To accept it you need to take part in a little information sharing
1. Give a top 10 list of the things that makes you happy.
2. Give a top 5 list of trivia about yourself.
3. Share the award with only 5 persons and ask them to do the same thing. :)
4. Link the blogs you choose and link the blog of the person awarded you.
so here goes with that Info.
top 10 list of the things that makes you happy. [This week :-) ]
- My hubby...for whom my world wouldn't be the same.
- My family..2 daughter and a son and the partners they have chosen to share their lives with...I'm one very proud Mum.
- My gorgeous little Granddaughter and the exciting time waiting for her little sister to arrive in April.
- My big sister Twiglet and all we do together
- Dumfing [embellishing for those who don't know :-) ]
- My blogging friends
- Buttons, beads and ribbons
- Sari silk waste and the gorgeous rainbow of colours it comes in
- Robins...other birds too but robins are my fav
- A warm bath and then into a freshly made bed.
top 5 list of trivia about yourself.
- My fav colours are blue, pink & purple
- I have a replacement left knee so I guess I'm partly bionic :-)
- My middle name is Elizabeth
- I passed my 11+ at 10yrs [Oct birthday]
- I dislike doing the ironing so am happy when other do it for me :-)
Thank you so much Annie, I am truly flattered that you should think of me. I'll really have to get my thinking cap on for this one!
Chrissie x
Well thank you again for thinking of me - I know - how could you forget me - I am on your doorstep nearly every day!!!
The brightside award - how appropriate for Ladybird to send you this - you always look on the bright side of life and thats why we love you!!
I will have to think carefully about things to tell the world about me and not sure who I can post it on too - so many cheery souls out there!!
So sweet, i love the trivia about you..
take care
OMG - I am SOOOO flattered and so thankful for you as a blogging friend - thank you for thinking about me again... I would have logged on earlier but AOL have been down most of the day (Much to my youngest son's dismay!!) I nearly had to phone a therapist as he was getting jitters and withdrawal symptoms from x-box live!!!
Ooh - some MORE trivia about me!! I don't know what more there is to say.
Paula x x x
I love this award - it's such a positive one isn't it :) I'm so pleased you love Robins best as they are my favourites too.
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