Friday 31 May 2024

This week's......week 376

 It's been a busy week for me with lots of sewing here at Sewing by Annie's. 

 I have.....

  • Shortened 4 bridesmaid's dresses and altered 3 of them
  • Shortened 2 prom dresses and have another coming for her fitting this morning.
  • Replaced the elastic in the waistband of a pretty dress
  • Have also had lots of other customers needing fittings.
I love busy keeps me smiling.  It's been half term holidays for the schools so we haven't had the boys this week for a fun day but they did send us this gorgeous photo....

They are on holiday down in North Devon and it sounds like they are having a wonderful time.

Tuesday evening we went to watch Sam in The Little Mermaid on the main stage at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury.  He was miked up and had lots of lines to say plus had to sing too.  It was a brilliant show and its so lovely to see his confidence grow....proud Nanny moments.

Here's the latest collage of our garden flowers this week....there is always something to make us smile out there.

I've only found a couple of funnies this week so hope they make you smile too.

We are off on a well earned adventure later today so it may depend on the internet where we are as to whether I can leave comments this week but I will do my best.

Annie x

Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Here we are at another weekly catch up with our creative friends all over them world.  It's been a busy one for me here at Sewing by Annie's

I've made this lovely set of Memory bears in memory of a lovely man using his 4 fav tops/shirts.  Each bear has a panel of each of the 4 shirts but because they are in a different place on each they are all different.

On my rail today there's a jacket that I've shortened the sleeves on, two nurse's tunics that I have taken in on the sides and 4 gorgeous powder blue bridesmaid's dresses....I did the fittings on these yesterday but when I came to start the work on them guess what?....

I only had two reels of thread in the right blue and these were nearly running out....You wouldnt believe that I have all these threads in my blue/green drawer and yet not enough of the right colour....guess I need to go shopping before I can start.
If only I knew on Saturday I could have bought some when I was there buying more black/white interfacing and stuffing for my bear making!!

I have mastered the art of cord making this week and now just have to decide what to do with it :-)

Thanks for calling in today.  Please leave me a little message and I will do my best to call over at yours to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x

Friday 24 May 2024

This week's smiles.....week 375

 It's been a week filled with emotions of one kind or another.  

The funeral last Friday was the largest one I've ever been to....there was almost as many standing outside the Crem as inside.  The Celebrant lead a beautiful service and everyone commented on how perfect it all was.

Saturday was the WOYWW 15th Aniversary crop in Stoke and it was so lovely to be surrounded by such special friends.  Our leader for 15 years, Julia, has handed over the baton to Sarah so there was a few words of thanks to Julia and a presentation of the collection that Jo managed to more emotions.

On Sunday we went to the theatre to watch the early KCDC dance show and this time it was not only Lexi dancing but little Theo also.  Lexi danced in 14 different dances throughout the two shows during the day and even stood in front of the stage to lead the dances for the younger dancers.  It was Theo's first time on the main stage and he danced in two different you can imagine there were more emotions for this very proud Nanny Annie.

Here's a few photos of my little dancers.  Theo loves his big cousin, as you can see.

I love rainbows and this one greeted me Monday morning....a great start to my week.

Here's my collage of the beautiful flowers in our garden this week...there seems something new to see each week....aren't we lucky? :-)

Here's a few funnies/smiles for you this week...they wouldn't fit in a collage so I've added them like last week.

This little mouse really made me smile.

There was something familiar about this photo ;-)

I hope you find something to make you smile and will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles at the bottom.


Annie x

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Didn't we have a lovely day,  the day we went to Stoke?   After an emotional day at the funeral on Friday it was so lovely to spend a day surrounded by wonderful friends.  I managed a little embroidery but mostly it was spent talking, drinking coffee and eating cakes.

I'm sure there will be many much better photos taken of the day but here's just a few I snapped.

These are the lovely ATCs etc that I was given....each one different in it's own way but they are all special.  Thanks so much to you all.

These are the raffle prizes I won....the gorgeous pic on the right was made by Angela...It will be going up on my wall of memories because I love it.

The fabric will be put to good use I am certain....just not yet because I came home with bags full of jumpers from Sarah to make some special memory cushions with,

Caro sat making a gorgeous cord while at the crop and she made it look so simple so when I got home I ordered a kit to have a go.  Sadly mine came with no instructions so Caro sent me a copy of hers [Thanks Caro] you can see I've had a go but havent mastered it yet.  I will get there but it may take me a few goes to get going lol.

Thanks for calling in.  I will do my best to pop over to yours ASAP.


Annie x

Friday 17 May 2024

This week's smiles....week 374

 Here we are at another round up of the smiles from the week.  

We enjoyed our fun day with the boys yesterday.....just look at the concentration on Louie's face as he's building his tall tower with the Duplo.....she's such a delight to look after.

I went around the garden to snap a few pics and it made me smile to see the first blooms on so many plants this week.....there are many more to come out yet of course and you will probably see them in due course.

The funnies this week didn't lend themselves to a collage so I've put them each on individually.....I hope you find something to make you smile.
As you know today is a difficult one for me as it's my Brother in law's funeral this will be a full house with very many in attendance because he was known and loved by many.....I'm just hoping all goes well.

Annie x

Wednesday 15 May 2024



Happy 15th Anniversary to you all.  I made a box full of ATCs for the crop but thought Is should make this one special ATC to celebrate our 15 years together so this will be going to the one after my name on the list.  What special friendships we all have made thanks to Julia's wonderful idea all those years back....and I thank you with all my heart Julia for the effort you put in each and every week my friend.  I can't wait for the crop on Saturday.

I was poorly last week so wasn't up to joining in the Wednesday fun but am thankfully much better now and wouldn't miss this week of celebrations for the world.  I have had a busy week with sewing this week.....

  • I've shortened two long dresses
  • Shortened several pair of trousers/jeans
  • Shortened a dress etc etc

My desk today has all the things I've been getting ready for Saturday's crop....

I've filled two little fabric boxes with Celebrations ready for the raffle on Saturday....they are now wrapped in cellophane and tied with a ribbon :-)

I've made a badge to wear so everyone knows who I am....not that I think anyone will be in doubt :-)
Julia asked us to make/wear one and who would argue with the boss? :-)

I've hunted out some random patchwork that I am embroidering on to bring with me to do while I'm there ....I can't imagine I will get much done but I do like to look willing :-)
[too much talking, laughing, drinking coffee and eating cake] 

That just leaves me to say Happy 15th Anniversary to you all and I hope to see at least some of you in Stoke on Saturday.  Thanks for all the love, care and friendship over the years and here's to the next 15 :-) :-)
Annie x

Friday 10 May 2024

This week's smiles....week 373

 Here we are at another weekly catch up of the smiles from the week.  I was missing on Wednesday for WOYWW because I had been up most of the night with a poorly tummy so hadn't slept and had looked after the grandchildren on Tuesday so was totally drained....I'm pleased to say I am much better now and after a couple of good night's sleep am now raring to go. I have a few smiles to share with you...

After spending over 4 hours with my eldest daughter, Shell, in A and E on Saturday she treated us to some croissants and lots of fresh fruit for our breakfast on Sunday you can see some of the fruit was a little tart!!  His face really made me chuckle.

Shell had had a virus that had caused her to have a prickly heat type rash all over her arms and legs and it then caused her to have reactive arthritis in her hands....she was in so much pain and her hands were very swollen....thankfully they gave her some strong antiinflammatories and they are much better now....we are so lucky to have our NHS [even if it did take over 4 hours lol].

Here is this week's collage of some of the gorgeous plants in our garden....there seems to be something to make us smile everywhere we look [even if the pollen from all the flowers is making my asthma worse!].

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you.

Bottom left really made me smile, being an ex midwife.

I've had a few days like the cat in bottom right pic lately so it made me chuckle.

Hope you have found something to make you smile and will link up to your own smiles below....everyone welcome.
Annie x

Friday 3 May 2024

This week's smiles....weel 372

 It's been one of those weeks when I've not got many photos to share with you but my biggest smile was when I filled my tax return in on's not something I enjoy doing but I smiled a lot when it was finished :-)

I decided to go around our garden and to take pics to share with you all....the best bit was how many I found.  As you can see we have lots to keep us smiling.

There was even a busy bee sitting in one of the yellow Welsh poppies.

I managed to find some funnies to share with you too.

This one especially made me chuckle.

I will be joining other family members later to plan the funeral service for my brother in law so I may be late getting round to say hello this week so please be patient with me.

Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and link up to your smiles below.


Annie x

Wednesday 1 May 2024


 Here we are at another weekly catch up with our creative friends all around the world....It's the best day of the week for me.  I'm really hoping to go to the crop later in the month even though it's the day after my brother in law's funeral.....I am sure a day with friends is just what will be needed.  I checked with Sarah as to how many she expects to attend and decided I needed to make some ATCs to take with me so that's what's on my desk today.

I started by strip quilting a long length of fabric and then machine embroidered down each strip, cut them into ATCs and embroidered around each one.  I then added tiny flowers.  If I'm honest I wasn't feeling very creative but I'm rather pleaded with the finished results....I hope everyone that comes to the crop will like them too.


Annie x