Wednesday 2 October 2024


Happy 800thWOYWW posts.

Here is the link to my first post in September 2009.  As you can see I had a few machines back then....I've had several more since and moved houses.

It's been a very busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  I've made 6 Memory bears...

Here's the 5 I can share with you...these are made for a special friend and they are now winging their way to their new homes in Wiltshire ...I love making Memory bears for people I know but am sad that they needed more making.

I've also been very busy making advent calenders....I've now got 10 made [6 different designs] ready to sell and will be putting them on my Sewing by Annie Facebook page soon...shout if you want any.

That's all from me for this week.  If you leave me a message so I know you've called by I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you're busy with.


Annie x


Helen said...

it's great to see so many "old" faces still joining in from the early days - I'm still on the same floor as 2010 when I started! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Good that one of the earliest joiners is still with us Annie. Fun to look back at your first post. Thanks for sharing your WOYWW memories. Hugs and Happy 800th WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Good morning old timer! We've been at it for years and still crafting away and sharing our lovely bits and bobs each week. Big hugs. x x Jo 🌈

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hope this comment goes through Annie. I do everything on my phone and so far have lost Jans and Lynnes comment. Hoping it'd just moderation on!
Happy 800th WOYWW, you have been here a long time and seeing all your machines was really interesting as well as your wooden stamps!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Old Timer, lol!! Only a sister could get away with that *grin*. You’ve share so much over the years, i wonder how much you’ve made, probably tens of thousands of items and all with love. Thanks for being a wonderful WOYWW mate, we try and catch up soon,
Happy 800, sending hugs,
LLJ 4 xxx

Neet said...

Wonderful to see your workroom with all its machinery back in the day. Wondering when the Memory Bears first started. Guess it is bittersweet making them as many are for sad occasions but you must focus on the fact that you are helping with memories of loved ones in those cases. Must admit I like to see the "school" ones best myself.
Hugs, Neet xx 14

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Surprise....had been thinking about this WOYWW group and had some time it's 4 am here and Bailey awoke me ! Even forgot how to blog......sign in....Made a quick copy of my 1st post and added a few lines....FORGOT a NEW PHOTO...maybe next week. WISHING you the best and I have missed all of you and your fun posts.