Wednesday, 3 September 2014


I'm back  :-)  Wahooooo

As you may well know we were kept waiting til 11 o'clock on Thursday 14th to even know for sure that we were moving on Friday 15th August but we wasted no time in getting our two little dogs booked into the kennels and confirming the move with our removal company [who come highly recommended...they were brilliant].
Removal day went like clockwork and here is the last snap of the sewing room that was....

Just the last couple of Ikea boxes waiting to be packed :-)

There were no emotions on leaving the home that had belonged to our family for over 66 years...I think we had been so traumatised by it all that I was just glad to lock the door.

But as we collected these keys the tears flowed.....don't think I could really believe it was really happening.

Fitting a 4 bed roomed house into a little 2 bed roomed bungalow meant that boxes were stacked high but in the last two week we have emptied most of the essentials and the rest will be emptied when we have done the building work that we have planned.


These were the treasures found in our new back garden....lots of sorting out needed but it's a south facing back garden and it's a good size so has real potential.


This will eventually be my sewing room!!!  Who does this to a modern little bungalow?  It's a fab sized room but we plan to remove all the Tudor style cladding and plaster it out before I use it.'s what you really came here to see [and I'm not sorry it's taken me sooooooo long to get round to showing you my work desk this week cos I've lots to show you and am soooooooo excited with our new home]. 
 It's only temporary but this is my work desk til we get the alterations done.....and it's already been put to good use as I've had two customers needing sewing already!! ....and for the eagle eyed amongst you yes that is my new sewing machine all set up in the middle of the picture and it sews like a dream.  :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

There you go girls.  I really hope you like my new work desk.  I'm sure it will change from week to week as we get to work on the decorating and building projects but trust me when I say I won't be moving again any time soon!!!

I just need to add a huge thank you for the lovely comments left for me on Jo's blog over the last couple of weeks and for the lovely cards some of you sent us.

Annie x


1. Helen said...

firstly, welcome to your new home - how fantastic to finally - finally!! - get there, no wonder you shed tears. There are lots of boxes (as to be expected) but I am sure you will sort them soon(ish) - don't blame you for wanting to take the beams off, not in keeping with the modern building! Take care, and happy sewing. xx Helen 14

2. Sunshine Girl said...

Ooooh good luck in your new home! hope you have many very happy years there - cant wait to see it all finished! Sunshine Girl #17

3. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay, you got there...finally! Hope you and Doody have many happy years in your new place....
The sewing room will be fab when you've finally sorted it out. Like the look of your new toy...a lean, mean, sewing machine :-)
Hugs, LLJ 24 xx

4. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh, I'm so happy that the moving ordeal is finally over for you. I remember the trauma of moving day for us, when our stupid buyer decided he wouldn't complete and half our home was loaded on the removal van. The solicitor then rang us again two hours later to say he would complete after all, but would pay 5 grand less. There should be a law to protect people from such behaviour. Exciting times ahead for you. Enjoy xx

Fiona #28

5. Anne said...

Hello Annie not joining in this week. Been /am so busy with grandchildren:-) but wanted to say how pleased I am that you are in your new home. Have fun getting it how you want it to be - especially your sewing room. Anne x

6. Twiglet said...

It will be really lovely when you get it all done. One step at a time! Keep those lads well stocked with tea and brownies!x Jo

7. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Woo Hoo, Annie! How utterly wodnerful to be finally moved.. yes....upward and onward .. love the garden's new delights! great excitement indeed... and wonderful to see new work area. happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz. #33

8. Hazel said...

Fantastic to hear of your move and how organised you are. I love the look of your new area and gorgeous 'finds' in your new garden. Thanks for sharing your workspace today. Hazel, WOYWW, #34 x

9. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, you're in your new home at last and if not settled, almost. And I'm sure you will get it just the way you want it in time ... and that faux Tudor look will be banished! Your temporary sewing room looks light and airy. And it looks as though the window looks out on to your pretty back garden - that could be distracting :) Not a bit surprised you've no intention of moving again ... it's been too traumatic to repeat. So here's to many years of happiness in your new home. Hugs, Elizabeth x #26

10. glitterandglue said...

Oh, Annie. Well done!!! You got there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic - and what lovely treasures you have already found in your garden! Gorgeous roses, hydrangea, poppies, and do I spot Levatera?, valerian? Rock roses?
WELCOME to your new home - enjoy every inch (or centimetre) of it. Great new craft space - even if it is only the temporary one. I think I'm with you, though, and would indeed remove the beams!
Why, oh why, do moves have to be so traumatic. The stress levels are so high and so unnecessary. Surely there must be a better way of doing things? When we moved here we came along the A55 and as the gorgeous view toward the Little Orme came into sight we also burst into tears - awkward when driving! - but we had thought we would never get back here - it had been such a terrible time getting to completion.
Take care, my friend. God bless.
Margaret #22

11. Di said...

What a happy post Annie - at long last you made it! Wahoooo :) Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home - be sure to keep us up to date on work in progress (we sticky beaks do love a good nosey). Also, when you have time, can you please let me have your new address - I was scared to ask for it earlier in case I put the 'mockers' on the move! I remember you sent your planned new address out with Christmas cards, and look waht happened there, sigh.

THIS one was meant to be though - happy dance here for you.

Hugs, Di xx

12. pearshapedcrafting said...

I'm smiling reading this -so pleased that you are settling in! I'm sure it won't be long before you get things sorted! Have a fun week! Chrisx 46

13. famfa said...

So pleased you moved into your new home finally. Hope you are truly happy here and the new work sounds exciting. Loving the new machine. Enjoy

14. Sue - said...

So pleased to see you settled finally into your new home and obviously really enjoying it.

15. fairy thoughts said...

Hi Annie
Thanks for the tour looks like you have wasted no time and are very organised already. I look forward to seeing how it all progresses
Janet @18

16. Mrs.D said...

Wonderful that you eventually got moved, and Yes who would do that to a modern bungalow.
We played content of 4 bed house into two roomed bungalow, very tight squeeze, but you'll get it sorted out in the end.
Bless you
Chris #10

17. mamapez5 said...

Welcome to your new home Annie. How exciting! I hope you eventually find a home for everything. Well done on getting a desk set up already. Of course that was the most important thing wasn't it? The new sewing machine sounds great. I am sure you will put it to good use. Kate x

18. Andrea said...

congratulations and its great to see you all moved in. cant wait to see the house progress as you want it. you can feel the excitement in your writing enjoy and i wish you many years of happiness ahead hugs Andrea #12

19. Julia Dunnit said...

Woot woot! Thank goodness and at last! Wishing you loads of happiness and loads of jobs done in a jiffy! The garden Is fab already, full of'll have a lot of fun making that your own. And a new sewing machine to boot...already at home at your desk I see!! Xxxxx

20. Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
21. Unknown said...

Hi Annie...great update. Been wondering how it was all going. You sound well organised already.
It looks lovely. Love the garden shots.
Sounds like your going to be busy for a while yet.
Amazing new machine, bet you have been longing to get it going
Looking forward to hearing how it all goes from here
Take care xx

22. Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh many emotions when leaving an old home and arriving at a new one. What a nightmare it's been!!
Did I see a radiator at your feet under the desk? Lovely to be warm and toasty in the Winter.Oh dear that mock Tudor...!!!
We have missed our link-ups re Friday smiles, but a few of us still posted which was nice.
Have a more restful week and take some time out for play time!!
Judy x

23. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So pleased you are settled in now.
I thought when I saw the Tudor decor that it was an older property but from what you said it doesn't sound like it. Still it will be lovely when you make it your own.
Happy crafting, Angela x 38

24. Chrysalis said...

Happy, happy - Welcome to your new home at long last. I hope you will quickly settle down and feel at home. Have a wonderful week, Chris # 29

25. Eliza said...

Oh Annie,

Welcome, welcome to your new home what a delight you have in finding new things in the garden, rooms to decorate and total bliss that you will not have to move again. I am so happy for you. I have missed the last couple of weeks, banned myself from the computer but I am so pleased now to see how far you have come. Congratulations you deserve it all and more.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 49

26. I'm a Little Teapot said...

Congrats on your new home! That is very exciting. :)

Have a fun week unpacking! Hugs, Kathy Jo #44

27. Anavon Harris said...

so excited for your new adventures and can't wait to see what neat and creative things come from your new sewing room.

28. Neet said...

Never mind the crafting photos, just keep showing us your new home. I am so chuffed for you both and cannot wait to hear you are settled and have unpacked lots of boxes.
Are you still close enough to the grandees? Will the munchkins still be coming over? So many questions - I need another trip down there to meet up again.
That brings me to ask you if you can email me your address. I have a card here ready and waiting for you to say welcome to your new home.
Only you could move so quickly - you must be exhausted!
Lots and lots of Love
Neet 16 xx

29. 505whimsygirl said...

Congratulations Annie! I'm so happy for you.

The temporary craft room looks like it's well broken in already!

Not playing along this week but wanted to visit a few people.

Happy belated WOYWW