Tuesday, 27 September 2011

It's been so long since I was here....

Where do I start?

Firstly I must say a huge thank you to one and all and of course the biggest thanks must go to Jo for keeping you updated while I was on the biggest roller coaster of my life.  What a week it has been....everything from total euphoria to terror and fear and no knowing what would be round the next corner at any minute.  I still feel a little shaky so please forgive me if I keep this short.

I just wanted to share a few collages of pictures I have taken to allow M to be in touch with her babies while she recovered.  Last night as most of you will know M was transferred back to a special quiet room in the Maternity hospital.  They are still monitoring her blood pressure closely as she is still on many oral medications to maintain her condition but it means she can have her wonderful fiance and two very special little people in the room with her.  They have put a bed for B in M's room so he can stay day and night and help M feed and change the babies and finally become the family that should have been a week ago.

And finally these are the latest set.  The two on the left are of M being back on Maternity and being able to have special times with her two babies so are really special ones for me.  Yes she still looks poorly but believe me when I say she looks soooooooo much better than she did.

Latest update is.....M has just rang me to say they are stopping the drug that they gave her for the fits today and moving her to the GP unit end of Maternity [where pretty normal things go on  :-) ].  She is being given a large side room with a bathroom by the nurses station so the midwives can keep a close eye on her but life can start to get more normal for them.  She will probably be in another week for her body to recover but who cares....it's just so good that we can now all look forward with a little more confidence to hope for better things to come. 

Once again....thank you all for the love, prayers and positive vibes that have got us all through this really awful time.


1. Twiglet said...

What a lovely lot of folks gathered round giving love and support to M, B and the the twins!! Fab photos - good to have you back.x Jo

2. mountainear said...

What wonderful news - and beautiful pictures. Thank you for taking the time to post them.

At times like this doesn't a boring mundane life seem very appealing?

3. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks so much for taking time to share with all of us, all this good news. Prayers..they do wonders and I will continue to pray that all remain well and can soon come home.
You need to take some time "JUST" for you too. These precious little ones are adorable. Lexi and Sam..love the names, Hugs to All

4. Mrs A. said...

So glad everything has settled down now with M. Pictures of twin are absolutley stunning. hugs Mrs A.

5. Di said...

Oh Annie - pass the tissues honey! Fabulous photos and I can't begin to say how pleased I am. Just going out to do a few backward somersaults round the garden to celebrate! Love and hugs, Di xxx

6. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie - these beautiful photographs have moved me to tears ... so pleased to see M with the babies too and here that she is still improving daily. I can see there has been no shortage of visitors to cuddle these two wee cuties. Unlike Di, I will not be doing a few backward somersaults round the garden ... where does she get her energy from ... but I'm equally happy for you all. Elizabeth x

7. VintageVicki said...

Thank goodness for that - so glad that they are going to start to be able to return to normal and start family life properly. You poor thing what a horrid rollercoaster ride you & your family have all been through.

8. Helen said...

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to share these photos - you must all have been out of yur mind with worry. Thankfully it sounds as if things are as you say, getting back to normal! Take care, all of you.

9. Kate said...

Wonderful news so glad its all coming together best wishes to m for a speedy recovery.
Kate xx

10. Kate said...

Wonderful to hear that the little family are all together with everything ahead of them. I agree, make sure you take some 'Annie' time too.

My great-nephews are doing well, although one is the wrong way up, so a c-section has been scheduled for 38 weeks (in 2 weeks time).

** Kate **

11. KC'sCourt! said...

What wonderful news and glad everything is OK.
Hope the family will be home soon
Julie xxxxxx

12. SueH said...

Well you certainly won’t forget little Lexi and Sam’s arrival in a hurry will you!
I’m so pleased that M is on the mend now and things are looking up for the new family at last.

Now then Annie, make sure you take some time out for yourself because they are going to need you even more once they all come home.

Lots of Love

13. WinnibriggsHouse said...

What wonderful news that finally M is making progress. Her little bundles are gorgeous and I can see they wont want for cuddles. Sending hugs and good wishes to you all. x

14. Angie said...

What a week you have had ...so pleased that things are getting back to normal but that they are keeping a close eye on M's condition.
Those are wonderful collages.

Now when everything is back to normal and the new family are back home and settled ....you NEED a weekend away. xx

15. Sue Pinner said...

Hi Annie..what wonderful collages you made...and nothing could make me happier that M is well on the way to recovery and back with the twins and Fiancé all together
So happy you all came through it ok
L'll cya soon l hope when you can cope with a little visit form me
HUGE HUGS to all xxxxxxxxxxx

16. Sandra H said...

Hello Anne, Thank you for taking the time out to share these beautiful photos you must all have been out of your mind with worry and it was nice that you gave updates to Di for her to pass on to us all it was great to hear and hopefully it looks as if things are getting better and it won't be too long now before your back to normal! Please Take care and don't over do things a little at a time :) Sandra H

17. Calico Kate said...

Such such SUCH good news Annie. and really lovely pictures.
My love to you all.

18. Linby said...

I'm so pleased your daughter is getting better. Fab pictures - ahh so sweet.

19. JoZart Designs said...

Just come home after a day out in the lovely sunshine and, as always, I looked for news and so glad to see things are going well for you all. The photos are adorable of the twins.... and the family too. Look at you standing there holding the two like you've done it before!!! LOL!,
You'll now be able to think about being happy and enjoying the joy they bring.
Lots of love and thanks for posting.
JoZarty x

20. Angela Toucan said...

continuing to pray for you all and for full recovery for M

Blessings to you from Angela

21. theothermousie said...

You must all be so relieved. Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful family with us. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers xxx

22. French Nanny said...

Well thank goodness. You had me worried there for a time....

Lovely babies and I'm so glad M is doing OK now. All my love to you all.

23. Hazel (Didos) said...

Ah thinking of you all at this time, WOW those wee ones are sooo cute. My situation was similar when I had Tom so know how you are all feeling (although I didnt fit I was on a Labetalol infusion for a while). Also a huge pph didnt help!!!
Tom is now 7 and I cant believe how ill we were when he arrived and now how healthy we are. Took my body a long time to recover so tell M to rest rest rest (and accept all the help she is given from doting Grannies and Grandads!!!!)
Sending huge hugs to you all,

24. Sarn said...

So very pleased to hear your good news Annie. I've been keeping up to date via Di's blog.

Wishing you and yours all the very best.

Hugs, Sandra x

25. donnalouiserodgers said...

we know that most people do well despite us, and also that life is surprisingly stubborn and resilient, and then again - there is a fragility to life that can take our breath away when our nearest and dearest become threatened,

you have indeed survived, as a family, and my my my you all look good together (as it should be)

Be kind to yourself and know that soon you too will need to recover...being the rock is a good thing but rocks need sustaining too...

Big hugs and thank you for letting us know that you are all doing well.


26. The Crafty Elf said...

Oh what beautiful babies! So glad to hear there is more family time happening and hopefully soon, very soon, evreyone will be together at home! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures.... they are wonderful!

27. Carol said...

Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing. I am so pleased for you all that things are continuing to improve.
Carol xx

28. Sew Scrumptious said...

Beautiful photos and I am so pleased that everything seems to be getting better now. What a horrible stressful time for you all. Can you let me have your address please. Have a little present for the babies that I want to send you! Louise x

29. Bernie said...

What wonderful news so happy everything is taking a turn for the better. Hope the family will be home soon. Hope you will take a little time for yourself.
Blessings to the entire family.

30. fairyrocks said...

WOW what a time you have all been having. Those babies are so precious. Great work Mom, now its time to get healthy. I will be sending my best grandma hugs and hopes to all of you. Kudoos to dad too.