Friday, 22 March 2024

This week's smiles...week 366

 Hello all.  We come here every Friday to catch up with the smiles we have had from the previous week and I hope you've had lots.

Lexi gives us lots to smile about at the mo...she entered dance competitions on line by recording her dances at home and sending the videos in.  I saw her videos and wow what a lovely little dancer she is now.  It's been so lovely watching her grow and develop.  Here she is holding all the awards she got....3 firsts, a second and a very proud of you Lexi.

I steamed all her dance dresses on Wednesday ready for a weekend of more dance competitions...and we are going to watch some of them too....more smiles :-)

We had Louie all day and Theo before and after school on Tuesday this week.  It's so special being able to spend quality time with them both.

They are here for tea on the days they come and both really love their food including lots of fruit and vegetables....they are a pleasure to cook for.  In fact little Louie [not yet 2] kept saying...Nanny this is delicious :-)

Our garden is filled with Spring flowers now and this week I can now includ the first of our tulips coming out....there's loads more to come out yet too :-)

Of course before I finish I have to include a few funnies...I hope they make you smile.

Please leave me a comment and then link up to your own smiles at the bottom.


Annie x


1. Twiglet said...

Great work from Lexi. Well done on all the steaming😀 Your Spring garden is looking good . x x Jo

2. Iris Flavia said...

You are so lucky with the Grandkids! All of them! You must be pretty proud and happy!
With that to a Friday full of smiles!

3. mamapez5 said...

Well done Lexi. She does well to video dancing at home.
Your flowers are so beautiful. I love the pink hyacinths. You always have a lovely display of tulips too so I look forward to seeing them.
It is so helpful when the little ones eat fruit and vegetables happily, so you don't have to try and disguise them.
I hope you have a happy week of smiles. Kate xx

4. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, I'm later than usual as I'm on my own. Hubby's at Conventry starting the moderation training again before the exams kick off. Pleased you've had a good week and loving the funnies especially the doggie ones obviously. Sending hugs Angela xXx

5. LA Paylor said...

I'm an old dancer... congrats Lexie. We're watching Louie grow up so fast. The flowers are gorgeous. Laughing at going to the lab... more helpful in healing probably!

6. Cloudia said...

You have a beautiful family. Thank you for hosting us. Aloha!

7. Lisca said...

Well done Lexie! She is great! Proud Nanny moment.
Louie is growing so fast. I remember Theo being his age.
Your flowers are lovely. I am determined to get some daffodil bulbs at Amsterdam airport when I'm there. I have such a longing for those yellow beauties.
Have a lovely weekend,

8. Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post