Sisters Crafty Creations blog
Jo and I closed down our blog shop a while ago.
If you still have Sisters Crafty Creations in your blog reading list it
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Jo & Annie
Friday, 31 January 2014
This week's smiles...week 54
Thanks once again for all those fab bloggers that took time out of their busy lives to join in the fun by linking up their happy posts to share their smiles with us. This week I am featuring a blogger that joined in for the first time last week and she shared a very special old man with us...her dad was 101! Annie lives on the other side of the world but, like me, she obviously has a very special relationship with her dad who had reached the amazing age of 101 so I felt it well worth sharing again this week. Welcome Annie and thank you so much for sharing your amazing dad with us...fab photos.
I've had 3 days of fun this week with my little twinnie munchkins so my photo of course has to be one of our time together this week.....I could snap moments all day every day for you but this one really made Jo and I smile on Monday....
Our little Lexi is now a big girl and is out of nappies but her nap on Monday morning ended up a little soggy and instead of sleeping she ended up having 'just a little accident ' in her cot! It wasn't a problem of course but she thought she could make it through the day without her nap. :-)
As you can see she didn't make it :-) Don't you just love a sleeping child?
Now if you can spare a few minutes please try to find a little something that has made you smile this week and link it up below so we can share your happy moments. Thanks.
Annie x
Friday's smile,
share a little happiness,
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
I could say in answer to what's on my work desk for this week...pretty much the same as last week.....but with a few changes. :-)
I have a to do rail full of shirts to take in for my 1285th customer! The numbers keep climbing and I have a feeling if we ever get to this new bungalow they may well climb further as it is opposite a school so lots of potential new customers :-) ....but I've still no more news to share on the house moving date.
The same pile of knitted squares as last but, wow, look how it's's now twice Mitzy monkey's height!
There is definitely girl colours and boy colours too so they may well be made into two blankets :-)
The same little knitted hoodie but I have now completed a back, two cable knit fronts and am now knitting both sleeves....yes I like to knit them both together :-)
So there you go...a very similar desk but progress has been made. I had the twins Monday, Tuesday and they are here again to play today so I will try to catch up on you if and when they have naps later. Have a great week.
Annie x
Friday, 24 January 2014
This week's smiles....week 53
Another week has passed and as always I have lots in my life that makes me smile. When time is plodding along very slowly and seeming to get nowhere in areas of your life it is good to focus on the happy things....Yes, I mean I still have no more news to share on the house move! I have never done this moving house thing before and truly didn't realise that the wheels turned so very slowly.....guess we will get there but it really would be nice to have a moving date to focus on.
This week I would like to thank the 5 of you who linked us last week....not our usual numbers but have a feeling many are suffering with the dark, gloomy days and struggling to find their happy moments. I would like to feature my big sister Jo's blog this week cos she shared a gorgeous photo of some of natures little treasures and this encouraged me to take the twins on a treasure hunt.....and that's what I'm sharing this week.
We put our coats on and I told the twins we were going on a treasure hunt. I told them we had to walk carefully so as not to tread on the special little things I was taking them to find and the magic of the moment was amazing when they saw the little green shoots forcing their way through the cold, hard ground. There are always a lot of snowdrops in the churchyard opposite our house so I knew we wouldn't be disappointed but even I didn't realise just how magic the nature would captivate two little 2 year olds......isn't nature amazing?
The other quick snap I'm sharing with you today is of my amazing family. :-) It was Michelle's 30th birthday on 7th Jan and she and her friend decided to have a joint birthday party with a 70s and 80s theme. As you can see my family don't do things by halves....yes that really is my two daughters, their husbands, my son and his fiancee :-) A great time was had by all and I'm sure it was a party to remember.
I hope my snaps have made you smile today and you will all take a little time out of your busy lives to focus on the happy moments and share them with us by linking below.
Annie x
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
My version of a knitted square...
Several have asked for the pattern that I use to knit my squares with. I get bored easily with straight knitted squares and the pattern I originally used for the diagonal squares was rather more complicated so it needed concentration and watching telly too was out of the question so I have designed my own version...these I can almost knit in my sleep now [just hope you can understand my instructions]. Here is what I do to come up with a square that measures about 4 1/2" or about 11 1/2cm.

As requested here is a picture of one I made earlier so you can see what the squares look like when made up and edged. :-) Your wish is my command :-)
Using double knitting wool and 4mm needles throughout cast on 3 stitches.
1st row Yfwd, k3 4 stitches
2nd row Yfwd, k4 5 stitches
3rd row Yfwd, k5 6 stitches
4th row Yfwd, k6 7 stitches
5th row Yfwd, k7 8 stitches
Continue in this fashion until you have 35 stitches on your needle
33rd row K2tog k33 34stitches
34th row K2tog p31 k1 33 stitches
35th row K2tog k31 32 stitches
36th row K2tog k30 31 stitches
37th row K2tog yfwd, [yrn p2tog] 14 times. k1 30 stitches
38th row K2tog k28 29 stitches
Rows 33 to 38 form the pattern. Continue like this reducing stitches as you go til you get to
61st row K2tog yfwd, [yrn, p2tog] twice, k1. 6 stitches
62nd row K2tog, k4 5 stitches
63rd row K2tog, k3 4 stitches
64th row S1, k3tog psso.
Cast off.
I hope this all makes sense to you but if you need more instructions please just ask.
Annie x
Knitted square pattern.
Another week has passed with yet more sorting, packing into yet more boxes and, yes, yet another load of rubbish taken to the local tip....yes, that's load 22!!!
Every spare minute seems occupied with new houses and plans for a move.....not only us but we went with our son and his financee to look at the new house they are buying last Saturday and on Sunday we babysat for the twins so their mummy and daddy could go to look at a larger house that they would like to buy......this house moving lark is spreading like wild fire round here :-)
So? What's on my work desk for you to look at today?
Here you can see Mitzy Monkey looking after my growing pile of knitted blanket squares.
For those that asked last squares are knitted diagonally and the pattern I use is one I have adapted so if anyone was interested I'd be happy to share the instructions if you fancied knitting some.
The other thing I've got on the go is a little knitted hoodie for one of the babies expected locally in the next month. They don't know the sex of the baby and I really love this pale turquoise wool for either a boy or girl. Can you see the pretty cable pattern up the left hand side? I've not knitted cable for a few years so am really chuffed with how it's turning out...a bit like riding a bike I guess [not that I can actually ride one!!].
Well folks thats all from me for today. Short and sweet, just like Julia requests :-) I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will leave me a little hello message so I know you've called by. I will do my best to pay you a return visit as soon as possible.
Annie x
knitted baby blanket,
knitted hoody,
knitted squares,
Friday, 17 January 2014
This week's smiles....week 52
Yes folks, it's a whole year since I started posting a weekly happy post and I would really like to thank you all for joining in each week. I know many have found it helpful to spend a little time each week focusing on the things that has made us's good therapy :-) I also know that some have visited just to share the smiles of others during the difficult times in life that we all have from time to time so I know this little happy post really has helped in many ways.....please keep up the good work girls....yes I say girls cos up to now there has been no man to join in [does this mean they don't have so much to smile about or maybe they don't need cheering up like us emotional women lol....either way they are always welcome to join in].
Last week was no exception in that I had many joining in by sharing their smiles and I thank you all. I am featuring Sam's funny this they say the old ones are the best and I fall for them every time :-) Thanks Sam...I don't know where you get them all from but keep up the good work.
I have had a week of feeling miserable with a head cold....yes if I was a man it would be flu I know lol. Sore,dry throat and earache really isn't much fun :-(....but I have had lots going on here that has made me smile...but not in photo form this week so going to share a few of those here first...
- Little Lexi is now out of nappies in the day....and looks such a little poppet to be wearing pants but she is so pleased with herself :-)
- Both Sam and his cousin Steve are trying really hard and managing the occasional result in potties or toilets but being boys may take a little longer to get there....but like to share their results with Nanny Annie and it makes me laugh just how excited you get at times like this :-)
- My little boy[....yes I know he's now 26 but he will always be my little boy!] and his fiancee have had an offer accepted on their first home's such an exciting time for them both and we are so very proud of them :-)
- Boxes are still being filled at this end and we are now well on track for the move :-)
- Car load 21 had been taken to the local tip...we are being really ruthless and throwing away an awful lot of stored stash....have a feeling we may well be looking for some of it in the future but once it's gone it's gone! :-)
My photo I planned to share today was one of a very special couple in my life. It would have been our Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary today and as you can imagine while I have been packing up the family home there has been many thoughts of them. I just know they would have approved of all we are doing and can here them saying..."Go for it girl's just bricks and motar!"
They were wonderful parents and we were truly blessed to have had them in our lives...even though they were both taken from us far too soon. The legacy they left is shown here on a regular basis. We were taught excellent parenting skills and the true values of what is important in life. These skills have been used by us all our lives and it is truly wonderful to see these life skills being used by our 'children' when bringing up our wonderful grandchildren.....Thanks Mum and Dad for all you did for us.
Alas I am unable to find the box that the photos have been tucked in so an unable to share one with you but you will have seen the evidence of all they left behind in the photos I've shared over the last year. :-)
Thanks so much to you all for calling by this week.....please snap your happy moments and share them with us by linking them below.
Annie x
Friday's smile,
share a little happiness
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Sewing by Annie is still in total chaos....I'm working out of boxes and of course can never find the box I'm looking for! Still no moving date but our survey is being done on our new bungalow today so I'm keeping everything crossed. We have now taken 21 car loads of stuff to the local tip and, as our kids say, that surely means there really wont be such a lot to move when the big day eventually comes lol.
Please help yourself to a mask...
I am full up with a miserable head cold at the mo with a dry sore throat and earache which isn't helping but as always I'm keeping busy with my sewing jobs and still finding time for fun too :-)
This is the latest addition to our pixie/fairy world. I saw an idea on Pinterest and decided I could design my own without a pattern and adapt it to suit us. I have crocheted the tree house and stuffed the top half and then fixed a savoury cheese biscuit carton in the lower half. I may make a little swing to fit on the broken tree branch for added fun :-)
Of course I also need something to keep me awake in the evenings so have decided to knit another of my favourite baby blankets...we do have rather a lot of babies expected in the next couple of months so I'm sure it will be put to good use. :-)
It's just a quick update from me for this week as I'm feeling pretty fed up with this head cold and don't want to pass it on to any of my blogging friends.....hope you made use of a free face mask for your visit today. Thanks for dropping by...I will do my best to call in to visit but promise not to sneeze over you. :-)
Annie x
Head cold,
knitted baby blanket,
pixie tree house,
Friday, 10 January 2014
This week's smiles.....week 51
The weeks go by and although they are all pretty hectic and full of all sorts of emotions there is always lots that make us smile. They say patience is a virtue and I have to say selling a house certainly teaches you that but 'so far so good' as they say and I'm sure we are getting closer to a moving date...we just don't know one yet!
Last Friday there was so many wonderful bloggers that shared their happy posts and for that I thank you all. I am featuring Gill's photo of her hubby [hope he doesn't mind :-) ]. I am married to a man who has a similar sense of humour and this pic of Gill's hubby impersonating a walrus really made me chuckle so thanks for sharing it Gill.
The pics I am sharing today are a couple of my daughter Amy's three children...
I know I'm biased but aren't they just beautiful children? Phoebe has grown up so much since she started school last September and is such a lovely girl. Lulu has just started one day a week at preschool and I'm sure her teacher can see a big difference between her and her sister Phoebe. Lulu is so much like her mummy. :-) She is a real chatterbox and is always on the her to bits. Steve is such a big gentle giant....he's 3 weeks younger than the twins but a much bigger boy and is full of love and affection.
I guess you can see why they make me smile but just in case you can't here's another pic that's sure to make you smile...
Sisterly love :-)
I hope you've enjoyed your visit today and will link up your own happy pics below so we can all share them.
Annie x
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
WOYWW...long time no see :-)
Happy Wednesday to you all....and for those that I have't already wished a Happy New Year to I really do hope 2014 is a great one for you all. I'm sure one or two of you will have missed my Wednesday ramblings and for that I'm sorry but, just sometimes, life gets in the way and something has to give. Our Christmas break was filled to capacity with the festivities and dismantling and boxing up of our home in readiness for the move. Alas we don't have a moving date as yet but Christmas and New Year has sort of got in the way a little. Needless to say things are starting to get done now so hopefully we should know more some time soon....will keep you posted. :-)
So, what have I been up to in my spare time?....yes I have had a little and have had a distraction project to give me something else to think about during the night when, with all the excitement anxiety apprehension exhaustion, 'busy head' thinking has kept me awake.....and that is what I'm sharing with you today.
It is an on going project but here's how it's going so far....
You take an old dolls house, strip it bare, paint it through, carpet it with furnishing fabric and with a little imagination... end up with the beginnings of a fantasy/fairy/pixie house
These were drawer knobs in their former pixie toadstools
You buy some wooden dolly pegs.... add a little skin coloured paint to the faces and then you let your imagination run wild using Pinterest for inspiration.
Many happy minutes have been spent having fun creating some characters to play with in the house.
I hope you have enjoyed my quick catch up today. I will do my best to call on as many as I can to see what you've all been up to in between the joys of packing and organising all that goes with the house move.
Annie x
Doll's house,
Friday, 3 January 2014
This week's smiles....week 50 and Happy New Year to you all.....
Well folks it's been a busy couple of weeks here for us. We have spent our spare time emptying cupboards and filling boxes. The conservatory has been emptied so that we can fill it with the dismantled cupboards and boxes. Our life is collapsing around us lol. Of course something had to give and blogging has suffered so I would like to say that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I really hope 2014 brings you all you wish for yourselves. I must say a huge thank you for your wonderful comments, love and support you have given me over the last year and here's hoping we all have lots to smile about in the future.
I missed last week's smiley post [sorry] but would like to thank all who posted the week before....aren't we all so very lucky to have so much in our lives to smile about?....I know I am :-) We have had many special family gatherings over the festive time and been surrounded by such wonderful people.....special memories were made.
I rarely share pics of myself but at 2 1/2 stone lighter I feel much happier in front of a camera so thought I'd share a pic that really has made me smile.
Michelle took the photo and has played with it before she sent me a copy as you can see. When you've been married nearly 32 years isn't it special that your children can still see love between you? We are working hard as a couple to pack up the family home of over 65 years and really looking forward to our new adventure of setting up our new home in our bungalow....and doesn't this picture say it all? :-)
It would be really special if you would take your own photos of what has made you smile lately and link them up here some point in the next week to share your happiness with our friends. Thank you all.
Annie xxxx
Friday's smile,
share a little happiness
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