Friday 30 January 2015

This week's smiles....week 104

Hello all.  How lovely was it to see three newbies joining in last week so I would like to welcome...
Please follow their links and make them feel welcome and lets hope they all join in again soon.

This week hasn't been one of the best as you will see from my post below but I always have lots to smile about too and that's what my Friday post is all about so today I am sharing....

 Yes, Poppy the puppy has been making us smile again this week.  She likes to climb through the garden gate into the field to explore but as yet hasn't worked out how to get back through and needs rescuing as you can see.....the thing that makes me smile most is that Amy has stopped to take a picture before freeing Poppy  :-) I hasten to add that no animals were hurt during the filming :-)

So there you go.  That's my smile for this week.  What's yours?  Please find something that has made you smile this week and link it up below.  I will be over to yours to check it out asap.
Annie x


Helen said...

lol, the things we do to get pics for our blogs!! it did make me smile!

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie, happy Friday smiles and hugs. That's the cutest puppy you have there and a lovely photo. Cheers Robyn

KC'sCourt! said...

Made me smile!
Julie xxxxxx

Julia Dunnit said...

smiling here...there's a lower rail, an easier way, but no - this puppy has ambition!

tilly said...

we all have to learn lol, but how cute does she look!

Laura said...

Oh that is the cutest!! x

Laura said...

p.s. can you see my link? I can't! Hopefully it's just me being dim... sigh!

fairy thoughts said...

Keep using annie he's gorgeous

Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, Poppy is one ambitious little puppy. This photo did make me chuckle :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

PS: so sorry to read of your sad loss. I hope Wispa's brother is not too distressed by her absence ... there's no way of explaining it to him. xx

Twiglet said...

So cute - I bet they are having lots of fun with her. x

Creative Cardiology said...

*Sigh*, late again.
Love the pic of Poppy. Made me smile to see her not taking the easy way out!

mamapez5 said...

Poppy is such a cutie. Puppies are so funny when they are exploring their world! Sorry I am late this week, but I got there in the end. Kate x

Hettie said...

Aw bless Annie. It won't be long before she cannot get through the rail at all!

Lilly's Mom said...

Hello, thank you so much for welcoming me. Poppy is adorable! What a cute picture of her going through the garden gate. Happy Monday to you :)

mckinkle said...

It was SO special to see that you had visited my blog! That, has made my 'smiles of the week'!
I adore your new Poppy and just know that she will bring such fun, love and happiness into the family!
I am so sorry to read of Wispa, I cant imagine how you must feel and have to say that they are all our family just in fur coats. She is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge though :)
Have a super week, Keryn x

Create With Joy said...

Hoping Tsunami & the Leopards at Big Cat Rescue send lots of smiles your way! :-)

Your new puppy is gorgeous! I hope Poppy brings you much joy!

Ramona :-)

Lee said...
