Friday, 1 June 2012

Friday's pictures...

It's been such a wonderful week of celebrations and sharing thanks to Wednesday's What's on your Workdesk.  There are ATCs flying all over the world to and from blogging friends.  Most have never met but that doesn't make their friendships any less real.  I know so many of you gave me a lot of help and support over the difficult times over the last twelve months for which I thank you for and you have also shared in all the good times too.

My Friday's posts aim to share what is going on in my world that will bring smiles to the faces that read them and this week I have really struggled to choose so you have them all  :-)

Our two big Granddaughters in their new nighties sharing books at bedtime.

Their little brother eating his first ice cream.....not at all phased by the cold is he?  He has the bluest of blue eyes that I'm sure will melt some hearts in years to come.

The delight on the faces of the twins having had their first fingers of pizza  and got really messy with it.  :-)

And last but by no means least the mischief on the faces of this pair now they are able to move from A to B.  Not quite crawling yet but oh so close!!  It came with the caption...

We think we are so clever that mummy wont be able to find us soon.  :-)

I hope these have raised some smiles and that you all have a really wonderful Jubilee weekend with family and friends.
Annie x


1. French Nanny said...

Oh Annie - they're all just gorgeous!

2. Twiglet said...

What bundles of mischief!! Hope Nanny Annie is soon on top form!! x Jo

3. Elizabeth said...

Lovely pics, Annie, and as I definitely needed a bit of cheering up today, just the job :) Aren't they all growing up fast! Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x

4. DIAN said...


5. Angie said...

What fantastic shots the twins all messy. xx

6. Jan said...

Wonderful pictures-grandchildren are just the best!!

7. Carol said...

Well don't know where my comments went......
Gorgeous photos, really made me smile, beautiful cheeky faces!
Carol xx

8. mountainear said...

Lovely Annie. Haven't they all grown so quickly?

Enjoy your weekend. x

9. Susanne said...

What an adorable lot.

10. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks Annie, for sharing your special treasures. Lots of smiles just seeing them

11. Di said...

Oh wow, fabby photos Annie! Thank you so much for sharing :) Di xx

12. sandra de said...

They are all so gorgeous.

13. Lynn Holland said...

Beautiful all of them x

14. Neet said...

No wonder you were spoiled for choice with all those lovely happy smiling faces. Love the one of the twins at the end just about to crawl. Heaven help you when they do - they look like they will be everywhere and too quick to catch at times. LOL
Hugs, Neet xx

15. famfa said...

Gorgeous ang growing so quick