Good morning all my fellow WOYWWers. What a brilliant week it's been so far.
Monday started off with the excitement of the Gift draw over in the shop and I have to say the goodies couldn't have gone to a nicer or more deserving person. Gez has emailed me this morning to say the parcel has arrived safely and she is really enjoying opening all her parcels.
Tuesday started with the arrival of a very special parcel for little old me from Paula. She is such a special blogging friend and is going through a rough time so I feel really blessed to have been given such beautifully made goodies. Each part of my parcel was so specifically made with me and my job/life in mind. She is so thoughtful.
Now today is another special's Wednesday. Every Wednesday is a special day thanks to Julia encouraging us all to go snooping round all the other crafting spaces. She appears to have introduced so many of us now and must be thanked for all the new made friendships. Why not pop over to her blog to check out all the other work spaces.

This is my desk today :-( More B******* curtains. [I don't like doing curtains much] I finished one pair of curtains yesterday afternoon and would have finished this pair too but I was disturbed by my friend who calls most Tues afternoons for a coffee.....the decision was Curtains or coffee with a you can see there was no competition there and the curtains will be done this morning.

I also have to put a new zip in this fleece jacket [postman will bring the new one this morning]. This is also not one of my fav jobs because the fleece stretches as soon as the old zip is removed and I will then have to ease it back into shape to make the new one fit....I can do it :-)

Rather nicer is the WOYT [whats on your table]. These are my latest set of dumfed cards. You can see the inspiration sat in my window in the photo above [next to that gorgeous card Paula made me :-) ]. I just love having the first daffodils open up in the house so thought my cards needed to echo the bright cheery faces.....Spring is on it's way wahooooooooo
Out of interest can you give me your opinion as to which set of cards you prefer...The 4 on the right are mounted on yellow felt and the 4 on the left are mounted on green felt. I'm interested to know which are the most popular so that would be really helpful.
Monday started off with the excitement of the Gift draw over in the shop and I have to say the goodies couldn't have gone to a nicer or more deserving person. Gez has emailed me this morning to say the parcel has arrived safely and she is really enjoying opening all her parcels.
Tuesday started with the arrival of a very special parcel for little old me from Paula. She is such a special blogging friend and is going through a rough time so I feel really blessed to have been given such beautifully made goodies. Each part of my parcel was so specifically made with me and my job/life in mind. She is so thoughtful.
Now today is another special's Wednesday. Every Wednesday is a special day thanks to Julia encouraging us all to go snooping round all the other crafting spaces. She appears to have introduced so many of us now and must be thanked for all the new made friendships. Why not pop over to her blog to check out all the other work spaces.

This is my desk today :-( More B******* curtains. [I don't like doing curtains much] I finished one pair of curtains yesterday afternoon and would have finished this pair too but I was disturbed by my friend who calls most Tues afternoons for a coffee.....the decision was Curtains or coffee with a you can see there was no competition there and the curtains will be done this morning.

I also have to put a new zip in this fleece jacket [postman will bring the new one this morning]. This is also not one of my fav jobs because the fleece stretches as soon as the old zip is removed and I will then have to ease it back into shape to make the new one fit....I can do it :-)

Rather nicer is the WOYT [whats on your table]. These are my latest set of dumfed cards. You can see the inspiration sat in my window in the photo above [next to that gorgeous card Paula made me :-) ]. I just love having the first daffodils open up in the house so thought my cards needed to echo the bright cheery faces.....Spring is on it's way wahooooooooo
Out of interest can you give me your opinion as to which set of cards you prefer...The 4 on the right are mounted on yellow felt and the 4 on the left are mounted on green felt. I'm interested to know which are the most popular so that would be really helpful.
Your work room is as busy as ever! do you ever manage a day off?? ;)
I love the daff's on the cards you have caught them beautifully!!! and i think the greens ones "do" it for me :)
I admire your work, both the fixing of new zips in fleece jackets, and the sewing of curtains. i can do neither! sewing machines and me do not go together!
As for your card creations, I like the green too.
Will they be in your shop sometime soon please??
How did we get to Wednesday already?? Curtains I can handle but zips ... ughh! I'm going with the green too for your cards .... it's my favourite colour in whatever shade. If the light's not too bad today I'll try and take a WOYWW photo and blog later although must admit it's a bit of a muddle at the moment. Have a good Wednesday.
Nice tidy desk well it is compared to mine, like the bottom second in from the right,
Christine x
you are one busy lady again :) best way to be hehehe great space photos as always x
Funny that whatever our jobs, there's always one section which you like least..curtains for you. For me its typing instructions. Guaranteed eye closer. Ithink it's why my blog is all free-rein ramble!
The daff cards are lovely, my preference is the green...but examine my work, I seem only to ever mat on a dark contrast!
He he looks like green is winning! They really are lovely in real life and I am sure they would make great Easter cards.
Yes I like the green but I do like the white narcissi on the yellow. It really picks up their centres.
Gosh, you are a busy bee! I admire your skill - curtains and zips!! Then there's your lovely cards - since you ask - for me the green background make the flowers pop more than the yellow.
Hope your week continues to be special. ikki
your so clever...every time i touch a sewing machine a mess is created!!! lol xxx
keep up the good work x
I'm impressed, I couldn't change a zip - I'd just buy a whole new fleece... I love both options, the yellow is nice and spring-y but the green is great too, they are both fab. That't not much help to you, is it!!
Hi again
One has bows from Papermania, the other is tiny gems in different colours, must have a look for the wall hanging I finished recently, and you can give me your opinion, if its up in the roof space, you may never see me again.
Christine x
Hi Jo oooooh I love all your cards they are beautiful. :) Can I sit on the fence please!hehe..
Enjoy your card from Paula the little poppies are just fabulous. Hope you've got the curtains out of the way & that zip too! Enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you for your kind words. Gez.xx
Oh Annie I'm sorry for calling you Jo! I had Jo's comment in my head saying green was winning when I typed. S O RR Y XXX
Congratulations Gez :) Love the cards Annie, I prefer the yellow :)
Anne xx
Before I forget!! I think I prefer the ones on the green felt.
Hi hun hope you are well? My mum keeps popping back to look at your shop. Hope she gets me one of your felties!!
Anyways you look to be a bust bee. I made my curtains in the front room....well I bought different length curtains in the sale at The Range & chopped the bottom of some & used the extras to make pelmets (which my hubby has never got arouns to helping me put up!!)
Helen x
Morning Wipso,
You have a lovely workspace with a lovely view! I prefer the green mounted cards!
Ramona :-)
Wahoo ... your link worked :0)WTG you X
If I could sew I think I would like curtains ... I kind of imagine it is like tea towel ironing ... square with no bumps ... as I can't sew I do recognise I could be entirely wrong :0)
you are busy. And you are taller than me by the way - that's what step ladders are for.
The cards are lovely. I think the yellow flowers look best on the green felt, and the white flowers on the yellow felt.
I like the green best, but then I'm a green sort of a person when it comes to colours! xx
Hi! Thanx for popping by mine,you are right,my mojo has done one this week,so my desk is looking a bit too tidy,lol!!!
Your desk is v v busy!!!
I like the green matting on the cards,but both sets are luvly :o)x
You are very industrious. I hope you finished your curtains today. I have only ever made one pair of curtains and they took me an age. However, I was very pleased with the end result.
I like the cards with the yellow felt best but that is just my opinion.
Why is it always so difficult to work out what we like on our own work but much easier with someone elses work?
Have a lovely week.
Clare x
I was going to say yellow looking at the small pic but when I clicked for a closer up look the green definitely looks better to me, the yellow sort of swamps the yellow in the flower if that makes sense, the green makes them stand out :)
You are busy, busy, busy. Hope the zip in the fleece is working out for you. I wouldn't be too excited to see what I make - this will be my very first project so has got to be easy peasy. You could probably make what I'm going to ake in your sleep ;)
How on earth can you expect us to choose between the Green and Yellow Annie, when all the cards are beautiful.
If I really had to make a choice at all it wouldn’t be the colour of the felt that swayed me, more the colour of the card itself because I love the ones on the White card, they look so, so fresh!
You don't like curtains???? Pull yourself together!! (LOL) Sorry - it needed to be said!!!
WRT the daffs - I like both and LOVE green - BUT the yellow really brightens the pics up - so i'd go for the yellow!!
The card looks lovely on your desk and the view from your window is wonderful - I see what you mean about being able to see the church - your closer than I imagined - no wonder you've lived there all your life.
Paula x x x
Lovely. Good luck with the curtains.
Your work room is fabulous and very tidy and very busy...I like the yellow felt, the green is nice too but might be even nicer if it were yellow!!
Oh goodness I don't blame you for choosing coffee over curtains! You look like your very busy again this week! I love both cards but really like the yellow best! Fayette sends her love. Tracey x
Well you'll definatly never be bored with all that to keep you busy!
Hello great work space this week you always look so busy !!! probably coz you are
See you next Wednesday
Hugs Susie xx
Wish I had space for a sewing machine, but that would require major reorganisation! Your cards are like a breath of spring, I prefer them mounted on the green, although the contrast of the yellow on the dark green card works well. good luck with the zip!
Alison x
Sounds like you have had a lovely day (apart from the curtain and fleece of course). I personally like the ones with green but i may be biased as its one of my favourite colours! Hugs Pam
I hate putting zips in especially when they are in two halves like a jacket uggh! Personally I like the yellow as the contrast seems brighter.
do you ever stop??
LOL just seen the word verfication is underuse.... that doesnt apply to you does it!?
In awe as ever! Your dumfing is stunning, what beautiful things!
I'd love to be able to sew, but it's really not my bag. I have tried ...honest!!!!
Love the daffodils. Not sure which I like the best, maybe the yellow ones.
Thanks for visiting my blog today. My EZ View Desktop has drawers so I can get to whatever I need - it's fab!!!
Your cards are beautiful, I love the green, and so wish I had nible fingers, don't think I was meant to be domesticated! Snap my four legged little darling eats the post for breakfast, most of my Craft Stampers have bits missing LOL.
Busy Busy Busy!! Can't believe how much you have going on - love all your daff cards!! Juliex
Yellow! No green! but I like the yellow...and the green. Or is it the....sorry can't decide, they're all lovely.
I like the green ones best!! Know what you mean about curtains and I also HATE doing alterations ... anyway its all time away from being creative innit?
this is hard ...I like yellow daffs on green and white on yellow, best of all but if I had to choose one background I think it would be green by a nose ....hope that makes sense
Gosh you are a busy bee! I think a coffee with a friend would win hands down every time with me too!!
The cards are pretty, Im drawn towards the ones on the green background!
Sending love
Julia x x x
Really good to see you busy as ever! Love the new cards... I really like the darker green, as it lifts the flower heads off the page from here.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment :) I love the green felt ones, but they are all great.
Twiggy x
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