Wednesday 16 October 2024


 Hello all.  Hope you've had a good week.  I've been keeping busy here...I find it's that best way when I'm struggling to get through difficult times.

I made another kneeler  from the wadding from a Hello Fresh box...this time it's for my son, Mark.  I hate to see these things thrown out and it makes a fab kneeler.

I made a pretty length of bunting for a friend who is expecting a new Granddaughter any time soon...she chose the fabrics.

I've made lots more Christmas tree decorations and they are being fast chosen by my Grandchildren...I will probably make more to replace them and will then give them to the charity I support.

That's all from me for this week.  I will do my best to pay you a return visit if you leave me a little message.
Annie x

Friday 11 October 2024

This week's smiles....week 385

 I'm sorry to say I've struggled to find smiles this week because our little Milly died very suddenly and totally unexpected on Saturday evening...I'm broken hearted.  She has left a huge hole in our lives sadly.

I think  someone has heard the news about Milly because he wouldn't have dared come into the garden if she was still humour but it did make us smile.

Louie makes us smile every day when he comes to play...he's growing up and changing every day.

We went to watch Sam perform in Frozen at Theatre Severn on Sunday...he was brilliant in every part he played.  We are so very proud of the young man he is becoming.


The only other things I have to share with you are the funnies I've found this week....I hope something here makes you smile.
Annie x

Wednesday 9 October 2024


It's not been an easy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  Sadly our little Milly, having played happily outside all day on Saturday had a heart attack very suddenly and died at my feet early evening.  She was only 8 1/2  and, having 6 mthly checks at the vets, had no health problems so it was a huge shock to us...she has left a huge hole in our lives.

Needless to say I have been doing my best to keep very busy and I have a couple of things to share with you...

I was commisioned to make this lovely quilt for a lady who had previously had 3 others made for her other grandchildren...this is for the latest addition to the family.  I loved making it but I have to say it was a labour of love because it took many hours to make.

I've been kept busy with sewing for my customers but in between jobs I've made a few more Christmas tree decorations....still lots of beads etc to add yet but I've enjoyed having a bit of creative time.

That's all from me for this week.  I hope you've had a better week than me and have lots to share with us.  I will do my best to pay you a visit as soon as I can.
Annie x

Friday 4 October 2024

This week's smiles....week 394

  Hi all.  It's been a busy week here for me so I've spent many hours in my sewing's been very wet and much colder so it was probably the best place to be and I love keeping busy.

These pair are now teenagers and this week have registered with an agent so their world could now go from strength to strength with their dancing/acting/singing.  It's such an exciting time for them both and they make us so very proud.

The only other thing I have to share with you are my funnies...and there are lots.  I hope you find something here to smile about and you will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles below.
Annie x

Wednesday 2 October 2024


Happy 800thWOYWW posts.

Here is the link to my first post in September 2009.  As you can see I had a few machines back then....I've had several more since and moved houses.

It's been a very busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  I've made 6 Memory bears...

Here's the 5 I can share with you...these are made for a special friend and they are now winging their way to their new homes in Wiltshire ...I love making Memory bears for people I know but am sad that they needed more making.

I've also been very busy making advent calenders....I've now got 10 made [6 different designs] ready to sell and will be putting them on my Sewing by Annie Facebook page soon...shout if you want any.

That's all from me for this week.  If you leave me a message so I know you've called by I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you're busy with.


Annie x

Friday 27 September 2024

This week's smiles....week 393

 It's been another week of smiles for me and I hope for you too.

It was Lexi and Sam's 13th birthdays on the 20th and it was Gina's birthday too so we have had lots to celebrate. We all joined up for coffee and birthday cake on Friday evening before we left to go to the theatre.

Lexi is going from strength to strength with her dancing and she will now be performing in Liverpool, Birmingham and even at the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool...we are so very proud of her.

I have watched Neighbours since it first started and as Toadie [Ryan Maloney] has now left and is touring England we decided to go to see him at Theatre Severn.  We enjoyed our evening although we didn't know what to expect....there was laughter, tears and plenty to think about.

We had a fun day with little Louie on Thursday.....give a child a box and they will happily play all was a house, a tunnel and a slide to name but a few.....and the potty training is going well too.  :-) :-)

Louie is such a little character, as you can see here.  He's at a diddi dance group.  :-) :-)

I have lots of funnies to share this week so I'm sure you will find something to make you smile.  I hope you will leave me a little message before linking up to you own smiles below.
Have a great week.
Annie x

Wednesday 25 September 2024


 Hi all.  It may be early in the year for some but, because I usually get busy leading up to Christmas, I am making a start with a few Christmas makes so that's what is on my desk today...

As most of you will know, each year I make something for each of my grandchildren to hang on their Christmas tree so I got my felt box out and made a start....I decided to make several different designs so they could choose.

Here they are...with a few stitches, beads, bows, wadding, a ribbon hanger and backing.  I have a few more designs in mind and all that are left will go to the charity I support.

That's all from me for now....I will be finding time to craft in between my sewing jobs.  I have a Memory bear to make this morning :-)


Annie x

Friday 20 September 2024

This week's smiles.....week 392

 It's been another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  I've tackled tricky sewing jobs and been kept busy sewing for a local keeps me smiling :-) 

We look after Theo and Louie each Thursday and, after dropping Theo at school, we bring Louie to ours for the day.  He is growing up so fast and we how have new challenges....

...he's out of nappies now so it's a case of trying to catch everything in the potty :-)

He's doing very well but 'forgets' when he's busy so need little reminders....and a 'treat' when he does a wee in the potty :-) ....just look at the concentration on that little face :-)

Mark took the boys for a bike ride at the weekend [Theo had a new bike for his birthday]....sadly Mark had a flat tyre on his bike and had to walk home, pushing his bike with Louie on his shoulders.

They do look to be enjoying a boys day out together don't they?

Of course, I have found some funnies to share with you...I hope something here makes you smile.

Please link up at the bottom and share your smiles with us.  Have a great week.
Annie x