Friday 17 May 2024

This week's smiles....week 374

 Here we are at another round up of the smiles from the week.  

We enjoyed our fun day with the boys yesterday.....just look at the concentration on Louie's face as he's building his tall tower with the Duplo.....she's such a delight to look after.

I went around the garden to snap a few pics and it made me smile to see the first blooms on so many plants this week.....there are many more to come out yet of course and you will probably see them in due course.

The funnies this week didn't lend themselves to a collage so I've put them each on individually.....I hope you find something to make you smile.
As you know today is a difficult one for me as it's my Brother in law's funeral this will be a full house with very many in attendance because he was known and loved by many.....I'm just hoping all goes well.

Annie x


Twiglet said...

Lovely pics. Thinking of you all today. Hugs.🥰 Jo

Helen said...

Hope today goes well. See you tomorrow xx

Cloudia said...

My sincere condolences for your loss. My thoughts will be with you. Aloha

Iris Flavia said...

Louie grows up very fast!
And the flowers, beautiful.
Oh,I hate CapsLock! But I have hope now, just thinking of Jellyfish ;-)
Wishing you strength and also funny memories today.
I never expected it but at my Mom´s funeral there was loads of laughter, too.

mamapez5 said...

Lovely flowers as always Annie. My dad loved peonies but I didn't because they always had earwigs in them! Maybe they don't now and they are very beautiful anyway, as is the wisteria on your header.
I hope al goes well for you this afternoon. Even though the reason is sad, some funerals can be quite a happy reunion with folk you haven't seen for a long time. I apprecited the music funny. I will send that on to Ben who will also smile at it. Kate x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a sad day for you. My sincere condolences on the loss of your BIL. At least you have lots of beauty in your garden and a happy time with Louie. And you have the crop to look forward to tomorrow. I hope you have a lovely weekend regardless, dear Annie.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, I'm a bit late today as we've got stuff going on but I'm still going to the Crop tomorrow. Hope all goes well today though I know it will. I'll get back later to visit everybody else. Hugs Angela xXx

LA Paylor said...

your garden is always inspirational

Lisca said...

I hope the funeral goes well and that you will find comfort in meeting people you haven't seen for a long time.
Your flowers are gorgeous. Is the wisteria in the header yours?
Love the funnies, and Louie is such a delight. It's almost a deja vue from when Theo was little.
Thinking of you,

Elizabeth said...

Hello Annie, I've been thinking of you a lot. I hope Friday went well and you're now finding time to relax a little. I forgot to mention before that the wisteria in your header is gorgeous. Take care and hugs to you both. Ellie xx