Just a very quick post to say thank you to all those lovely bloggers who called by yesterday and left so many lovely comments.....what it is to feel so loved :-)
To say sorry to all those blogs that I've hopelessly failed to visit this week. This is why.....
Before lunch yesterday I was rang by my daughter who was feeling pretty dreadful. The sickness has still not gone and was worse again yesterday and she has had headaches for the last 4 days and that had also got much worse.
Having had a really busy morning....and I mean REALLY BUSY....I had 8 customers and 5 of those came in a one in one out fashion!
I had to do a very quick sort out, label and fill of the 'to do' rail with all the clothes that had just arrived. Then organise a quick lunch, eat whilst changing, ring my support worker for the business [Twiglet of course] who at the drop of the hat will stop what she is doing and hold the fort here for me and then make my way into my daughters......Huge THANK YOU to you sis.
Bless her she looked pretty rough....but wouldn't you if you hadn't eaten a proper meal for 8 weeks and were now suffering headaches too? She had managed to get an emergency appointment at the Dr's so I was able to drive her there and give her lots of TLC. The Dr was really lovely....he took her off the tablets she had been taking for her nausea [these might have been one of the causes of the headaches, that and the dehydration] and has started her on different ones and has now prescribed her Paracetamol suppositories [if every time you swallow tablets you just throw them back then another route has to be used].....yes folks you really can cure a headache by sticking something up your bum!! That is if you can only find a chemist that stocks them!!! Which of course we couldn't. We had to order some and bless her she has to pick them up this morning so I'm really hoping the tablets that the Dr gave her to stop her being sick actually make her sleep enough to get rid of her headache!
It would be really nice if this sickness would go now so that she can start enjoying her pregnancy. The Dr reinforced what I have been telling her and that is the placentas should start taking over feeding the babies soon and the sickness should ease up....PLEASE let it be soon.