Friday 16 August 2024

This week's smiles....week 387

 Here we are at another Friday when we look for the things in the previous week that have made us smile and, as always, I've managed to find some to share with you.

Shell, Brent and the twins are on holiday out in Cyprus and are having a wonderful time....just look how grown up Sam and Lexi look now.  It only seems 5 minutes since they were tiny babies.

They have a house sitter while they are away to look after their dogs but we had to settle them down on Saturday night and while I was there I put the new Merlin app I have on my phone to listen out for the birds in their garden.

As you can see it said there was a Tawny Owl around.....what it didn't say was it was actually the squeak of the dogs ball.  I couldn't stop giggling.

I love my birds and now want to introduce you to Hoppy the Robin.  As you can see it looks like he's been in the wars and can only use his one leg.  He's so friendly and every morning he comes and asks for his breakfast.  He will nearly feed from my hand....he really makes me smile.

Of course I also have to share a few funnies with you [I hope none offend].

I hope you have all had a good week and you will leave me a little message before linking to your smiles below.

Annie x


Lisca said...

Oh poor Hoppy the Robin! But he seems happy enough. You made me smile with the squeaky dog toy AKA tawny owl.
Gosh the twins really do look grown up. Looks like they are having a great holiday.
I had a really good giggle looking at your funnies, (Especially the last two.) sitting at the kitchen table at 7 in the morning.
Have a lovely weekend.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love robins they are so sweet and friendly. We have a regular visitor too that we call Rocky. Your one does look a bit battered. Pleased you're all having a good week and hope the weekend is just as good. Hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Yes. One day I had a 5-day old baby in my lap and in 5 days she´ll turn 14!
She looks and talks like an adult (most of the time).
Thank you. I giggled about the Owl, too. I work with AI every day and sometimes.... oh, boy!
Once it went to the doctor and gave me "diaphramas" and "female parts" for a train. At least it stayed in it´s logic...
Hoppy is cute!

LOL, I DID read that wrong and made sure in the end. Brilliant!
And the handbag. I feel ashamed, but my Mom really had one...
The postie :-)
Have a wonderful Friday full of Smiles, dear host x

mamapez5 said...

I lived in Cyprus for three years and loved it, though of course it is very hot at this time of year, but I am glad Shel and family are having a good holiday there.
I love yourhoppity robin. I'm not surprised he comes for breakfast every day if you spoil him with meal worms. Kate x

LA Paylor said...

I have a few wild birds that I love, one of them sleeps over on our rock wall front porch.
kids.... there's a moment when they turn from kid like to more teen/adult and it's stunning

Cloudia said...

Robin is inspiring. Thanks dear. Aloha