Friday, 31 March 2017

This week's smiles....week 214

Another week has passed and as always I look back to share a few of my smiles with you.  Many thanks to those of you who take time out of your busy lives to share your own smiles.  I really do love seeing what's making you smile each week.

My smiles this week have been many so here are a few pics I can share...

Little Lulu wanted to share this pic of her this week cos, as you can see, she has lost yet another tooth.  She is sooooooo much like her mummy it's unreal.  She's a loving, happy, always on the go little chatterbox.....this picture says it all really. 😍

Steve is showing me his new bike.....he's always out in the fresh air.  He loves football, den building, cycling and is such a loving, cuddly young man. 😍

Lexi wanted to spend some time with me sewing while Sam went to the opticians a couple of weeks back [I couldn't share it til now because of what she made].  We chose material, threads, ribbons and trimmings from Nanny's stash and she sat by me and made her mummy a little heart for Mother's Day.  She was so proud of herself too for making it.  😍

Little Milly posed for you this week too....poking her tongue out.  I just love this little dog.....she's my little buddy all day every day and never fails to make me smile.  😍

The last pic I'm sharing with you today is this one.  Most of you will know I have a table at Baschurch Spring Fayre this Sunday.  The lady organising it sent me hall opening times etc this week and asked me if I wanted a 1 metre x 1 metre table or a 2 meter x 1 metre table but added she couldn't guarantee what it would be.
This was the picture that came into my head at the thought of me only having the smaller one.  The last craft fayre I did I filled two large tables so I was imagining having to hang it all round my neck like an old peddler woman  😁😁😁😁.....she has since said that I can have the larger one so I'm keeping everything crossed.
On that thought I will love you and leave you.  If any of you can join me on Sunday it would be really lovely to see you there....I will be the one with the craft items slung round my neck.     hehehehehe
Annie x

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


Hello all.  Here we are at our weekly catch up with our creative friends from all round the world again.  Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it?

Firstly as promised here's a quick snap of the little Flop eared bunnies I was making when you called in last week....

I cut a full bunny out in each of the 6 fabrics I was using and then mixed and matched them to make up the bunnies.....I rather like how they have all turned out don't you?

We have a little craft shop close by that has now been taken over by a really lovely lady so I popped in to say hello this week.  She is happy to send customers to me if they ask about alterations and is planning to stock lots of lovely fabrics so I have a feeling I may need to call in often.  These were 6 fat quarters that just jumped into my hand while I was there too....well you just have to don't you?

As you know there are never two days the same here at Sewing by Annie's and this week has been no exception.  I thought you might like to see what I've been busy doing.....

One of my customers brought me two 5 foot x 6 foot fabric panels to make wall hangings out of....they wouldn't fit in my home but she says she has high ceilings and fell in love with them.  I had to hem all 4 sides and make tubes of fabric at the top so they will hang on poles.

The other thing I thought you might like to see is my new banner I've made this week.  I will be using it at the craft fayre I have a table at this Sunday so if you're popping in you will know what to look for 😀
I had a lot of fun appliqueing the letters etc on and am really pleased how it turned out.

There you go.  That's all from me for this week.  Please leave me a little comment and I will get over to yours as soon as.....  Have a great week.
Annie x

Friday, 24 March 2017

This week's smiles....week 213

Happy Friday to one and all.  We have had some beautiful sunny days here in Shrewsbury lately and it's certainly made me smile.  I love the warmer weather and the sunshine definitely lifts your spirits so before I share my smiles I would like to thank the reliable few who share theirs each week by linking up here.  I really do love seeing what makes you all smile so please keep up the good work.

My smiles this week are focusing on the progression of the seasons......Spring is here 🌼🌼🌼🌼
I have been out snapping pics in our garden and have put them all together in a collage for you all to share this week.

You should be able to click on the pic to enlarge it if you'd like a closer look.  I love Spring and love to see the first signs of each sort of flower blooming.  Nature really is wonderful isn't it?

So I hope my flowers have made you smile.  Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called in and if you can please share something that has made you smile this week by linking up below.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Here we are again at the weekly show and tell of many Creative folk from all around the world....check out details over at The Stamping Ground if you want to know more.  It's a very friendly group and all are welcome to join in the fun.

So? What's on my desk today?....

Firstly I'm going to share a link to a song that's been going round in my head all week...

And here's why?......

I ordered 15 matchboxes flat packed off eBay and they arrived on Saturday morning so I sat making the little boxes with that song going round in my head.  I cut 15 1.5"x2.5" pieces of felt to stick in the bottoms of each box.  I then cut 30 1.5"x2" pieces of matching felt to make 15 little pillows and 15 little machine edged blankets.....yes I know I'm quite mad!!

 I have used half of the above little beds for tiny dolls I was very kindly sent from some special blogging friends [you know who you are....thanks girls xxxx] and in the other half I have put tiny felt teddies I make.  These are my Matchbox buddies that I will be taking to the Spring Fayre I have a table at on April 2nd in call in to say hello if you're in the area.

 This is what my desk looks like this morning.  Yesterday I cut out 6 bodies, 12 ears, 12 arms, 12 little legs and 6 little heart pockets using the fat quarter fabrics I picked up from Aldis a few weeks back.  I've already stitched the arms, ears, legs and pockets together, snipped around all the curves, turned them right sides out and pressed them all.  I am now deciding which fabrics look best with which before sewing them all together to make some Easter Bunnies.

So there you can see what I will be doing today.  I will do my best to remember to snap a pic of the finished bunnies to share with you next week.
Please leave me a little comment to let me know you've called in and I will pop over to yours to see what you're up to this week.
Annie x

Friday, 17 March 2017

This week's smiles.....week 212

Phew these week's fly by....or is it just me?  It only seems 5 mins since I wrote my Friday post last week.  Firstly I must thank the few who join in each would be so nice to build up our numbers.....we really can't have too many smiles so join in the fun by linking up your smiles below and lets make the world a happier place to be.

I have a few smiles to share with you this week.  Milly is now 11 months old and was needing her first hair cut so I snapped a couple of pics before and after for you.....she never fails to make me smile.


Here she is looking more like a little lion with her long coat. 

.....and After.

The lady that clipped her said she is such a lovely nature and was as good as gold considering it was a new experience for her with lots of new noises.  Her coat is now really soft and velvety and her gorgeous stripey markings are now visible again.  She's so proud of I am too 😍😍😍😍

The other thing I'm sharing is this clever young lady.  Lexi has been doing gymnastics a little while now and has worked really hard at it so has been treated to a team leotard.  She loves showing me what she's learnt and it's been really good for building her confidence.

And finally I'm leaving you with a chuckle.  Lexi had been showing her mummy that she could do handstands up against the door so her mummy showed her that she can still do it too.....I remembering doing just that many years ago but thankfully mine was never caught on camera.

So there you go.  You've seen mine now show me your smiles by linking them up below.  Have a happy week full of smiles.
Annie x

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Hello all.  Here we are at another Wednesday catch up with our creative friends around the world and what they are exposing this week.....on their desks of course!

Mine has been a hive of industry again this week....I've been dumfing [check out the link in the side bar if you want to know more]. 

I coloured a strip of white felt with dye sticks and wool rovings then dumfed yarns and fabrics in to make a batch of embellished card toppers.

I then machine embroidered details on each and mounted them onto cards.....each one is different and I love all the bright cheerful colours amongst them.

I have made 4 little Tic tac toe travel games using up some of my big buttons.....thought they might sell on the craft table but if not I know some little people who would enjoy playing with them.

The other thing I'm sharing today is something that made me smile.  It might not be so exciting to everyone but when you have to change an open ended zip in a quilted man's coat it's always exciting to me when it goes in without a hitch and all the seams line up to perfection.....I'm easily pleased 😀

So there you go, that's what's on my desk today.  How about yours?  If you leave me a little comment to let me know you've dropped in I will do my best to pay you a return visit.  I always read the blogs but there are a few I am unable to comment on [usually google+ blogs] so I'm sorry about that.  Hope you have a great week.
Annie x

Friday, 10 March 2017

This week's smiles....weel 211

Well?  Did you miss me last week?  I hope you felt able to link up in my absence.....many thanks to those who did.  As you will have seen I was visiting our very own Lunch Lady Jan in their lovely new home in South Wales.  We had a wonderful time catching up and had lots to smile about.....we both shared our pics on Wednesday's posts so if you haven't already seen them that's where you can see them.

My smiles for this week have been many and here's a few snaps I can share with you....

We had all the family round on Sunday to share a slice of birthday cake with their dad/grandad and managed to get a snap of the 6 grandchildren all together

Plus for the first time since little Theo was born we managed to get all 6 of them lying down together....what a giggle.  I do wonder how many years they will do this for us.

It was world book day last week and here are the 5 grandchildren all dressed up as their book characters ready for their day at school.

Poppy dog insists on lining up with the children when ever a pic is being taken.

And finally but by no means least here are a few snaps of the gorgeous Spring flowers that are popping up round our garden at the mo......don't you just love Spring?

Now all I ask is that you leave me a little comment to let me know you've called in and then if you can please link up to your own smiles below......lets fill the Internet with happy posts.
Annie x

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Hello all.  I'm sure you will have noticed I was missing from my desk last week and here's why.....

We went for a few days to South Wales to celebrate my darling hubby's birthday and to visit this lovely gal and her hubby in their new home.  They both made us feel very welcome and are such lovely people.  They took us to see the gorgeous beach they are often seen walking on and Jan and I enjoyed sitting on a huge tree that had come in with the tide while our men walked the length of the you can imagine we had a good catch up and lots of giggles.
Thanks both for making our little holiday so very special.

Of course when I came home I had been missed and have spent a few days catching up on my customers sewing.

My desk this morning is full of my items I've been busy making lately.  I've been spending time bagging items up and labelling them ready for a craft sale.....I will be having a table at Baschurch Village Hall on Sunday 2nd April 10 - if you're free why not pop along to say hello.

I'm just pondering now what I make next....any ideas as to what sells well folks?

That's all from me for today.  I didn't manage to visit anyone last week but promise I will do better today.
Annie x

Friday, 3 March 2017

This week's smiles......week 210

Hello all you lovely people.  Here we are at another Friday catch up of smiles.  Firstly I must thank those that joined in again last week.  I do love seeing what makes you all smile so please keep up the good work.

Now this week's smiles are a little different from me because I'm busy making more smiles and may struggle to visit you today.....I hope to catch up with your smiles very soon but here's a few smiles today that might give you a clue about the sort of smiles I am making....

This just might be how I'm's my darling hubby's birthday today and we are sharing the day with some special people.

I'm hoping we feel like having a bit of a knees up.....if only I could eh?

I actually bought a new walking stick last weekend and will now have to come to terms with the stage of life I'm at.

Note one is knitting and the other is feeding the birds....and trust me when I say I never want anyone remembering me as a sweet little old lady but more of a nutty old lady who was up for a giggle.

Enough clues for today.  Please enjoy a chuckle and link up to your own smiles below.....I hope normal service will return by next Friday.
Annie x

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


Hello all.  I'm not at my desk today but thought you might like a peep at what I've been up to this week....

I've made a P E bag for a little boy that goes to school with the twins.

A few weeks back I made this Memory cushion but I can now share it with you as the new owner has seen's in memory of a much loved Dad.

The other things I've been making are a few key are my Scotty dogs.

These ones I've named my Spottysaurus.

My idea is to fill a few boxes with some small gift ideas and hopefully sell them at a local Spring craft fair.....just got to find one now. :-)

That's all from me for today.  I will do my best to do some return visits but I have been warned that where I will be has poor internet so I can't promise sorry.
Annie x