Saturday, 14 January 2012

Mr Tumble is finished...

You will have seen on my Wednesday's post that I had another order for one of my Mr Tumble lookie likey dolls.  

Well, here he is finished.  I promised to put a pic up to show his new owner before I send her an invoice so I really hope she is pleased with him.  :-)

You can see I have put felt 'buttons' on the front because he is for a 2 year old little girl. 


1. Di said...

Wonderful Annie! He's going to be soooo loved I'm sure :)) Di xx

2. Anne said...

He is just so gorgeous and I can imagine the little girl will be thrilled when she gets him.X

3. christine said...

Thanks Annie my little girl is going to love him

4. Twiglet said...

Another success for Mr Tumble!!

5. Emma Breadstill said...

Mr Tumble look perfect, how clever you are. I'm sure he will be much loved.

Lots of love xxx

6. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah no wonder he wins everyone's heart, Annie - love him, Shaz in oz.x

7. Carol said...

Oh Annie, I just love your Mr. Tumble, you are so talented.
Hope some of this lovely sunshine is reaching you.
Carol xx

8. bohemiannie! art said...

TOTALLY adorable!

9. mashy20 said...

I love him!well done mum!x

10. French Nanny said...

I still think he's scarey...

11. Whimcees said...


Mr. Tumble is certainly looking good! So cute! Wishing you a happy week!


Barbara Diane

12. Angela Toucan said...
