Thursday, 22 September 2011

Needing lots of positives and prayers please...

M's pre-eclampsia didn't settle down with the birth of her beautiful babies and she is now in ICU following a massive fit.  On my way back to the hospital now so please keep an eye on Jo's blog for news.  Please keep her in your thoughts.
Love and hugs,
Annie x


1. Kezzy said...

Oh Annie my prayers are with you all. Kezzy x

2. theothermousie said...

Oh my goodness, how awful, we'll be keeping M and you all in our prayers and thoughts. Love to you all xxxx

3. KC'sCourt! said...

Have everything crossed
Julie xxxx

4. Crafting Queen said...

Will keep them in my prayers.

5. Helen said...

all the best, will be thinking of you all.

6. JoZart Designs said...

Storming heaven for you all.
All my love and prayers...
jo x

7. Angela Toucan said...


8. SueH said...

Oh no Annie, that’s terrible news.

I’m sending all my positive thoughts and prayers your way and keeping everything crossed that it was just a one off and she’ll start to make a full recovery.


9. Sandies' Patch said...

Thinking of you all and prayers being said.

Sandie xx

10. Rose said...

Thinking of you all xx

11. Di said...

Oh Annie, thinking of you all and praying like mad. Love and hugs, Di xx

12. Kate said...

Oh how awful after such a happy post. Im thinking of you all and hope m gets better soon so she can enjoy her babies.
Kate xx

13. Kate said...

Your all in my thoughts, crossing everything XX

** Kate **

14. Sandra H said...

Hello Anne, truly in our thoughts and praying all the time Sandra H xx

15. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Wipso Twiglet's blog let me know the situation and praying for M and a resolution of her health issues ASAP.
Praying for wisdom for all who care for her - a worrying times, God bless you all and may you be strengthened in it all, love Shaz in oz.x

16. Elizabeth said...

Hello Annie, so sorry to hear of what has happened to M - I do hope she get through it and makes a good recovery. I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy and came through it in the end, though my BP is still monitored to this day - 42 years on. So, here's to M recovering well so she can get home and enjoy those darling babies as soon as possible. Elizabeth xx

17. Sarah said...

Thinking of you all and lifting you upwards and onwards.

18. angelfish said...

Thinking of you all xx

19. mountainear said...

Devastating news. You're all my thoughts. Love Fx

20. 505whimsygirl said...

Thinking of you all.

21. The Crafty Elf said...

Thoughts and Prayers for sure!!

22. lisa said...

Love and prayers for you all.

23. Sarn said...

Keeping everything crossed this all turns out well and that M makes a speedy recovery.

Hugs, Sandra x

24. okienurse said...

Sorry to hear that M's in ICU and having problems right now. Glad to hear the twins are doing well tho! Will keep you and your family in my thoughts today! Vickie

25. Sue Pinner said...

SO SO SORRY to heat M is poorly
only just seen this post
Lots of love sent M's way
Thinking of you all hugs xx

26. walking the yarn said...

Sending you lots of love and positive prayers.

27. Anj said...

oh my goodness - so sorry to hear M is so poorly - I've been away from blogland this past week so only just found out - positive vibes with love and prayers coming your way from my little corner of the world x x x x x

28. Calico Kate said...

Oh my goodness. You must have felt as though you were on a roller coaster.
I know things are OK now, but sending retrospective thoughts for what you have been through.