Wednesday 18 September 2024


 Here we are at another Wednesday link up with Sarah over at Sarah's Craft Shed where we all share a picture of what's on our desk this week and share a little of what has been going on in our worlds this week....I love seeing what everyone is busy with.

I have had another fairly busy week with customers [a nice steady flow] and have done some tricky sewing altering a Grandmother's dress and jacket for her Granddaughter's wedding....I love a challenge but the dress certainly didn't make life easy for me....but I was well chuffed with the results :-)

I was also asked if I could provide something to help raise funds for our local children's hospice.  It was a request from a young 16 year old who  has already raised over £36,000 in memory of her friend who died aged just 7 years so of course I was more than happy to help.  I have a strip quilt she can have and decided I would also make a rag doll for her to use as a name the doll [they are always lovely to help raise funds].

Here she is having had her hair sewn on....I love making the curly hair because I use a tool my dad made for me and it always brings back very happy memories.

Here she is in her new dress with matching pants, her new felt shoes and with the face sewn on.....I wonder what her name will be?

I have 100 names printed out on a sheet of paper so that names can be written on for £1/£2 a go so its an easy way to make money. :-)

That's all from me for this week so please leave me a little message if you've called in and I will do my best to pay you a return visit ASAP.


Annie x


Helen said...

I hope the doll makes a lot of money for thecharity. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

What a lovely rag doll Annie - the hair is wonderful. Hope it raises loads of money. She looks like a Delilah to me if the name is on the list. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The charity will be pleased to have both those Annie, the young lady has done brilliantly raising that amount. Well done on the tricky sewing job too, I admire your skill and patience!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That is a lovely doll and I'm sure everyone will love her. Take care and have a lovely woyww, Angela x6x said...

Another busy week for you I see and your little rag doll is so lovely .
I hope your event makes lots of money and look forward to finding out what she was named and where she went. - happy WOYWW - Michelle #15 x

Crafting With Jack said...

I hope the doll does well in raising funds, that curly hair is just adorable. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Lynnecrafts said...

Another busy week Annie. I love your little doll, she looks like an Elsie to me! I hope lots of people have a guess and she raises lots of money.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, firstly, I can't believe how old Theo is now and that the twins are very nearly teenagers! When time seems to drag, I will remind myself of how quickly your grandchildren and my great-grandchildren are growing up. Secondly, the doll is gorgeous. Love her outfit and her curly hair is a triumph - well done your dad for making such a useful tool. The naming competition is such a good idea too. I look forward to hearing the outcome. Hope you get easier sewing jobs than the grandmother of the bride's outfit this coming week. Hugs, Ellie x #18

Diana Taylor said...

My first comment got interrupted by a friend at the door so it doesn't look like I sent it - apologies if you get two comments! I love the doll, she's so sweet and I'm sure she'll raise loads of money. What a great fund raising achievement already. Hope you have a good week
Diana xx #13