Another week has passed and as always I look back to share a few of my smiles with you. Many thanks to those of you who take time out of your busy lives to share your own smiles. I really do love seeing what's making you smile each week.
My smiles this week have been many so here are a few pics I can share...
Little Lulu wanted to share this pic of her this week cos, as you can see, she has lost yet another tooth. She is sooooooo much like her mummy it's unreal. She's a loving, happy, always on the go little chatterbox.....this picture says it all really. 😍
Steve is showing me his new bike.....he's always out in the fresh air. He loves football, den building, cycling and is such a loving, cuddly young man. 😍
Lexi wanted to spend some time with me sewing while Sam went to the opticians a couple of weeks back [I couldn't share it til now because of what she made]. We chose material, threads, ribbons and trimmings from Nanny's stash and she sat by me and made her mummy a little heart for Mother's Day. She was so proud of herself too for making it. 😍
Little Milly posed for you this week too....poking her tongue out. I just love this little dog.....she's my little buddy all day every day and never fails to make me smile. 😍
The last pic I'm sharing with you today is this one. Most of you will know I have a table at Baschurch Spring Fayre this Sunday. The lady organising it sent me hall opening times etc this week and asked me if I wanted a 1 metre x 1 metre table or a 2 meter x 1 metre table but added she couldn't guarantee what it would be.
This was the picture that came into my head at the thought of me only having the smaller one. The last craft fayre I did I filled two large tables so I was imagining having to hang it all round my neck like an old peddler woman 😁😁😁😁.....she has since said that I can have the larger one so I'm keeping everything crossed.
On that thought I will love you and leave you. If any of you can join me on Sunday it would be really lovely to see you there....I will be the one with the craft items slung round my neck. hehehehehe
Annie x