Friday 22 September 2023

This week's smiles.....week 531

 Here we are at our weekly catch up of smiles to share with friends ....I'm sure it makes the world a happier place.

It's been a busy week here at Sewing by Annie's and the thing that's made me smile most is that I have now completed the huge bag full of factory trousers and it was collected that is the end of another era. :-) :-)  I have had several other customers and have completed their sewing too so it makes me smile lots because we are off on another adventure this morning :-) :-)

We have had two lovely days with grandparent duties...

Louie is becoming more independant every day...he is now sitting on a booster seat at the table because he insists he is far too big to sit in a high chair :-) :-)

He has had a really nasty cough and has needed lots of hugs and cuddles this week....its horrible to see him poorly but I have really enjoyed the extra cuddles.

Sam was performing in Spongebob the musical at Theatre Severn this week and we went to watch him on Wednesday night.

It was an amazing show with so many very talented young people....we really enjoyed it and I think Sam was rather sad it had come to an end.

I thought you would all like to see the flowers that are still making us smile in our garden....I'm guessing as it gets colder we will loose many of them but it's so lovely to enjoy them while we can....and share them.

Finally I have a few funnies to share with you...I hope they raise a smile.

I will do my best to pop round to see what you've been up and hopefully I can leave you a comment...if not then please forgive me.....I will hopefully be making memories and finding lots more to smile about.


Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie. Seems there's no linky, so here is my link:

I'm off to read your smiles you've given us this week.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Poor Louie. Seems he's had that cough forever. I hope he is better soon and all those extra hugs do the trick.

YEA to the last of the zips. Wonderful. Nicely done on your charity, too.

Good for Sam and the musical he was in. He certainly looks like he enjoyed it.

Oh wow. Are those strawberries? And next to the strawberries, are those bleeding hearts? Haven't seen those in years.

Loved the dog and the refrigerator. I got a big laugh from that and the sausage.

Hope you are enjoying your time away this weekend, dear Annie.

Iris Flavia said...

Louie is really so cute - as is Spongebob :-)
Yes, there are some flowers here, too, I am thankful for every day they are still around!
Love the flip :-)
You find my entry here.
Happy Friday!

Twiglet said...

It really was a great show. Well done Sam . Your garden flowers look lovely. Have a fab weekend. x x Jo

mamapez5 said...

I am glad you had a lovely time on grandparent duty, and hope little Louie soon shakes off his cough.
I wonder where you are off to this time. Enjoy the adventure.
There is no Mr Linky so I hope you can find my post href="">
Kate x

mamapez5 said...

Oops, I made a mistake in my hyperlink, but Mr Linky is there now so I can just link the normal way. Kate x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I know how Sam feels, when you get into this kind of thing the end always feels a bit sad as you've spent so much time with the rehearsals and getting the costumes ready and then before you know it's over. I'm sure he'll do something similar again. Loving the flowers. We were out in the garden yeaterday trying to cut stuff down, I'll show you some of it soon. Good collection of funnies too. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Lisca said...

Louie seems to have had a cough for a long time. Poor little guy. But a good time at the grandparents will make him forget.
Your flowers look lovely. Soon the autumn colours will be seen. Autumn can be really lovely. Here we have summer and all of a sudden it gets cold and we have winter. Nothing in between.
Sam is amazing! What a talented bunch they are your grandchildren.
Are you going out in your caravan? I hope you have good weather. Whatever the weather, I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time.

LA Paylor said...

nice mix, flowers, cuteness with kids, and funny dog cartoons... thank you Annie
and to see close ups of my quilting and artwork, I do a Saturday creative round-up each week with close up photos. I'd love your comments on my quilts! I am doing a post mostly on the aqua improv this saturday... thanks, LeeAnna
not afraid of color