Friday, 25 May 2012

Photos to make you smile...

It's Friday so I've found a few pictures I'd like to share with you to make you smile today.

The latest few snaps of the gorgeous flowers in our garden.  The Clematis is called Josephine....wouldn't you just guess that?  :-)

Lexi is showing off the latest cardigan I knitted for her....she looks pretty pleased with it don't you think?

Sam has had his second hair cut....doesn't he look a real handsome young man?

And to finish off....If none of the above made you smile then this one just can't fail.  :-)  They are all decked up ready for a splash in their paddling pool out in the sunshine.  I know I'm rather biased but aren't they just gorgeous?

Hope we all get more sunshine over the weekend and can enjoy a bit of rest and relaxation too.
Annie x


1. Helen said...

They look so sweet!!! The flowers are stunning too. Hope you have a good weekend.

2. Di said...

Oh Annie, what fabulous photos! The flowers are beautiful of course, but Sam and Lexi absolutely steal the show today. Haven't they suddenly changed from being babies into little people - if that make sense. So, so sweet!!

BTW, you know I bake? Well, if I sit tight long enough the two-legged mouse makes sure it gets eaten - plus I don't truly have much of a sweet tooth. Method in the madness here.

Have a lovely day, and keep those super photos coming please.

Di xx

3. SueH said...

How can you not smile at pictures like that!
Aren’t they all growing up fast.


4. JoZart Designs said...

That's a lovely way to start the day! I haven't even had breakfast yet as DH has gone for milk and his paper so I popped in for a quick peep and glad I did. A & S are just adorable!
Have a great weekend, love Jo x

5. Catriona said...

Truly scrumptious Annie. I love them wearing their little hats!

6. Twiglet said...

Oh don't they just fill your heart with happiness - so gorgeous. Josephine is looking good too!!!! x

7. 505whimsygirl said...



8. Anne said...

Yep they made me smile such sweeties. Anne x

9. Hettie said...


10. Carol said...

Aren't they just gorgeous? Great photos.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend and enjoying this welcome sunshine.
Carol xx

11. Mrs A. said...

They are so adorable. Hugs mrs a.

12. Sue from Oregon said...

Built in entertainment Granny!

13. Neet said...

Gosh oh Golly - those two are not babies any more! They have grown so much! yes, she looks really chuffed with her new cardi.
Hugs, Neet xx