Wednesday 19 July 2023


 Hello all.  It's been a different sort of week here for bears at all so far.  Over the weekend I rather sadly caught a sickness bug from somewhere and was laid up all day Sunday so had to take the day off from customers on Monday so as no not spread the bugs....but by Monday I was feeling rather better, if but a little wobbly on my legs, so I spent the day chilling and sewing for pleasure in my sewing room and that's what I've got to show you today....and a little puzzle for fun.

I used some of the gorgeous fabric I was given to, use for charity to ,make this lovely quilt.  I really enjoyed making it and I will be printing a 10 x 10 square to sell squares at £2 each [to make £200] for The Harry Johnson Fund.

The other thing I'm sharing with you is this tool.  It's something my Dad made for me [I'm sure Jo has one too].  It's something I haven't used for a long time but I had such fun using it on the next thing I wanted to make.

What do you think it is and what do I use it for?

I will show and tell next week but please lets have a bit of  fun....have a guess in your prize !!

Please don't give away the answer Jo.

That's all from me for this week.  Have fun folks and please avoid the bugs if you can.


Annie x


Helen said...

Morning Annie. Glad you recovered quickly from the bug. I am no good at guessing games, especially this early in the morning... It looks like something you'd wind wool round.
Happy WOYWW Helen #3

Twiglet said...

I see you have the deluxe version. Mine was the basic one but very much loved because dad made it. I have used it a few times over the years but not in the way you do!!! x x Jo

Catriona said...

Thanks for posting the mystery object-you have now kept Norrie’s brain engaged for the rest of today😂 Lovely quilt and what a great idea to have a £2 squares guess. Catriona

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better today.

That is a charming quilt. I think the squares are a lovely idea.

When I first saw the tool, I thought of men's long sleeves. I have to go with that idea because I have no idea what it really is. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

Christine said...

I too thought it was for turning sleeves the right way round . . .
Love your quilt, what a super way to spend the day.
Hope your are back to 100 percent soon
Christine #18

Julia Dunnit said...

It's a Turney roundy wire thing isn't it?!!! I have no clue, but I bet it's incredibly good at it and useful beyond compare.
These bugs seem to come from nowhere, hope you're fully recovered by now. I think the quilt is gorgeous and I'm impressed by the idea of selling the squares, but the printing bit? I don't get it..does that make it like a raffle? I've read and re read and am clearly being stupid!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m so sorry to hear you got the tummy bug, so unpleasant - I’m glad to hear you’re recovering now. The quilt is fab and I hope your square idea raises lots of cash for the Trust. Is the wood/wire thing for turning skeins of yarn into balls? I have no idea and look forward to hearing the reveal!!
Hugs LLJ 13 xx
PS Thanks so much for the fabric, I’ve made good inroads into it already.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That sounds like a nasty bug but pleased to hear you're feeling better. I bet when everyone's had their holidays the bears will be back again. Nice quilt, it's good to do something for you for a change. Look forward to hearing what you do with the tool you have on your desk today. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Angela x8x

Crafting With Jack said...

Sorry to hear you have been poorly, glad you are feeling better. I have no idea what you tool is. I racked my brains to no avail. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Neet said...

Not a clue what the tool is - it reminds me of that game that buzzes when you touch the wire but then that it no tool and has a lot more bends.
Love the quilt, what a lovely gift for someone.
Hugs, Neet 16 xx

Anne said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly. I'm not sure what the wire thingy is for - for turning something quite narrow right side out. I think I have something similar but I don't know what it's for 🙄 Anne x 18

My name is Cindy said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly but at least you found some time to play. I have no idea what that is but I'm guessing it's for turning? Or a really bad needle threader. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15