Yes it's a WOYWW when an ever-growing group show and tell what's on your workdesk thanks to the chief snoop Julia :-) Feel free to pop over to her blog to have a nosey and don't be afraid to join in the madness.
I have snapped a couple of pics to show what I have on my 'desks' today but as it's pretty much trousers, trousers and yet more trousers today...and we all know what they look like :-) I am also doing a WDYHYS [where do you hide your stash... of course] too. As most of you will know I run a sewing business from home using what used to be my Mum's bed sitting room[when she was alive] as my sewing/crafting room. A lot of you comment that I keep it all very tidy and organised....I guess I have to because I am limited for space when in the middle of a crafting session someone comes in [like they did yesterday!] 3 adults with 4 bridesmaids and all 4 bridesmaids needed fittings and miracles working on their dresses to make them fit.

These are the 4 dresses that need major changes making to them :-)
I have to have places for everything I use and put it all back where they live or I wouldn't be able to find it next time I needed it :-) I thought I might show you some of my stash today... and yes I have lots [this is far from all of it].

Ribbons and trimmings in sweetie jars [no I didn't eat the sweets first I promise]
and my craft books. I have a love for nice books and what better than to have craft ones to browse through...if only I had the time :-)

In the little kitchenette I have this wonderful run-about my hubby made from putting Ikea cupboards back to back [there is another set of drawers around the other side] and mounting them on runners. In here are my paint pots, magnets. silk paints, glass paints, fabric dyes etc etc.

The full length of my sewing room wall has wall cupboards for me to hide yet more stash. In this one you can see more storage drawers with punches, inks, embossing powders etc etc and my beads and other embellishments.
As I said I have a place for everything and everything will be in it's place. I'm a bit OCD about it but with the busy life I lead I just don't have spare time to go looking for anything.
My eldest daughter has just text to say she is coming out to do her school work now [she is a school teacher on half term hols] so what little floor space I have will now be filled with books for marking and all her class room planning for next term so you will understand why I need my hidey holes for my stash. What a really fab day I will now have sewing and her ticking boxes in children's books :-) I will be catching up on all my WOYWW friends later. Hope you all have a really great day.
Oh and don't forget if you haven't already put your name down for the Gift draw in our shop this is the last week so don't miss out on the chance to win the ever growing prize. Good Luck.

These are the 4 dresses that need major changes making to them :-)
I have to have places for everything I use and put it all back where they live or I wouldn't be able to find it next time I needed it :-) I thought I might show you some of my stash today... and yes I have lots [this is far from all of it].

Ribbons and trimmings in sweetie jars [no I didn't eat the sweets first I promise]

In the little kitchenette I have this wonderful run-about my hubby made from putting Ikea cupboards back to back [there is another set of drawers around the other side] and mounting them on runners. In here are my paint pots, magnets. silk paints, glass paints, fabric dyes etc etc.

The full length of my sewing room wall has wall cupboards for me to hide yet more stash. In this one you can see more storage drawers with punches, inks, embossing powders etc etc and my beads and other embellishments.
As I said I have a place for everything and everything will be in it's place. I'm a bit OCD about it but with the busy life I lead I just don't have spare time to go looking for anything.
My eldest daughter has just text to say she is coming out to do her school work now [she is a school teacher on half term hols] so what little floor space I have will now be filled with books for marking and all her class room planning for next term so you will understand why I need my hidey holes for my stash. What a really fab day I will now have sewing and her ticking boxes in children's books :-) I will be catching up on all my WOYWW friends later. Hope you all have a really great day.
Oh and don't forget if you haven't already put your name down for the Gift draw in our shop this is the last week so don't miss out on the chance to win the ever growing prize. Good Luck.
Thats all so neat and tidy - might put one of my shelves on my WOYWW today - not much on my table though!!
Love your storage and that runaround is fab - love the colours too ;) Of course you do need to keep things in some order when you have to do things for other people. I like to do a bit of fabric dyeing too - we could do with a wet room really Wipso don't you think, something you could just hose down :) As it happens I'm showing my fabric storage today and the tub I keep my wool tops and felt in - just for you and Twiglet hehe.
Anne xx
Impressively organised... a great snoop today. You must get through SO much work with your alterations. One cannot fail to stand in awe!
Like Anne I like your 'runaround' storage. Mybe I should look what Mr Ikea has in store!
Now that runaround thingy is INSPIRED! Love it! The bridesmaid dresses look beautiful too, even if I don't fancy the job of altering them ....
OH MY those dresses are so pretty..
Love your organised jars and cupboards, too tidy for my liking ( but you know me, lol).
Great post Wipso, what a fantastic space you have. I'd love to come and browse through all those craft books, they'd keep me entertained for days! Bridesmaids dresses are beautiful, love the colours.
Everything is so TIDY! I can't post any photos at all of tidy supplies but at least I have my messy bags of wool stuffed into a big cupboard (they do fall out though as soon as anyone opens the door) and some baskets! xx
I love seeing the way other peep store all their craft stash and
clever hubby coming up with the idea of putting the two cabinets back to back, I bet they are so useful.
Oh Bliss! I often wondered where allthe papery stuff could be! Love the run around unit...feel a need for some trickery like that! And it has to be said, how gorgeous, however busy, however quiet, to have the company of your daughter while you both work.
Hi there, what an interesting post. Love your runaround - great idea. I can understand your need for order, your post reminded me of my own sewing days and the clutter I collected. Yours storage space is wonderful, I'm in awe at your shelves and those jars of ribbons are another great idea. Enjoyed inspecting your cupboard. Oh, and by the way, welcome to mine, nice to have you on board. ikki
great storage, and I hope you enjoy working on those pretty dresses
well, get the kettle on, I'm coming down!!! I love the ingenious run around mr Wipso has made - int he clever??? I have some of those drawers in my bedroom but they have all my costume jewellery in. Might have to 're-purpose' (as the americans say!!!)
I do admire you and your chaotic/busy life. I might come down with some alterations for you - but it would be to let things out not take them in!!! Don't be fooled by my profile pic - a few pounds on since I graduated!!!
x x x
Great post darling and those dresses are adorable like I said before you make the most wonderful creations whilst I make the most wonderful mess !! lol
Without sounding rude you have fantastic drawers darling !!
Hugs Susie xx
loving you're wheeled storage what a great idea.
Loved your WOYWW! Especially browsing your books. I have that Readers Digest sewing one now and am finding it to be fantastic with all my numpty questions. I recognise some of the knitting ones my Mum used to have, she loved the Jean Greenhowe book.
Beautiful! I hear what you are saying about having everything in it's place so you know where it is. On the other hand, maybe tidy people are just too lazy to look for stuff? :0)
You are so organied and I love the idea of wheeled storage. Perhaps when I finally paint my drawers I could put castors on them? We'll see.
I love your 'runabout' I want one! but there's no more room!
Lovely dresses... I can't sew for toffee. My paints and most things are in plastic lidded boxes on shelves under my work bench...
Love the runaround ... a lot ... Thank you for sharing so much today too ... so very organised X
oooh I like those painted ikea cupboards - what would we DO without ikea!!! ;-)
Love your organization skills. And the fact that things stay where they belong. I do try, I really do.
How, in heaven's name do you get all the alterations completed on time. I am in awe.
Hi Wispo its lovely to catch up with your WOYWW. The dresses look beautiful. I love your sweetie jars full of goodies. :) It's always lovely to come & have a look at your workspace.
Wish I was closer to you I have a prom dress in need of taking up for my daughter... I daren't touch it! It has a top layer of organza.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. Gez.xx
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