My show and tell today is full of indecision today. Some of you may already know that I'm a Libran ....I'm not the best to ask if you're looking for an opinion on something :-)
I started yesterday with my table like this...
Determined to sort out my ribbon stash into my new Ikea storage jars I tipped out the contents of my 4 old plastic [and now very tired] sweet jars onto the table in my make do sewing room. I started to sort it all out into colours but OMG the indecision was overwhelming.....
- They say blue and green should never be seen....does this apply to ribbon jars?
- Can in fact should creams go in the same jar as the white?
- Should peach go in with the pinks?
- Oh and which jar do all the multicoloured ribbons go?
Here I am part way through the sorting process......
- Reds in one jar
- Pinks in another
- White and creams in another and
- Blues, turquoises and greens in another [ cos I couldn't decide if some of the turquoises should go in the green or blue jar!!]
What has gone wrong?
I started out with 4 old jars and have them all sorted now but I've ended up with 9!!! So I now need a visit to Ikea to buy 5 more glass jars for my ribbons and......
This is another old plastic jar jammed full of lace trimmings.....will I need 2 or 3 glass jars to sort these into?
Life is just tooooooo stressful at times isn't it? :-) :-)
But can you imagine just how much fun I've had sorting and stroking all that lot?......I've had some of it for years and still can't bring myself to use some of it :-)
Thanks so much for dropping by today. I can well imagine I've made some of you chuckle today so please leave me a little message to let me know if you struggle with these important decisions like me and I will do my best to pay you a return visit as soon as I can.
Annie x
Oh it does feel good after a sorting session doesn't it? I always find comfort in sorting if I am ever a bit out-of-sorts. I always buy more storage than I need...never regretted it yet.
Judy #7
Now that all looks much better Annie, all tidied up & looking good in jars. Happy woyww Jill #10
Well, I am a Piscean and I always say this birth sign means the people swim both ways and get nowhere. So you see Annie, I would be in the same dilemma as you are - in fact I am when I am at home and faced with ribbon.
Hope you get your lace sorted - soonish.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx
I have never tried to sort my ribbon, but mine comes on spools, not by the yard (or metre) as it seems they sell it in the UK. But, when I am sorting, and because I'm color driven, I do mostly as you. I also have a hard time with blue/green/turquoise, so I would probably sort like you did.
As for the lace, I don't get that much, and when I do, it's always white, so I can dye it whatever color I need it to be. You've done all the hard work, now you can sit back (for the most part) and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Cherries and strawberries are the same color, of course (grin).
Sorry life got in the way of visiting, but I hope to be back soon. Happy belated New Year and happy WOYWW from #2.
oh Annie... you should see mine lol I have 2 big boxes and an overspill...last count I had over five hundred ribbons and 3 BIG bags of lace..... do I use any ???No in case I have none left.... a hopeless case!!
Well, you may have ended up with more jars, but I bet it'll be a whole lot easier to find the colours you want. Challenge yourself to use at least a small piece of Stash History in a project. In fact, you could start a craft archaeological dig in that lot, there must be stratigraphical layers in that lot (I did an Archaeology degree!!)
Good Luck Carruthers :-)
Hugs, LLJ 18 xx
I think that must have been lots of fun exploring all those ribbons, but a bit overwhelming too. Well done.
Many blessings to you from Angela #40
Aah, it's a familiar quandary! The only consistent thing I do is have my multicoloured separately. Otherwise it's by quantity - I often have fewer yellows and oranges so they'll go in together.
Happy Wednesday
Hiya Annie ... thanks for popping by my blog last week & sorry it has taken me so long to reply! GOSH! I think your ribbon storage is wonderful ... mine resembles the heap on your table although each colour is bagged but then just thrown into a large plastic box and I can still never find what I want! Great start to the year getting your ribbons so organised! Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW'ing! Love Debbie x
Oh! This seems a familiar tale! Love the way you have them in jars - so pretty! I stuffed a load of leftover lace, ribbons and threads in a plastic bag yesterday - I will sort them….one day! Chrisx43
I am a Scorpio and have similar issues...Hope you got space for lots more jars...
Your post made me LOL. I am the world's messiest crafter, but I am anal about everything being Happy sorting and happy WOYWW!
Tertia #22
Oh we can create ourselves messes, even in organizing ! I'm a Sagi..just had that birthday and sometimes I think being too innovative is a hazard. I've a jar for every color...takes up tooooooooo much room, but the jars are filled. I have rolls of ribbon in 3 drawers. In my lifetime I will never use 1/3 of it. I rolled all my laces and have them out in wooden pop crates. I use them the most. Thanks for stopping by. Always envious (but happy) of you getting to be with those grands...but mine are coming back to the States early. Will be in Kentucky in February. Oh some traveling time . Best Wishes for the new year.
I get it! Intersting though, I don't think of myself as indecisive and really just want to get the job done (once actually started) and move on, but these are decisions that may affect your working dynamic and that is very important!!! Oh yeah, and they'll look GREAT!
Haha, I could see where this was going as I read it! More jars! I have all my ribbons in two boxes and when I need a piece of ribbon, I just tip the box and choose. But jars looks nicer than a cardboard box so you're definitely doing the right thing.
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my page,
Have a good week,
There's a lot of sorting and reorganising going on around WOYWW today, Annie so you are in good company. I did laugh at your colour indecision. I am as bad so you are not alone. It's looking good, even if you do need more jars!!
Thanks for stopping by already.
hugs Lisax #26
Hi Annie,
Haaa. I knew what was coming! I've tried to sort ribbons out before and it didn't work quite well. Same thing with my washi tapes.
Thanks for visiting me already. I will definitely put your name in the hat!
Hugs, Kay (61)
Like all the others, I am in awe of your ribbons - I just have mine jumbled in a box, and would love to have the space to change that! Hope you are able to find and use some of those gorgeous ribbons now they're all sorted. Helen 9
A task that we all have to do at some time. I feel very guilty.
Monica #64
Those will look so pretty all lined up in their jars by color.
I did all mine, PLUS the ones I inherited from my mil and my grandmother a few years back. It was a multi-day project, but it's nice to have it all done now.
Happy Woyww and Happy New Year,
Sandy #30
Hi Annie ... my first reaction was a sharp intake of breath...OMG..... so much lovliness in a few little jars ... you know I would have helped you sort it ... if only you lived nearer...... enjoy your indecision
janet (I'm a Libran too)@16
Love the jars Annie and I am just the same though not a Libran :-) I bought the little jars for buttons - I have a lot of little jars!!! Thanks for visiting. Anne x #23
Just think how pretty all those jars are going to look on your shelves. Wow!!
I know what you mean about the dilemma of mixing colours.
I also know what you mean about having some for ages and just stroking them. I have some hand dyed fabric I bought in Barcelona that I wont cut - 2002. I just get it out, stroke it, wrap myself up in it and then put it back. I might have to share it one day. I did buy a small pack to cut though which I made a quilt with!!
I would venture to say that most crafters have a bit of hoarding tendencies in them, lol!! Too pretty to use...I've said that a million times myself! Oh well, enjoy your organizing and stroking! :D
Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #33
Don't even get me started on ribbon storage! Looks like you got a handle on it! I did some last year but still have a drawer filled with ribbon to do something with!
Glenda #36
Oh dear, you seem to have the same problems I do, sorted stuff take more space that unsorted. I put my ribbons in ziplock backs, in a drawer, but your jars do look good if you have somewhere to display them.
Happy New Year
I don't think I will ask you to come and help me rationalise my stash ready for moving then Annie - we may be lost in the cupboards for a VERY long time!!!
I have short lengths of ribbon in containers, cream, white, pink, blue, green, red you name it, it has a container then I have my spools of ribbon. All I can say is have a separate container for each colour you wont regret it in the end. Have fun sorting and don't try and cut yourself short on storage.
Hugs Eliza & Yoda #76
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, yep I think we Librans are all a bit nuts Annie...but the ribbons sure do look pretty and now so much more usable, I have a similar set up, best out where you can see them. Job well done, now for the lace. Have fun and thanks for visiting my desk Cheers RobynO#31
I'm feeling I should look through a couple of drawers :) love your ribbons, and they will certainly look great and be easier to use after this (if you let yourself use it :)
Hullo there Annie,
A great creative space today, just love all that ribbony loveliness yum! I dont think I could cope with jars though! I have mine carded and in ziplock bags in colours.
It works for me and takes up one drawer.. messy drawer but all maintained order by their sealed bags!!
Thanks so much for popping over :D ~ happy belated WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #24
{Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}
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