angst and work so worthwhile.
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, Di xx
Lots of lovely ATCs there Annie. I love the way we can communicate with folk all over the world through our common interest.
The quilt is beautiful. I am sure some poorly girl will love it, and understand the love that went into the making of it. Kate x #34
Your ATC's are beautiful - hopefully mine will soon be with you- so sorry for the delay. The quilt is beautiful. Happy WOYWW Anne x #53
Oh wow! 35 ATCs. That sure is a lot of stitching done. But again, that only you! :)
Glad my ATC got there on time and I love all the others you've received.
That little quilt is so adorable. Love how you always add a stuffed animal or doll to the bag. So precious! ♥
Happy WOYWW. xx
It's my blogiversary and I've got candy to celebrate!
What a gorgeous post! Love the ATCs.
I am going to have to create a gallery of mine next week. The things you have made are glorious. Thank you too for my lovely, lovely ATC. I do so hope that some happiness comes your way after your sad news. xxx Julie Ann #60
So many fabulous ATC's that you were sent!! The latest quilt is just beautiful, but sorry that you had bad news when you were making it. Helen, 5
Gorgeous quilt -well done. Such a lovely collection of ATCs.
Have a special week.
Margaret #30
Hi Annie, thanks so much for my ATC, I hope mine arrives OK too, I sent it last week. The ATCs you have received are wonderful and your quilt is just gorgeous. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #51
Stunning quilt I can't imagine any little girl not falling in love with the doll. Lovely collection of atc's and I am amazed that yours arrived on the day!!
Sandra @53
Wowzers, you have showcased your collection beautifully but I'm totally taken with the quilt and bag and doll... gorgeous, some little girl is going to be made up with that! Happy WOYWW from Annette #8
Gorgeous ATCs there and a lovely quilt. Hope you are not suffering too much there. Know you always have friends here.
The quilt bags are amazing...you're very talented. Love your collection of ATC's. Hugs. Pam#9
Hi Annie
you have received some amazing ATC's wow they are fantastic.
I love love love your quilt bag and doll so pretty
Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #39
Hi Annie, what a wonderful collection of ATCs you've received so far - mine is a bit late but it did go in the post today :) Loved looking at the maps to see where they all came from. Your display is going to look fabulous. And, I'm still chuckling at the munchkins' chuckles in the previous post - Lexi is so generous too to part with her desert :)) Have a happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #57
arent there some talented people out there, love your ATC's and as for the quilt, i reckon it would cheer anyone up.
Gill x
You’ve certainly a lovely collection of ATC’s there Annie and everyone is so different. It’s great seeing all the artistic talent out there isn’t it.
Your latest quilt is stunning and as you say, a little girl is going to be very happy to receive that wonderful gift.
When I get back from my holiday I’ll get down and make some more cards for Jo because at the rate you’re turning out the quilts she’s going to need them sooner rafter than later.
Have a great week and……..
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ #60
What a gorgeous collection of ATCs you have there. The quilt will be well loved by its recipient I am sure, especially with the addition of that lovely little dolly :o)
Fiona xx #117
I love your maps... what fun! You have received some lovely ATCs there and the quilt is so cute, especially with its lovely companion! Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#55)
Oh Annie, your LillyBo quilt is lovely especially the little doll! Chris127
Hi Annie, wow you had some amazing ATC's and such gorgeous gifts. I love the quilt and dolly, I'm concerned though, sad news? hope all is ok and you have my number and facebook if you ever need to talk :-)
Lots of hugs, happy woyww Kezzy xxx
Okay-where do you find the time? Loved your maps this week and week 20 smiles too! Sue Kment
I think the quilt and dolly plus the bag will make some little girl the envy of her friends and she will be so content snuggled up in it. Wonderful!
Love the map you have done - brilliant idea and some lovely atc's you have there.
Sorry I am so late - making the most of this rare sunshine.
Hugs, Neet xxx
Great desk. All those ATCs are amazing. I wish I'd gotten my act together and taken part. Maybe I'll start now for next year!
Your quilt is so sweet, especially the little friend.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Love Rachel #29
Hi again Annie!
Thank you for linking into the Playground this week as well :)
Hugs, Di xx
Hi Annie, lucky girl with all those ATC's! And your lillbo quilt is gorgeous
Debs x
Wow! It really is a stunner... you are ace and I hope making it washed away some of the sadness you've had. We reap as we sew and that means you should only get nice things in return.
It has been so lovely here spending time with the little fraulein and seeing DD2 blossoming towards the little boy she's expecting. Lazy days in the sun with family in such a beautiful location certainly is a blessing!
Love jo x
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