Hello again. Yes, it's come round to another Wednesday when a lot of friends get together on
Julia's blog to show and tell their workdesks. Please feel free to pop along there and join in the fun.
There is still an awful lot of the white stuff going on outside here so I have had very few customers braving the weather and that allows me time for fun.

As you can see my crafting table is opened out to it's full size to spread out my inspirational materials.....

........ and under the table sits this box full of yet more materials. I'm happy just to sit and sort through the lovely threads, beads and fabrics. How can you not be inspired to put them together to produce something special?

Yesterday I sat dumfing [see previous blog for explanation if needed :-)] and this is my latest creation. In the middle of my table you can see a stacking pot of beads. This is one of my latest purchases and the reason it was needed was a few years back I very foolishly tipped most of my seeded beads together into one section in my bead box. This makes it really difficult when you are looking for something particular so I am now sorting these beads into my new pots....Yes, I'm very patient and some would say rather mad to even consider doing this but it is making using them an awful lot easier. If you look back at my table you will notice a white triangular paper construction at the front. This is my home made bead sorter. I have used something similar when sorting tablets while nursing and just folded this one together out of a piece of A4 paper. Being white this makes the bead colours show up and it is really helping my labour of love of sorting out my seeding beads.
Beyond my crafting room is a cold and very unwelcoming world outside but even this is coming with really special moments for me. [My cup is always half full :-)] I take great pleasure watching my birds and this really cold weather has brought many different birds to my bird tables to feed. I have feeding stations just a couple of feet from my sewing room window at the front of the house and my kitchen window at the back of the house so where ever I am in the house I am able to watch my feathered visitors. I have been taking note of what birds have been feeding and at the moment my count is up to 17 different ones....Black cap, Redwing, Bull finch, Nuthatch, Robins [I've seen 5 so far!] Mistle Thrush, Blackbirds, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blue tit, Coal tit, Great tit, Collared dove, Pigeons, Dunnock, Jackdaws and Sparrows. How about you? Do you have any really unusual birds visiting you with all this snow around?

This is my Mistle Thrush...he is huge and really aggressive and chases all the black birds away but he is so entertaining.

This little bird feeding under the feeding tray is a little Blackcap...he's learned it's somewhere the Mistle Thrush can't reach him :-)
I hope you are all able to find something positive to come from the cold weather and are able to stay safe and warm. Thanks for dropping in.