Friday, 30 November 2012

Friday's smiles...

I have a few snaps to make you smile today.....

The first one is of the twins sat studying a Christmas catalogue to choose what they want Father Christmas to bring them.  :-)

I wonder what goes through their minds?

The second one is of Amy's three in their Christmas jumpers.  :-)  We are all off on the Santa's train ride at the weekend and all 5 of the Grandchildren have new Christmas jumpers for the event.  :-)  
There will be 15 of us going including a new little family member [a new baby cousin for Amy's three].....welcome to the family little Harry...he arrived safely 4 1/2 weeks early [was due Christmas day!] and weighed in at 5lb 13 oz.  Mum and baby went home from hospital the day after he was born and both are doing well thankfully.

Penny asked me to get Lexi to model the little hat I knit for her so she could see how it fitted and of course Lexi is more than willing to oblige.  She loves her new fits to perfection and is really warm and cosy as you can see.

The last pic I want to share with you today is one of the gorgeous angel Jo sent me in her angel swap.  Her name is Mical and she is the angel of miracles so is quite appropriate for some of the days I've had here lately.  I love her to bits Jo and want to thank you for choosing this one for me.

I hope my snaps have raised a smile today and you all have a great weekend.
Annie x


1. Di said...

Wonderful piccies Annie - Len just laughed at the little ones poring solemnly over the catalogue - decisions, decisions :)

Super jumpers and I do love the hat, superbly modelled by Lexi.

Hope you enjoy the train ride, what fun. Err, and there's no chance of any ironing here right now!

Hugs, Di xx

2. mamapez5 said...

Maybe it's a good thing we don't know what is going through their minds Annie, but they are certainly getting in training for a life of catalogue and internet shopping! Lexi looks real cute in her hat. The jumpers took me back. My three youngest sons were in the same age group as four of their cousins and one year I knitted seven Paddington bear jumpers for Christmas! The things we do for love! Thank you for starting Friday off with a smile.
Kate x

3. Helen said...

Cute jumpers, enjoy the train ride! I love the photo of the twins with the catalogue - what memories that conjours!!

4. French Nanny said...

Glad the hat fits. It looks great and I bet it's nice and warm too.
Still remind me a bit of that teacosy I made... Maybe I'll adapt the pattern...

5. KC'sCourt! said...

Lovely family
Enjoy the christmas train ride they are fun!
Julie xxxxxx

6. Hettie said...

Aw bless. Welcome to the new lickle one. I don't blame Harry for coming early. Not sure I would like to share my birthday with Christmas. I have a friend who was born on C Eve and she hated having birthday presents wrapped in C paper!
That hat looks gorgeous on Lexi. Can I have a red one please?

7. Catriona said...

Lovely photos of all your grandchildren-hope you have a fabulous train ride. Lexi certainly seems to be the leader of the twins and the photo with the catalogue is priceless!
Yes, I remeber knitting the Christmas jumpers-happy days.

8. Twiglet said...

That catalogue pic is priceless - you will show Lexi that in years to come!!! x Jo

9. Anne said...

Lovely photos of the children - so cute of the twins leafing through the catalogue. :-)love the chrimble jumpers and the hat. Welcome to little Harry. My eldest grandson is a Harry and very cute he is too. Not sure he'd like that description now he's a 'cool' 7 year old. They grow up so fast. Hope you had a great time on the train ride.
The angel is beautiful. Love Anne x

10. Neet said...

Thanks for the smiles. I love seeing the grandees. Hope you had a wonderful time on the train - the children were certainly going to create a lovely picture in their new knits.

Hugs, Neet xx

11. sandra de said...

Lovely pics of the grandees modelling the lovely creation in a previous pic. You are the most amazing dumfing creator in blog land, your little critters are gorgeous.
Sandra @27